Julian Assange's tweet is mildly critical of Trump. People loose their mind.

38  2017-06-03 by iuhpiz98z


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resistance-CIA alliance

I'm just so glad Berners and the alt-right can come together over the retarded Deep State conspiracies. World peace could be at hand.

come together over the retarded Deep State conspiracies

Psh shill, don't you know career intelligence agents who care about doing their job more than whoevers president are obvy the enemy! Reeee.

Yes, it is fantastic when people of different viewpoints can put aside their differences and agree on something for the greater good. Like socks. Berners and the alt-right can come together or apart and get socks for 50% of at socksoff.com. The place on the internet where everyone can agree to get socks, on sale, now at socksoff. Socksoff.com where the world goes to get socks, 50% off. Socksoff.com.

Nah, let's remember the last time commies and nazis were allied.

Just tweet after tweet of fucking idiots. Americans have more in common with Arabs than they think.

I wouldn't say the wikileaks twitter represents America really.

The Wikileaks twitter feed is populated by some pretty retarded people, one might even say the most retarded people on the entire planet.

most retarded people on the entire planet

He already said Americans tho

but he didn't mention anyone east of moscow.

Got his ass

spirit cooking

Just looked this up, it's fucking brilliant. An e-mail saying 'Mary wants you to come to dinner' is held up as evidence that Hillary is a satanist despite being sent to someone else entirely. Just fucking amazing.

It's even worse:


“I’m outraged, because this is taken completely out of my context,” Abramovic told me by phone this afternoon. She was at Sean Kelly Gallery, her rep in New York. The dinner, she explained, was a reward for donors to a Kickstarter campaign she had run. Tony Podesta has collected her work since the 1990s, and he attended, but John couldn’t make it. In fact, she has never met John Podesta.

“It was just a normal dinner,” Abramovic said, adding that about 10 people attended. “It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.” (The Kickstarter page advertised “traditional soups.”)

Spirit Cooking, Abramovic explained, was a performance she staged at a number of museums around the world in the ‘90s, painting graffiti with pigs’ blood. She also made a limited-edition book, which contains various recipes. That book is in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, among other places.

And the Satanism charge? “Anybody who wants can read my memoirs and find out that [my work] is far away from Satanism,” she said. (The book was just released this week, she noted, and it’s doing well on Amazon.) “My work is really more about spirituality and not anything else,” she continued. “I’ve been doing my work for so long, and this is a misunderstanding.” She said of the right-wing attacks, “It’s absolutely outrageous and ridiculous.”

You take that back you mayo

loose their minds

I sound like Pepé Le Pew and even I know this is bad English. Git gud, bruh.

poor salty julian

Loose mind? I thought that was what drugs did?

This is nothing, the Wikileaks facebook page is a Trump circlejerk.

Wikileaks is a Trump circlejerk

you buried the lede lmao. his "criticism" is the exception that proves the rule

Trump is just playing 7 dimensional chess guys, come on he wouldn't do anything stupid right!?

loose minds sink presidencies