Post title in /r/Canada has more characters than the group being reeee'd about, prompting True Believers to defend the size of their crowds. Featuring bonus copypasta about muh CNN.

18  2017-06-05 by zahlman


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Remember when Canadians were funny and won the Stanley Cup? Pepperridge Farms remembers.

Remember when Canadians won the Stanley Cup?

No one that old can use a computer or phone.

muh CNN.

For those of us who have no idea, what's the pasta about? All I see is a Canadian hockey fight, without the hockey.

I think one time CNN had some protesters bunch up for a better shot and walk by a couple times. So outrage at a lazy cameraman deep state cumspiracy.

That's your idea of what the pasta is, but is not the pasta in question.

I want a nice full plate, but right now, I'm only looking at breadsticks.

I'm not your mother. Get it yourself.

That's why my initial comment wasn't directed at you, but at the person promising the pasta?

You just sort of gabbled something at me when you weren't invited in the first place.

ugh, you're such a fussy bussy

Mmm, I've been called worse. And by better.But not much (◕ ‿ ◡ ✿)

♡(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

There is none, but there hasn't been enough leftposting to balance out the rightposting so zahlman's doing his best

That's fair. And given that it's Canada, I guess it's as good as it gets there.

WTF is the point of a Trump rally in Canada? This has to be the stupidest political rally idea I've ever seen. And I grew up in Berkeley.

Canadian politics is boring so people jump on the American bandwagon. There used to be pro Obama rallies that were well attended fwiw.

Canadian politics is boring

Good point

That and the_donald has shown us that autism transcends borders.

I grew up in Berkeley.

Well that explains a lot. Should have nuked that place 20 years ago.

Joke's on you, we have a sign!


Like Poland could figure out nukes.

Co ty, kurwa, kurwa mówiłeś o mnie, ty mały sukinsyn? Będę musiał wiedzieć, że ukończyłam moją klasę w pieczęci Marynarki Wojennej, i byłem zaangażowany w liczne tajne naloty na Al-Quaeda i mam ponad 300 potwierdzonych zabójstw. Jestem szkolony w wojenach gorylowych i jestem najlepszym snajperem w całej amerykańskiej siłach zbrojnych. Jesteś dla mnie niczym innym, ale tylko innym celem. Wytępię cię z cholerną precyzją, której nigdy nie było widać na Ziemi, zaznacz moje pieprzone słowa. Myślisz, że możesz odejść z tym gadaniem przez Internet? Pomyśl jeszcze raz, kurwa. Jak mówimy, kontaktuję się z moją tajną siecią szpiegów w Stanach Zjednoczonych, a twój adres IP jest śledzony teraz, więc lepiej przygotuj się na burzę, maggot. Burza, która wymazuje żałosną rzecz, którą nazywasz swoim życiem. Kojesz się martwy, dziecinko. Mogę być gdziekolwiek, zawsze i mogę cię zabić w ponad siedmiuset sposobów, a to tylko z moimi nagimi rękami. Nie tylko jestem w znacznej mierze szkolony w walce bez uzbrojenia, ale mam dostęp do całego arsenału Korpusu Morskiego Stanów Zjednoczonych i będę go w pełni wykorzystał, aby wytrzeć nędzny tyłek z powierzchni kontynentu, ty mały gówno. Gdyby tylko mogłeś wiedzieć, co za bezbożna kara, twój mały "mądry" komentarz chciał cię sprowadzić, może miałbyś trzymać twój pieprzony język. Ale nie mogłeś, nie zrobiłeś, a teraz płacisz cenę, cholerny idiota. Będę gniewał się na ciebie, a ty w tym zatopiesz. Kończysz się martwym, kiddo.

Twoja stara ciągnie

I don't know what that means brah, I'm not really a polack

Kończysz się martwym, kiddo.

I figured you weren't. Which boring ass flyover state are you from?


It's ok. You can say Palestine. I won't be offended.

Not a mudslime, I wouldn't mind dropping some aid packages on them tho.

All buildings in the village of Severny (both wooden and brick), located 55 km (34 mi) from ground zero within the Sukhoy Nos test range, were destroyed. In districts hundreds of kilometers from ground zero wooden houses were destroyed, stone ones lost their roofs, windows, doors, and radio communications were interrupted for almost one hour. One participant in the test saw a bright flash through dark goggles and felt the effects of a thermal pulse even at a distance of 270 kilometres (170 mi). The heat from the explosion could have caused third-degree burns 100 km (62 mi) away from ground zero. A shock wave was observed in the air at Dikson settlement 700 km (430 mi) away; windowpanes were partially broken to distances of 900 kilometres (560 mi).[23] Atmospheric focusing caused blast damage at even greater distances, breaking windows in Norway and Finland. Despite being detonated 4.2 km above ground, its seismic body wave magnitude was estimated at 5–5.25

You want to nuke yourself?

Don't worry about me brah I got a bunch of iodine pills

Don't worry about me brah

Got that covered already

Damn I thought we had a connection. Oh well

I can't get over trust issues until you tell me which boring ass flyover state you're from.

I'm a fucking Yuropoor you commiefornian faggot.

I was kidnapped by Gypsies as a baby, at the age of 5 I killed my captors and escaped. I've been a lone wolf ever since.

I'm also a spud eater.

Ah, Udaho

You wanna get married so I can get that sweet green card?

I'm sure gay marriage wouldn't be a hard sell, you are from Berkeley after all.

You're like the 3rd incel to try this line on me.

Aside from the PTSD and mild case of 'tism I'm quite the catch tbh.

I wouldn't be doing my due diligence if I didn't get a bussy sample tho

Grower not a shower?

Nah not really into showering.

(((I))) don't trust showers either.

Well you know what they say.

Gas me once, shame on you. Gas me twice...

Day of the rake when?

It said up to 5000 people. 100 fits that.

libcucks btfo yet again

Righty really loves those youtube links. Because they fail to link to the original source.

TIL: showing video evidence of things happen as they happen, is totally not as reliable as muh "real" (i.e. left-wing) news sources.