Interracial breeding drama in /r/blackpeoplegifs when someone suggests only fat white women date black men

25  2017-06-04 by Kraaltastic


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Do they not understand that white people are the majority in the US?

Do they not understand that white fat people are the majority in the US?

Do they not understand that white fat people are the majority in the US?

No, apparently the race war is gonna be won while being 13% of the population and actively alienating other minorities.

I don't give a fuck about this drama.

What I want to know is, is that jump in the beginning fucking real? Even with a trampoline, that looks like shit out of movies.

I don't get it. That looked like the same thing to me

That's still next-level shit, though.

White pussy shortage will trigger WW3.

Upboat if black people scary

I just watched Get Out last night

Not only fat women, but fat white chicks do tend to be the majority.