/r/rape now allows rapists to post about how their experience has stressed them out and seek comfort

101  2017-06-03 by IAintThatGuy


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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This is the subreddit that bans people for posting in KiA etc.

So now being a gamergoober is literally worse than being a rapist.

at least rapists usually get outside for a bit

Until they're convicted and have to stay inside for a few decades.

i'd rather be sentenced to twenty years hard time than two weeks of caring about gamergate

Even considering what happens to racists in prison?

I hear there's a good social scene for racists in prison... hang out with people who share your interests (and your ethnicity), weightlifting, arts and crafts and gay shower sex.

Sounds fun.

The amount of bussy... Sounds like paradise formr/drama

Worst case scenario the only bussy is yours, the rest is penises.

Meant rapists. It's hard to remember which is which when you're both and barely speak English.

I hear there are a lot of opportunities for rape-enthusiasts in correctional facilities also.

I hear that if you rape children on top of that they even throw you a special surprise party.

I love surprise parties!

Okay, so, I know from being subbed here that there's a lot of drama around it, but I never actually paid any attention to it at the time that it was happening... What's gamergate?

Some broad made a video game or something and people have been pissed off about it for years.

That's when Hitler came back to life to harass females online.

A controversy that game companies canvassed to allow them to shift negative press about their games into a social justice issue to avoid the negative repercussions of their poor development practices.

It cuts both ways, they can use it to force out developement studios who create superior products. They can also use it to silence gamers who give honest opinions.

Since every group of people follows the retard majority law, the gamers tried to turn their opposition of the controversy's retard ideology into a new ideology (ethics) that was like was retarded.

The gamergay can be summed up as such: * gamers are sexist * gaming journalism is unethical

Thanks for the summary. Guess I'm a sexist now.

hard lol @ the idea that rapists actually go to prison

You mean they don't? In that case see you later I've got stuff to do.

Well, I am not the world's biggest Sarah Silverman fan (AS FOR YOU BERNIE OR BUSTERS, YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS haha), however, during one of the many "rape joke" controversies, she did say something to the effect of: "I need to start incorporating more rape jokes into my routine. Who's gonna complain? Not rape victims; they don't even report rape!"

Which I thought was a winning joke.

She sounds cool. For a jew. Not saying we don't gas her, but at least let's burn the unfunny ones before her.

She is the reverse of a butterface. Whatever the word for that is. Also, why do comedians always have terrible bodies.

Because if she was actually hot, other women would find her unfunny.

I thought she was pretty stacked? I haven't seen any nudes tho.

Fuckin' kek

I may rape and kill females, but at least I don't play japanese video games.

You disgust me.

Saying "females" will get you banned, though.

But doesn't that imply that Gamergaters aren't rapists?

They're blowhards. For all those threats of rape, they can barely find their own dicks.

Man, hearing the "Is it in?" from your victim must be real emasculating.

Or planning a whole rape and then remembering that if you leave the basement too long your mom will worry and call the hospitals.

Considering how many anti-gamergates have been accused of rape and pedophilia..seems to be that way.

i mean its a good precaution taking advice from a subreddit is quite possibly the dumbest thing you can do and involve rape oh god you are fucked.

I dunno. /r/ThePhilosophyOfRape had pretty good rape advice (but it was less meant for victims).

Can I post there if I had sex with myself and then regretred it?

No, because calling you a rapist would be a victim blaming.

Are you now or have you ever been a supporter of GamerGate?


I still hear the screams ....

"My girlfriend is mentally scarred after her dad tried to molest her in her sleep so naturally I do it all the time"

I fuckin' know right? And she has a kink for it too?

Dude, run. Run far and run fast.

I think they're both girls

Girls have legs and can run.

dont be ableist pls


Yup. On reddit the rape related subs are very victim-centric. At least on voat they focus on the people doing all the work behind the rapes.

It's a woman guys, every feminist knows women can't rape.

pics or

cuz she says she is female right there

Well, time to clean my browser history

RIP Seth Putnam

He was gay fam

Suddenly realize dating a woman must be insufferable.


You're not a rapist, but you seriously need to bail on this relationship.

Rape victim + sex fiend + wants to get fucked in her sleep + has issues with freak outs... Dude, you're sticking your girl dick in crazy and it's gonna bite you hard.

It's two chicks. So it's less likely someone will cry rape (women basically can't be convicted for that).

You're not a rapist

Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying so. It was a desperate reach out last night and I didn't mince any details so waking up to this thread, god

You are a rapist.

GOOD point


You first fatty

"So I raped my GF but let me write three pages on how I think it proves her evil cis white male dad oppressed her.

you need to make sure someone's awake before you sit on their face.

That's some decent advice there.

Stop rapist blaming. /r/rape is a safe space for all participants.

Oh god. I just woke up to this...

A few points?

  • The sex in her sleep thing isn't a huge kink, just something she's mentioned she thinks is hot. I, also, would love waking up to sex. It's happened maybe twice in the past. It seems very obvious in hindsight, but this was not anticipated.
  • Her suspicions about her dad were "did I dream that one time?" before last night, and then in seeing how much she could sleep through, it was "god how often did that happen to me??"

I understand not having empathy for this situation, or for me. This was fucked up. I posted in /r/rape to try to get some perspective on how I can possibly be there for her during this time, given her background.

And I think the answer is that I can't. And she has no support system, truly. And she won't go to therapy.

So I just don't know what to do. I guess I'm grateful for the re-post for visibility so that if anyone can find some empathy and help me help her or set her up for help somehow. She's suicide risk so I need to not let her be alone.

Don't get me wrong it's better that you question yourself and your GF's past, you mean well (even though you had a fuckup).

But the "drama" is that /r/rape would never let a post like that stand too long (you probably had some of the mods hesitating because you're a woman and you're well spoken). It's not targetted at you.

Usually they don't even leave posts up about a victim's family member asking questions on how to deal with it, and so on... Their mods are very strict on everything. And also pre-emptively ban people from most subs they don't mod themselves.

There are better places on reddit, like /r/secondary_survivors, where your post would be welcome. Probably a lot of other subs about counseling, therapy, trauma...

/r/sex and /r/relationships will accept your posts but these are shitholes filled to the brim with retards who sound like they haven't spoken to an actual human being, ever.

You might also PM /u/ChildTherapist who is the only /r/rape mod with an IQ above room temperature and no apparent agenda, who probably will either help you or point you in the right direction.

Fuck that's my first post ever when I'm not personally targetting someone, I'm getting soft. Guess I should call you Brock Turner with tits or something to balance it out.

Secondary survivors, thank you. I didn't know where to post, relationships has a "no rape" rule but I was hoping for at least multiple perspectives you know.

I've been learning her triggers from her trauma and reading all about traumatic experiences and how it affects a person and trying to set her up to finally heal and be safe -

I .. I love her so much, fuck fuck fuck FUCK

Thank you for explaining this post, and for listening and I understand your conclusions/reactions, and thanks for pointing me in the right direction in terms of resources

The problem of seeking help online is that there are people :

  • who'll want to help but be horrible and unqualified at it (/r/relationships, /r/sex, /r/incels...)

  • who are somewhat qualified and willing but run a tight ship (any subreddit about a specific kind of illness or trauma is usually good but will have strict content policies)

  • who actually could have the wits help you but would rather use that knowledge to fuck with you and push you deeper down the hole (welcome to /r/drama)

Yea I hear you. (Again I seriously appreciate you continuing to listen to me, I have no one right now.) She's sworn me to never tell anyone, which is completely understandable, but fuck I just need to talk. I tried to be articulate in my post but it's so hard to empathize with the (unintentional? does it matter?) rapist's perspective so I really don't blame people.

I tried to be articulate in my post but it's so hard to empathize with the (unintentional? does it matter?) rapist's perspective so I really don't blame people.

I'm pretty sure there's a sub dedicated to exactly that. That's why it might be better to PM the mods of those kind of subs before posting. This way they tell you in advance if you're in the right place, and some of them might know the place where you should post (since they probably had to do it before for people in similar situations).

Thanks again, and take care. I really appreciate you finding space to hear me. I really do feel less alone.

/r/drama is where all the crazies congregate. We're all the poster children for what happens when you don't seek help when it's still time for it.

Hey, just wanna say it was really, unironically, cool of you to help her like that. Very decent thing to do

tfw /r/drama is far more helpful than dedicated advice subs are

I've lived to see the day where /r/rape would tell someone to fuck off, /r/drama would help them, and I would pass on an opportunity to kick someone while they're down. I think I should see a psychologist, something is wrong with me.

I would suggest finding some friends irl.

Thank you for your concern. My girlfriend doesn't want people in our lives to know about her incestual and rape experiences. It's very isolating to be going through something that's such a taboo. I've got an appointment with a therapist so I can talk things out, and I'm strongly encouraging her to do the same.

What did her OP say?

She did stuff to her GF while the GF was sleeping. Worked a couple of times but then the GF freaked. Apparently that girl has a (repressed) history of sexual abuse. Which also suggests that the first few times she "enjoyed" the sleep assault not of her own will (but more as arousal linked to her initial assaults in her childhood).

All fun and games until the mods of /r/rape decide that posting there is only for victims, and that the rapist's experience (who do ALL the work without which there wouldn't be a sub to begin with) should be erased.

Perhaps /r/billcosby should be retrofitted into the place for rapists to discuss their experiences.

Slight correction to the other summary comment here -

In the past, girlfriend has woken up to me wanting to have sex with her, and she loves THAT. Not being asleep during. This past evening I thought she had woken up, but she hadn't.

Honestly, I'm always pissed if someone interrupts my sleep. Fuck me before I go to bed or wait till I wake up.

That's why I always use sleep pills when I come over.

No one here actually thinks you're a rapist. They're just trying to get one over on feminists.

Your real problem here is that you're living in sin.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

We're all living in sin. Get off my lawn.

Some of us live in married heterosexual relationships and have sex for the express purpose of procreation, thank you very much you sodomite.

What a fag. Plowing Bussy is how true followers of YHWH do things

You gonna get brimstoned.

Good. I have Tammy's Head, it should make this run easier.

Well that just sounds disgusting.

I'm living a lie, but I won't be burning in hell after I die like the rest of you.

Just because you're doing it for the purposes of procreation doesn't mean your body pillow magically gets a uterus.

The Bible doesn't say dykes can't eat box.

I literally just quoted the verse. What more do I have to do to help lead you people away from sin?

Show me the law. It says men who lie with another man must be stoned to death but it doesn't say women can't eat pussy.

If I quote Leviticus I get told "but where does Jesus mention homosexuality." I quote Paul and you want the law. You queers are just never happy.

Quote Leviticus please. I'm not even a fagot, I just think fundies who drone on about faggotry are even more annoying.

How fucking stupid are you that you think you're having a real argument about theology on r/drama?

So you can't find me a quote.

You may find that this offers some help for you

Shouldn't you be observing the sabbath right now? You can be stoned to death for breaking it.

Look man, I empathize with both of your situations, but I've known some broken folks in my time and I've got my own baggage too, and it ain't on you to fix someone else.

The reason I'm telling you this is because you're in a situation that has all the signs of a shitstorm in the making. I don't know this chick, I don't know her damage, but I know trouble when I see it.

You'll note that elsewhere in this thread, someone mentioned that KiA posters get autobanned from r/rape. The subreddit they are referring to is r/kotakuinaction, a board dedicated to Gamergate. I find it ironic that r/rape bans those posters, because that whole thing got started by a guy that was dating a girl with a similar past to your girlfriend's... or so she said.

Know what happened to him? She fucked his brain for a year, before fucking 5 other guys, and then fucking his life up when he went public on it. I'm telling you this because that could be you. Broken girls are addictive, and so is the crazy sex. But you're gambling with a lot here, just know that.

Unless I'm really misunderstanding the gendering here, I think OP is a woman and they're carpet munchers.

I'm aware.

So you accidentally raped your girlfriend? Well let me tell you about ethics in gaming journalism and how I think some girl I never met is a crazy slut.

It's an interesting connection I made after realizing that bothe the sub bans KiA posters, and that her gf gives off a similar vibe to ZQ. She's gonna be sitting in Eron's seat before long.

What does this mean?

You just unknowingly poked the bear. And the bear is in a manic episode and off his meds.

Ahh all I go for is the crazy girls. I am also, shockingly, a crazy girl. I'm bipolar, medicated, stable. I almost exclusively am drawn to women who have had traumatic pasts similar to mine. This woman in particular has also spent the past ten years actively healing the damage from her childhood. She and I are both well along that journey, so both of us share an understanding of each other and also have a personal commitment to healing ourselves.

This shit totally shook me. I feel unhinged and totally lost.

In a perfect world the place you would go from here is prison. It's where you belong.

Isn't like a huge win for a lesbo?

Yet they autoban you for posting in subs like KIA last I heard...

Still do. Pretty sure /r/drama is on their list (or will be now).

Considering I've never posted in KiA and I'm banned as well their list of verboten subs is probably pretty long.

Anything the mods there don't mod themselves.

What is KIA?

Note to self: avoid raping rape victims.

"Hey honey let's try a trick I saw online in bed".

Maybe it should be xposted to /r/lifehacks or something,

Doesn't seem like rape¯_(ツ)_/¯

OP thinks she raped her girlfirend though.

What the fuck is that supposed to be




I'd vote for a rapist. I want a president who knows to get the better end of a deal, even against some resistance.

Yeah, to be fair, I voted for him also.

I mean a convicted rapist.

Tolerance to a fault. The left now defends rapists and pedophiles. But Lord forbid you insist they take the Harvard debate approach to arguing a point instead of REEEEEEEEE....

"And GamerGate is full of rapists" -a rapist

Holy shit do they not remember what happened the first time?

Bill "Stop Resisting Deer" Clinton has just set up a support group for the victim rapists. He is actually a psychotherapist. If you take the letters "the" out of psychotherapist.


No they don't.

Well I think me linking it in several places helped.