/u/donaldthelion joins the infant reeeee

72  2017-06-04 by lokichilde


Cool story, bro


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Goddamn, I refuse to believe our buddy here isn't sentient.

infant reeeee


God damn this is a great thread title.

How desperate are you for my bussy, how many times do I have to say no for you to take hint.

You seem obsessed with me and your bussy. Sticking my dick in crazy never ends well, unfortunately.

Not really, your the one following me around

Can't let a lolcow go unmilked. It's bad for them.

ty for your service



Well you're certainly "special" forces

You realize just cause you went to ranger school, particularly as an officer you didn't go to a ranger battalion. You know that during the war we liked to send junior officers to advanced schools so they could lead soldiers into Iraq and Afghanistan.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

advanced infant reeeee

Pick one.

Don't you have cartoons to watch

I have an Ivy League degree. What kind of degree do you have?

And yet you choose to watch cartoons made for children

What kind of degree do you have?

A stem degree and I outgrew cartoons when I was like 12. I've also had sex with a women

with a women

Says it all right there, doesn't it?

Well being you've never touched one I wanted to make it clear

Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that.

What was your income last year? Was it over $200K? Mine was.

Man look at you making money and watching children's cartoons. Maybe you can pay for a woman to touch you

Yeah, it's really hard to find women with my degree and my job. Especially living in Manhattan.

What women really want is a poor dumbass with ptsd like you. You must be drowning and pussy

I'm not the one trying to prove myself to someone on the internet trying to have a degree dick measuring contest

I didn't bring up my intellect, you did.

Sorry that I actually have a retort for when someone calls me stupid.

Don't worry bro you'll get laid one day and you did but whatever

Says the poor dumbass with ptsd. Keep projecting pal.

Oh sure man those sex robots are coming you save up that money and you can get one

Dude, you're bragging about your income and education to a wannabe captain america on /r/drama and getting a bit heated about it. Think about this for a second. Both of you are fucking retarded.

I was trying to bait him into asking for proof. Didn't work. Oh well.

Why would I want to give proof to people who I'd never meet how retarded is that

SHH! We're meant to encourage this.

Want to have sex with a man?

Who doesn't?

with a men*

Know any?

You chose to get shot at for a living - who's the retard now?

Everyone cares about your degree, trust.

Ranger school isn't "advanced" in that sense, at all. Anyone can go if they make the initial cut and their unit can (financially) justify it. You can be a PFC and go. And no shit "junior officers" go, if you're an infantry lieutenant and don't at least try to go you're a piece of shit.

Did you honestly think no one that knew better would read this?

That's what I was saying idiot, it's why I said it wasn't a big deal and they sent a bunch of us to it

/u/donaldthelion, tell me things only Army people- not even infantry, not even tabbed, not even officers- would know.

What would you like to know, how about going in country insurgents or taliban always seemed to know you were coming in country and they would greet you with an attack. Or when you went for you went to bolc 2 and then bolc 3 your actual school. Funny thing is they got rid of bolc 2 A few years back. Once you finished your branch schooling they liked to send you to shit like airborne or mortuary or ranger. It's not so much that you earned it but that your ass is going downrange within a year of active duty for me it was six months into active duty I was in Afghanistan

No, dumbass, things like ABCP, shit that random guys wouldn't make up trying to look cool, but a company commander or even XO would know in and out.

Who cares Anyone can look up army acronyms like ibolc or sipr or nipr or an opord. How many people know the enemy knows your coming when your landing in countey

No one cares about pieing a corner or some other shit Call of Duty kids know about.

also lol nipr

So non secret internet isn't a thing, man I wish I didn't have to know which one I was using downrange, not everyone is Hillary clinton

Retard, "nipr" is just "unclass". Who cares if it's .mil or gmail? No one. You should know that.

Really because when I was downrange we had a dedicated sipr and nipr computer faggot

Ok guy whatever you say it's not like there were separate sipr computers and I just imagined

Yes, there's sipr and jwics and nsanet and all kinds of shit. Then there's REGULAR COMPUTERS. Unless you're a weirdo freak, you don't call them "niprnet" or "nipr", because that's just the normal internet. Here we are!

Never have I ever came across one that wasn't tied into the rest of the internet, that couldn't go to www.google.com or something. Many of them don't allow facebook or instagram, but most do. Hell, you can get into reddit at fucking Langley. And you certainly can at fucking FORSCOM.

Where were you even stationed? You talked about being airborne, let's talk about Fayetteville, LT. Can you do that? Maybe Tillicum? I'm ready.

Or tell me more about "facing the enemy in country".

I don't give a shit I wasn't comms and wasnt concerned about the internet connection. we had a couple computers that were only for sipr. And a bunch that were nipr shit you can go on reddit with.

You fucking tool, you weren't shit

Whatever dude I don't give a shit what you think let me guess we're you comms enlisted and think officers gave a shit what guys like you think, i was army we had two computer systems downrange secret and not however you want to spin it is meanigless we always called it sipr or nipr now to fuck yourself

You didn't have two systems, you fucking idiot.

I'd accuse you of stealing valor but no one reading this thinks you're anything close to valorous in any way, not even in the "making a decent argument on /r/drama way", so no harm no foul.

On dude whatever makes you happy

Alright, if you're gonna tell me about the town that your unit was stationed at I'm all ears. Protip: I've never been to Campbell, so say you were in the 101st. I can't refute anything you say about the place.

1st cav fort hood Killeen is a shit hole by the way if you live off post you need a gated apartment or live in harker heights which wasn't bad, theirs a really good ny style pizza right off fort hood Joe's was amazing especially do like 10 bucks a pizza

I wasn't at Hood either, but why would an airborne LT go to a non airborne unit

Just because you went to ranger school doesn't mean you'd go to airborne school. Like I've said before it was not a surprise once you finished ibolc youd go to ranger school I literally never said I was airborne ducking heights terrify me

Wait so you were one of those guys that rode in the 5 ton to the jump site instead of riding? And you thought going to Ranger school as a LT was a good career move but you couldn't bother to/get a slot for fucking airborne school in conjunction with that?

Why would you go to Ranger school but not jump out of a plane? This makes no sense my dude, I'm gonna go back to drinking.

Why the fuck am i still reading

Obviously if you're like a BN commander you're probably airborne, regardless of your unit and especially in combat arms. You had to do shit like that or you'd just get out. But a junior officer going airborne and not being sent to an airborne unit is weeeeeiiiiiiiiirrrrddddd.

Why are you acting like being a grunt is some big deal bruh?

Cleanliness is next to godliness and godliness is next to the infantry

Must be an amerifat thing I guess

Yeah, just people that kill other people if they bother them.

I like how he went with the most basic of acronyms. I'm pretty sure even teenagers moderately interested in the military know what an OPORD is.

What is an xo? There's so many terms to learn when reading stuff that military people post :|

An executive officer you know the guy under the unit commander. Man I need to go back to the VA and tell them I don't actually have the ptsd they diagnosed me with, life would be a lot easier.

You're an xo in my heart

Thanks baby I would love to be your wingman, can I be in charge when you go on leave

Addle up you've got something new to pilot

Army bro have no idea how to fly

We have to cover the basics before that. First comes selecting the right flavor of crayon

Army bro have no idea how to fly

How does that figure?


In the army that'd be called a "battle buddy"

Give me a 5 paragraph order on how you're going to police call this sub from bussies.

I'm excited to see who falls into what company.

Someone who should know a lot of mundane but unsexy stuff that I bet donny doesn't know anything about.

Someone who should know a lot of mundane but unsexy stuff that I bet donny doesn't know anything about.

The staggering amount of homogay stuff that goes on.

is this pasta

Sure why not

It is now.

Stolen valor? In my /r/drama? It's more likely than you think.

infant reeeee

Good job loki

That's a bunch of countries only two of which have been completely cucked

/u/donaldthelion, countries can't be cucked, because they don't have a wife, you fucking idiot. What are you talking about?


Bro, I'm not interested in your bussy.

lol rekt

Bro, I'm not interested in your bussy.

lol rekt

I believe /u/donaldthelion was in the US Army, he's clearly very poorly educated.

Man, he bit hard on that shit. Trotting out veteran status in a place like /r/Drama should be done sparingly, and flexing a tab... never.