**ATTENTION TO ALL ASIANS ** Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife, Cuz They Rapin’ Every Asian Out There

25  2017-06-06 by Shark_life


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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100% on point once again snap

well, obviously

u/Shark_life stop chasing other Asian bussy.
You say you'll be Asisnsexual just got waifu.
When we got married, you promised to be a good husband and give me a baby in my bussy. I'm no spring chicken.
-Love your gorgeous well hung trap waifu

Hey dothead, I'm not particularly attracted to Asian women. Seems like I triggered your Indian ass so hard yesterday that you feel the need to keep stalking me. Go back to your designated shitting street @ /r/bakchodi


That's no way to talk to Waifu. Why you know love Waifu's bussy? Why does Waifu always have to be top?

Is your sister back in your village still single, or has your parents arranged for her to marry a nice Indian gentleman like yourself? Just curious, coz I haven't had tight Indian pussy in a looong time.

My little mayo,
You've fucked my sisters... our rather they've fucked you. They're also traps.
We all took turns if your bussy, high fived, yelled Eiffel tower ;)
Just like your German family, we also love family style :)

My little mayo, You've fucked my sisters... our rather they've fucked you. They're also traps. We all took turns if your bussy, high fived, yelled Eiffel tower ;) Just like your German family, we also love family style :)

All it takes is just for me is to express an interest in fucking your sister, and your articulation skills go straight out of the window.

Come home honey, we'll get drunk and I'll invite my sisters round again. Prep your bussy ;)

-love Trap Waifu

What the fuck this this jerking each other off nonsense I'm being subjected to here? Get in a private Skype room or something, whatever, just go away.

How To Get Pajeets To Stalk You 1) Go on /r/bakchodi 2) Tell them that Indians suffer from delusions of racial superiority 3)????? 4) Now you have Pajeet stalking your every post.

If u/shark_life gave me more attention this wouldn't be a problem. He's obsessed with Asian bussy.

He deletes and reposts when he doesn't get attention.
-shark life's trap waifu

I prefer his granddad over you, just to be honest.

u/shark_life also prefers girthy granddad over waifu :(
I think I've caught his autism :(

Careful, little brother. You have been so dedicated to your love of hot traps like u/Shark_Lifes_TrapWife. In fact, I believe you have had a trap take your bussy every day now for the last five years. If you start fucking real women, what is there to set you apart from others? You always had major self esteem problems before you discovered traps. Please don't scare me again like that.

If I gave you my p08, would you do what needs to be done?
You seem much more worthy of my iron cross.
u/Shark_Life is such a disappointment. His love of the lady boy bussy stops him coming home, to big beautiful Helga.

Thank you for the confidence. However, I do not believe in this instance I could do the deed. He is my brother and I don't want to kill him. However, given his lifestyle I do not believe his genes will spread to pollute the rest of the Aryan race. If it really came down to it, I could probably hit his balls, but that's as far as I think I can go, opa.

I'm glad that you're able to go that far.
Fortunately if it comes to it, your job will be easy as u/Shark_life only has one ball. When he was eight he wanted to be like his idol so he cut one off. If only the fidget spinner was around back then, maybe it would have helped him.

Good lord, the performance art around here is getting pretty fucking out-there these days.

If there's one good interesting notable thing about drama, it's that I can learn new weird racist shit about and between people I've never even heard of.

I'm glad someone is benefiting from my grandson's autistic obsession with Asian bussy. If you track him diem, could you please retrieve my Iron Cross?

I feel as if I have been thrust into the role of documentarian, somehow. Strange.

95% of Shark threads are himself talking to his other accounts. It's great.

Anyone around here can get stalkers if they want.

Just go on /r/bakchodi and tell the pajeets over there that they're retarded to think they're some kind of master race.

Pajeets get triggered, start making alts, and the stalking begins~~

My grandson,
We all know that ys Aryans are superior. It's you who had issues. You won't make eye contact with your fellow Aryans, and instead live a debaucherous lifestyle paying for cheap Asian bussy. It would appear you've taken one as your wife! I can't even show my face at SS division reunions. Why can't you be like the other grandchildren and marry your own?
The time for Asian Bussy is over. Come back to the father land and take a walk with me in Obersalzberg. See the sunset one last time.

Please come home papi, mami and i havent eaten in 3 days, and now we have to eat your rat collection you keep in the basement

What's xmaf?

Paging our resident asiansexusl /u/Shark_life

Hey dothead, I'm not particularly attracted to Asian women. Seems like I triggered your Indian ass so hard yesterday that you feel the need to keep stalking me. Go back to /r/bakchodi

They're talking about interracial pairings.

Substitute "X" for "any race".

WM = White Male, AM = Asian Male, BM = Black Male WF = White Female, AF = Asian female, BF = Black Female

XMWF = Any Male + Asian Female interracial pairing

Example: me and sharky are WMAT.. though he's hardly a man.

Is your dothead sister still single, or has your parents arranged for her to marry a nice Indian gentleman like yourself? Just curious, coz I haven't had tight Indian pussy in a looong time.

Another example: KMKF = Kekistani Male, Kekistani Female.

the only fact they have those slang is disturbing enough to call for genocide.

Multiculturalism is a complete failure in AmeriKKKa. The media and educational institutions have been feeding everyone the everyone is equal Kool-Aid. But in reality, everyone is racist, just not overtly though.

Someone thought this was a logical thing to post. Everyone is not equal because everyone is racist? Lmao wat

No, you don't get it. It wasn't that OP in there looked like a fucking nerd and was walking in a dangerous area and therefore got targeted based on that, it's that multiculturalism failed to protect his pokemon collecting ass when some street hoods caught him stepping scared.

He sounds pretty spot-on, to me; everyone is racist.

/u/shark_life why do all the Asian women I meet irl tell my noodle dick ain't shit?

Once they go Caucasian, they'll never go Asian ;)

Reverse is also true - just like my grandson,
Once they go Asian, they'll never go caucasian.

Why are asians these days such pussies? Back in the day (during vietnam war, and even before during the unrest when the country was still under French rule) a bunch of viets came in to my european country.

Naturally local people reacted as usual, and decided to prey on them and beat them up a little. Worked a few times until the viets got pissed off and sent some of their toughest people to break some arms.

They're not pussies. Asians are cool people, there's just a few unfortunate ones.

I guess it's the usuals. The one on reddit are the worst.

I agree with the Asians, they are bullied to be fair. But then no-one is geocoding them, they have their own homelands and enough of a population to outbreed everyone on the planet. Aboriginal European people are bullied by every minority AND being colonized. There's like a bajillion Asian people on the planet, they could take over every inch of the Earth just by immigrating if they wanted. Their homelands are safe and their people have a future. So boo fucking hoo.