Ukrainian Bernout who weighs 200 kg and lives at home pretends to live in the US, shows that he doesn't understand American sports and ends up getting laughed out of /r/drama all while living in crippling poverty in Eastern Europe.

0  2017-06-06 by yoenis_cespedes_


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You need mental help, stop making so many accounts and don't stab anyone on trains you creepy loser

Stop sending death threats to people, /u/CheetoTweetolini and stop sending people suicide notices, that's fucking sick you absolutte psycho.

It's really sick how you make new accounts to avoid the fact that you've been banned in /r/Drama, /r/NYC, and virtually every other sub.

You're fat. You're from eastern europe. You desperately need mental help that your shit country doesn't provide. That's sad, but it doesn't excuse your insane behavior.

You are genuinely ill

Is everyone who responds to you mentally ill? What criteria are you using to make these judgements?

He's made 5 accounts so far, fuck off

You haven't answered my question, and it looks YOU have made five accounts. You're an excitable one.

I am a lurker in ESS

I have commented less than two dozen times in my time here. This was posted to ESS, I replied to the troll because I couldn't resist and am a little high

For a lurker, you've had a lot to say in the last hour. Considering your account activity, you definitely look suspiciously like an alt account. As for someone that's posting while high, you have zero chill.

You mean I replied a lot here after your "friend" posted this thread claiming I am a Ukrainian Bernie fan, neither of which is true

I'm American and in Stamford for an internship before my final module begins in the fall back in Boston.

I replied here because he made yet another thread and it showed up in totes.

You aren't even "suspiciously" an alt you're clearlynone

What friend?

I'm American and in Stamford for an internship before my final module begins in the fall back in Boston

I'm American



Stamford School is Lincolnshire, England. Did you mean StaNford in California? Which finally brings us to...

final module...back in Boston

Americans don't say final module. And you couldn't even pick a school in that city.

You suck at this alt game. You suck even harder at pretending you're American.

Module is a business school term, it's not a semester

It's two weeks

noice. good luck with your final two weeks at the School of the City of Boston.

You're the retard who doesn't know what a module is, just stop Stephen

You're the retard who doesn't know where stamford is. Who's stephen?

Stamford is where I am doing my internship before I return to Boston for my final module

You are retarded

oh ok.

Still struggling with the idea of a module?

Learn something

But this is from NYU, which is clearly not in Boston. Do you have alt degrees just like you have alt accounts?

You are showing how fucking stupid you are aren't you?

The MBA program at NYU is global and has modules in the Nethlands etc

Does they have modules in Stamford?

No since i'm there doing an internship you fucking retard

Go make another dozen accounts, it'll help you pretend that Bernie didn't really lose

I thought I was trump voting scum? Make up your mind.

You are a former Bernie voter who has gone all in on the racist leather fuck.

We all know this, we all know that you're on your dozenth account as well and that the only thing keeping you alive is harassing people

Give it up, give it all up permanently

No one will miss you

List of facts known by /u/Dhsn1246s about yours truly:

  • is a former Bernie voter.

  • is a fucking retard.

  • is a trump scum.

  • is an idiot and an alt.

  • is an idiot.

  • is a stephen. (Is that like a chad or a stacy? Is this a new incel thing?)

  • is all in on the racist leather fuck.

  • is a fucking retard.

  • is in need of help.

  • has WRONGTHINK idea about modules!

  • doesn't know where Stamford, England is!

  • is on his 12th account.

  • is a fucking retard.

Also, who's the "we" that knows this?

we all know that you're on your dozenth account as well and that the only thing keeping you alive is harassing people

Is it just because I post on /r/drama? A broad stroke to make about someone. Even if true, it would be as pointless to say that here about somebody as calling the ocean wet.

You are mentally ill.

I hate Bernie

I saw that ninja edit!

I hate bernie


You're just making things weird now. You don't have to PM me, you're leaving everyone else out of the conversation!

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Stamford is a fucking town in Connecticut

It's also a fucking town in England!

See what I did there?

They're clearly American. You're clearly an idiot and an alt

You're clearly an idiot and a ctrl.

If you're gonna ping my name and message me this from a dozen accounts I'm gonna respond to your Dumb fucking posts

I have never pinged you before and I have no idea who you are.

lol k liar.

You don't have to take my word for it. There are no pings of you in my comment history.

And now, this.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

You, the OP, (you aren't kidding anyone) summoned my account and pmed the this.

You should know that Stamford is a city you fucking trump scum

Wew, lad.

Your bullshit detector is in dire need of calibration, maybe even a factory recall. Of course Stamford is a city! It's a 2 hour drive North of London!

you fucking trump scum

I didn't even vote for trump.

Holy shit, what a rollercoaster it must be living in his head!

can someone give a tl;dr of this fuckery?

Nazi Bernie/Trump supporter keeps making new accounts.

Got called out for being disloyal to the country he claims to live in so now he's stalking several E-S-S members.

Look at the user history

/u/CheetoTweetolini aka

are all the same creepy rapist guy who send death threats to people who he doesn't like. He's never been to NYC in his life but pretends to be from there. He got BTFO from /r/NYC -- for example this and now whines about it endlessly.

Get help

You're upset that yesterday I had your account banned from ESS

Is that why you added me to your psychotic list?

At least look up the city of Stamford before you try claim it's in the U.K. with your other account

Lol yeah dumb ass I' was shocked that I was banned from your circle jerk of extreme hillary supporters. Not the same person but it looks like you were figured out pretty quick.

You aren't even original

Lol what does that mean? Get a life, your obsessed with reddit. Go do something. I noticed you spent another day of your life wasted on here yesterday and it looks like day 3 is about to start.

Drink yourself to death please, your family is tired of spending every holiday hoping for it.

Lmao, struck a nerve huh? SUICIDE IS NOT A JOKE. You're provably not relevant to your family, besides for being the chubby chick in her moms basement.

Lol seriously just go outside today, you might enjoy it.

I'm not joking, you post about suicide in your plscalmdown account it's clearly on your mind daily

Lol you're an idiot, like I said get a life. Quit wasting your days on here everyday. In your weird little brain I am everyone. If you just took my advice and took your chunky warrior fingers off the keyboard, you'd see there's more to life than reddit.

You do realize no one sees your posts right? That's why you had to use your own alts

Lol you're right you are no one. Have a good one, you'll figure this out for yourself eventually.

Dude, get the fuck away from this drama now. This alt account shit has been going on for a while now and I doubt we'll ever get a satisfying ending.

He's naming anyone who mocked him in ESS.

Not alts you fucking tender throwing retards

Please stop this

Stop laughing at two Bernie fuckers? No ne'er you fucking retarded psychos

Please stop this

Seek help

The internet points aren't worth it

Exactly stop doing this, you fucking nutjob

At this point, Cheeto might claim that you're /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy

Cheeto, you're no JWG. Not even close.

I do brown tone sprays. No orange allowed.

Not alts you fucking tender throwing retards

It's 'tendie' you morbidly obese russian shit guzzler. I know, you're nothing more than putin's cock pocket, but at least try to learn English.

200kg? 220kg? How fat are you exactly?

You can't seem to stop posting without looking in the mirror and describing the lonely loser looking back

Strange, you can't respond to my post in /r/NYC.

Maybe that's cause you're permabanned from there, Cheeto.

Lol. Not exactly

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Cheeto is actually so retarded he's one of the few people i've ever ignored.

He posts just the dumbest shit in /r/Politics i've ever read so finding out he's not even from America is hilarious.

After of course the fact that President Trump winning the election made him delete his old account and start another one.

I miss a lot of those guys but i'm sure they all made new accounts too.

When you think about the fact that the VP thinks people should be forced into conversion torture it makes it even more alarming

States want to force teachers and doctors to have to report homosexuality to the children's parents.

Medical professionals will play along

None of this is true you nuts, it's pretty obvious to everyone that this is a mental troll

It's not true that the fact Donald Trump is your President made you delete your Reddit account and make a new one because of how much you posted on /r/Politics how he will never be your President and how his supporters should be sent to death camps?

When I press they said it meant that I used professional language to "hide" my bias which is I guess a slightly more evolved way of shrieking fake news!

How's it feel believing in all the Fake News like Pence is going to torture gays while looking down on the retards who believe in fake News?

What the fuck are you actually talking about?

This is my one account, and you're clearly blocking me on it as you see these messages

You're a lying sack like the other mentally ill OP

you're clearly blocking me on it as you see these messages

Could you reframe this sentence in a way that makes sense?

You're a lying sack like the other mentally ill OP

Please tell me more about your feelings:

Do you feel I planned this with him?

Why would we do this to you?

Why are you so important ?

Is anyone out to get you or planning things to make you look bad?

Have you annoyed other people with your superior intellect or wit causes them to hate you before?

You're clearly lying about blocking me as you cannot see messages or comments of people who you have blocked

You're clearly lying.

Yes, you caught me I use res Ignore instead of Block.

You've cracked the casewide open from my first post where I said

Cheeto is actually so retarded he's one of the few people i've ever ignored.

Is there anyone else you feel is lying in your life?

Any people who are just untrustworthy liars?

Res ignore hides them the same, your story doesn't hold up

I'm not even going to explain how you are wrong because this is hilarious that you think someone would lie about this.

I need you to please consider my questions and if you answered yes to any go in to get a check up because you obviously need help.

Maybe not right now but this is a compounding problem that is only going to get worse over the years.

Any other people lying about inconsequential things or lying to you for no reason in your life you know about?

Go back to the Donald with the rest of your neonazi fucktards

tbh the fact that you don't know the how RES works and you think i'm a Nazi because of it is very concerning along with your mental health deflections instead of telling me off. As it shows deep down you are aware that you have problems.

You really need to go in for a mental health evaluation and fix your problems, it won't take much time at all and will be very easy.

As of this comment, there are 21 posted comments. 1 is from Snaps, so let's say 20 comments


/u/CheetoTweetolini aka

  • /u/Dhsn1246s
  • /u/vijfbava
  • /u/Misanthropdicks
  • /u/Jevakcbs
  • /u/Vijfbava

are all the same creepy rapist guy who send death threats to people who he doesn't like. He's never been to NYC in his life but pretends to be from there. He's banned from /r/Drama if you can believe it. He got BTFO from /r/NYC -- for example this and now whines about it endlessly.

This one post is 50% one user. We already have one weak ass "troll" pro-gamer, sure let's start the work week strong with one more tryhard!

That guy with a 3 hour account sure couldn't possibly be lying and posting this all over the place

Oh wait you're clearly another troll

That guy with a 3 hour account sure couldn't possibly be lying and posting this all over the place

Sure why not, could also be your account.

Oh wait you're clearly another troll

If you're going to throw punches, you gotta put your body weight into it. Swing harder!

Get help you fucking loser

I get spanked if my words-per-minute drops too low. She certainly helps!

I work in an office and my boss is this sexy ass milf in her 30's with dat ass dat everything, always wearing tight business outfit skirts and pants showing off her sweet angus and tight body, i probably jack off to the thought of her atleast 5 times a week. Well lately weve been renovating the office and things are pretty tight in there to move around it kinda like a maze or some shiit. Well today im going out on break and theres these 2 desks beside eachother and theres barely any room for 2 people to walk by in and wut do i see, my boss walking towards me. I try to act cool but my face becomes flushed and it doesnt help that her tits are bouncing up and down as she walks, we get to the point of the desks at the same time and we kinda awkwardly try to walk by each other. We kinda get stuck a bit by the desks and shes facing away from me and her ass is right on my crotch, the second i feel this im in pure ecstasy and acquire a semi instantly. Her big juicy angus and me are now stuck and were trying to squeeze by each other and slowly moving through but her ass is grinding right up on me, i know i am about to cum and i tell her to move faster for the love of god, shes like wtf but i cannot stop at this point. I blow the biggest load this month so far and i get transported to another dimension, my fat load starts to leak through my pants and onto her skirt, shes turns her head and see this and says omg are u serious. We finally seperate and i fall to my knees and begin to speak in tongues, waves of more orgasms flood over me, i crap my pants and begin to cry. I was immediately fired but i feel like a new man now and will masturbate to this memory forever.

This, tbh.

How do you know they're Ukrainian ?