Kid (literally) FUCKING DIES over internet drama over a radio.

66  2017-06-06 by LatinDRAMA


Now with added cancer!


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A quote: ""Hold on. I don't know," Chris answered, as he grabbed his jackknife from the holster on his belt and slit the box open. Inside was a slightly smaller box made of styrofoam.

"Well, it's probably a bomb, then," Cyndi joked.

The explosion knocked Chris and his mother to the floor."

"Chris would use "noise toys" that created obnoxious sound effects to drown out truckers seeking directions. He'd berate anyone who dared to challenge his dominance of the airwaves. "

Hahaha, I'm so glad he's dead.

Kid sounded really annoying. Don't know if that warrants a bombing. Anthrax would have been less dramatic.

Article reeeeeally makes it sound like this kid had it coming, 'it' being a bigass bomb to his face, abdomen, and thighs.

Reminds me of the scene with fring in Breaking Bad

Spoilers fgt

Damn that bomb really did some damage.

well i see why he gravitated towards radio

So this guy had a gf and incels don't. Really makes you think

Incels head for the top of the pussy pyramid or just ask random people they have never met before.

He deserved anything that could come to him. Look at that ugly prick.

Autism. Not even once.

I feel like sending a pipe bomb to the guy who wrote that tedious article.

Oh, do please tell us the locations of all the buildings on a street that you'll never mention again, you fucking hack.

He gets paid by per word, show some respect for a master of saying a whole lot about very little.

Kinda thought he could've expanded the character arc of the mailman a little more tbh. Needed some resolution to his story. Maybe in his next piece

The ending was completely insufferable.

I was skipping entire pages at that point

Here's a much more straightforward Fake News article about it. Good stuff, though. Well, if someone hadn't died.

Why is coverage post trial so hard to find? I know there's that old saying that your arrest is page one and your acquittal is page 5, but the dude appears to have been convicted. Did people seriously just stop caring that hard?

It's just that most of it is old internet, back when news was either physical or watched.

That all being said, I still found some records about the trial as well as coverage, hes doing life as we speak.

He tried to appeal his sentence in 2006 on a couple reasons, one was that his lawyer didn't try and caused him to be convicted. The appeal was declined.

Other than that not much is really important. All that you need to know is some autismo had one of the first ever recorded internet sperg outs and killed a 17 year old. And that autismo is still alive today.

So some scammer got outscammed by another scammer and got so angry he mailed him a pipe bomb.

As fucked up as it is, I think "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" applies here. The victim thought it was a good idea to scam people out of thousands of dollars when the people he was scamming had his address.

There werent as many autists online back then who would throw away their life over a sperg out.


  • Classic weeaboo behavior

Chris Marquis was a 17-year-old Vermont hustler running a small-time scam online.

Literally not old enough to buy a beer, so probably not wise to the consequences of scamming people.

Looks like Bomberman was convicted and sentenced to life.

It's a tragedy, really. He could have got the mom as well and taken three thieving pieces of shit out of society.

So close

I can appreciate the desire for long form journalism, but they should have waited until the trial had at least started.

After reading the entire article I finally realized I've seen this story before.

lmao the writing

His virtual business was going great – until somebody killed him.

yep, that'll do it

It reads like some of the more flowery posts on /r/unresolvedmysteries, but it's a good find. Hopefully since then the author has taken a writing class in the almost 20 years that have past or gained 3+ years of client-facing industry experience or some shit.

The lesson : don't piss off people who wouldn't think twice about killing you and your whole family. And if you're going to mail someone a bomb, at least don't keep extra components from it at your place, and go test your bomb somewhere else than your own home.

That ending was really bad, I actually thought the article got cut off until I realized the author was just terrible

The saddest part is that the mother continues to lie about her son and their lives. Hopefully she died quickly afterwards.

tbh I can see myself doing the same if I was her. I mean she lost her only son who actually had a girlfriend, which is pretty far for someone with autism and a hobby of causing drama on radio.

Whoa this happened close to where I live

Whoever wrote this article just got out of creative writing class, I can tell you that much.

It was quite the rollercoaster. But it was one of those rollercoasters like The Ninja at Six Flags Over Georgia that smacks your head around at every corkscrew until you develop a short-term memory loss that makes you forget why you hate it until you have another go.