GallowBoob confirmed as a MRA.

93  2017-06-04 by IAintThatGuy


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Are than any subs that ban you for posting in Men rights? Seems like a big risk for bob for so little karma.

There are, but I don't think they're that big (just vocal and full of powermods).

twin chromies was a default sub

Ah yes but them pulling out that shit is recent. Other smaller subs have been doing it for longer. But of course TwoX want to be a default AND remove random people.

i thought there was a lot of drama over twox not wanting to be a default and becoming one anyway

Women in a nutshell.

like the reddit admins didnt give them a choice i mean

Meh everyone likes to hate on effort posters but /u/gallowboob is alright by me.

Maybe we can convince him to post bussy.

I'm pretty sure that's why he got suspended last time, but at least you're asking for it.

Kink shaming? In my /r/drama?

This is another day in Trump's America.

I'm sure you were a bussy chasing wierdo long before Trump, but If that's your kink, I'm happy for you. Everyone needs a cop-out sometime, at least you're not a true degenerate like those incel jerkoffs. Maybe YOU should post bussy? If it's decent, it might turn some of us non-bussy believers on to the dark side. Do it, make a believer out of me!!

Nice try thirsty fuccboi. You want my bussy you need to wire me 100 dogecoins.

Fuck.... I really thought this was my chance to get something other than my white-trash bambi and not worry about getting caught with another ""woman"". :(

I ain't no jewdank honey. You want a day in Paradise you need to pay the fee.

jewdank? Way to kill the mood. It's ok, I wouldn't have paid your troll toll anyways.

Then you can't get in my boy hole.

Well, that wraps up the 10 minute bi-curious portion of my life... back to real pussy I guess.

Enjoy your time with your wife

Too far man, too far...

/u/gallowboob is alright

/u/gallowboob is a pedophile. He got caught sending dick pics to an underaged girl and asking for her nudes after she told him she's underage. His defense was that he "thought" she was lying about her age. And shockingly, the admins let him off the hook after being banned for a short time for soliciting child pornography.

/u/gallowboob is a pedophile. He got caught sending dick pics to an underaged girl and asking for her nudes after she told him she's underage. His defense was that he "thought" she was lying about her age. The admins let him off the hook shortly after being banned soliciting child pornography, presumably because he's one of the top contributors to this site.


Can't dig up the links now, but that's what happened. There was a bit of covering up of sorts with mods and admins deleting stuff to "prevent a witch hunt", which sometimes in mod-speak means they "don't want people discussing this user at this time". But I believe some stuff should be still there.

What I mean is that /u/gallowboob had no intention of flashing an underage person and the underage person asked for it and definitely enjoyed the picture.

/u/gallowboob had no intention

I guess it comes down to a he said she said situation here, but seeing as he sent the pics after the girl stated that she's underage (he admitted to this but said he had reasons to believe she was lying), I think it's safer to assume he's a pedophile until conclusively proven otherwise.

That doesn't make him a pedophile.

Are you a pedo?

No, does your mom know you're a pedo?

She did but then I killed her. Now no one knows

I think she was in her mid/late teens. Not full on pedo but still not exactly something he should have done.

Thank you for continuing the right for ephebophile rights.

This is, truly, one of the great issues of our time.

What do you call a pedophile with a thesaurus?

An ephebophile

Someone doth protest too much.

You seem like the typical pedo trying to deflect your child rape fantasies onto others.

Thank goodness for the auto-tag pedo list now we have a heads up about you.

I'm on a pedo list? I wonder how many lists I'm in by now.

Please don't send me messages, I didn't ask for them. I am not interested in your naked pictures either.


Would you be interested in mine though? ;)

Fo sho!

Bussy or dick? Just kidding, I'll send you multiple pics of both of course, lol!

This sounds like something a pedo would say, tbh.

Only a pedo knows what pedos say

the underage person asked for it and definitely enjoyed the picture

Sadly this never holds up in court :-(

So you're telling us you want to start a witch hunt.

You must be a University student?

Lol it's happened before with violentacrez so that seems believable to me

You ever seen violentacrez?


Before the jailbait stuff he admitted that he coerced underage girls in his family (including a stepdaughter) to perform sexual acts with him, SRS threw a huge fuss, admins shrugged their shoulders and go oh well

Yikes that's a lot worse than what gallowboob did

Lol are you talking about the one that led to the cringeanarchy post and the big drama bomb like a year back? This is such a misconstrual of what happened it's like being at the end of a game of telephone at a deaf academy.

I really don't like Gallowboob or the traveling circlejerk circus surrounding him but if you're talking about the one I'm thinking about (unless he's been banned multiple times) your version of events is a total crock of bullshit.

yeah. thought it was a dude just pretending to be underage. gallowboob got a small ban, and then it was revealed as just a troll.

/u/flipkt why did you delete this comment?

I deleted it. I'm on mobile and the comment was posted 3 times due to some reddit bullshit.

Servers are dumb.

"Concurrency: how does it work?"

Is it just me or does that only happen when u post from mobile?

He just wants to molest women athletes without being judged

Depends. If he's molesting WNBA people will definitely judge him hard.

Might as well molest men at that point.

Welcome to the bussy side. We got fit twinks and loads of disposal income.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Female Sexual Harassment Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Her Hand Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Just kept your legs closed.

Oh, hahahahahahahahahahaha. Nigga.

Hilarious stuff.

/u/gallowboob why do you hate women?

Considering what he was originally banned for, I suspect that u/gallowboob might be playing for the other team

Oh like when I was banned for being pro white genocide so now I occasionally say white power to repay my debts.

What was he banned for?

he whipped his dick out at another poster.

Not just any poster. An underage poster named /u/Stratodaster.

It's that a euphemism for snallygaster?

this post implies he hates women?

domestic violence cases... Most of the times it's a woman mad she's losing an argument and just wants to kick the man out of the house for the night

I hate women as much as the next guy (probably more actually), but /u/Drezzzire this seems a little exaggerated to me. Is this true at all?

I'll try to find the link of a retired cop doing a podcast and giving his firsthand and secondhand experiences with domestic violence calls. He attests that him and all of his buddies on the force realized this was the case after years of calls they responded to. It's a controversial statement so of course it's gonna be hard to find stats supporting it. But I guarantee there are. I stated it knowing that several police officers stated as much. And if anyone knows it would be them.

It's sad I know. But the law allows women to use it like its their big brother rather than an enforcer of justice.

To be clear though, I don't actually hate women.

it's okay, this is a safe space

I'll try to find the link of a retired cop doing a podcast and giving his firsthand and secondhand experiences with domestic violence calls. He attests that him and all of his buddies on the force realized this was the case after years of calls they responded to. It's a controversial statement so of course it's gonna be hard to find stats supporting it. But I guarantee there are.

Anecdotal evidence?


lmao that's your proof of how you feel about women, that you have a girlfriend? That's like an even weaker "I have black friends" defense

Do you know what the cars looked like in the 70's?
Settle into your beta-male role like the rest of us and enjoy the ride.

Kiddo? Lmfao spoken like a true cuck.

Sorry, I'm not like you.

I'm fine with my alpha role in my relationship.

I'll send you some lube though.

Toss me the address.

Leave me your address down in the comments below and I'll send you some pizza rolls in the mail.

Can you send me some Tunnocks caramel wafers?

Having a gf proves nothing

I'm married with 2.4 kids and I hate women

You would probably be better off asking the actual, confirmed police officers of r/protectandserve instead of some rando on reddit

Where's the fun in that?

I don't know exactly how true it is, but most domestic violence tends to go both ways, and I've read stuff saying something like 70% of one-sided domestic violence is female on male.

I doubt his dubious claim about an argument is true though.



Outside of running a batch?

What if God was one of us

The only ideal gallowboob subscribes to is karma whoring.

Karma hatheists get out

"Karma paves us, oh Karma is fucking gracious Are boy gallow is gone, who is left to save us? So together we mourn, I'm praying for my neighbors They say the mayo's at work and Prince calling favors You say I am autistic, I get down to business I am a Shitposter, I gas the Jews quick. If points don't come, then the points won't come If the bands make 'em dance, then the rain gon' come."

Is that better?


Thank you.