u know, u really have to give credit to KD making this move for a ring knowing good and well he'll be shit on rest of his career by analysts, players past and present, coaches and fans for the softest move in NBA history. So props to a true champion taking the hard road. GG KD
n/a DeepDickedHillybilly 2017-06-13
Lebron Crying Status Update: Crying
n/a MG87 2017-06-13
LBJ isnt the reason the Cavs lost.
Not with that attitude.
n/a zesty0 2017-06-13
It's more fun to pretend like he is though.
n/a -Princeps- 2017-06-13
fuck you KD
n/a subpoutine 2017-06-13
/u/snallygaster, thoughts?
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-06-13
/u/snallygaster is too busy making a facebook/reddit profile to comment
n/a subpoutine 2017-06-13
n/a Shaunosaurus 2017-06-13
Kevin Durant is a bitch.
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-13
n/a TheChowderhead 2017-06-13
/u/snallygaster Ahahahahaha get fucked nerd
n/a DeepDickedHillybilly 2017-06-13
/u/snallygaster living status: suicided (a dozen years too late I might add)
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-06-13
n/a TrailerParkBride 2017-06-13
Eat a chode
n/a baaaaby 2017-06-13
i hope lebron signs with gsw
n/a Sloppysloppyjoe 2017-06-13
u know, u really have to give credit to KD making this move for a ring knowing good and well he'll be shit on rest of his career by analysts, players past and present, coaches and fans for the softest move in NBA history. So props to a true champion taking the hard road. GG KD
n/a EllenPaosFrontButt 2017-06-13
L M A O @ UR LIFE /u/snallygaster
never in my life have i seen KD BODY niggas this hard fam
n/a snallygaster 2017-06-13
n/a MG87 2017-06-13
When and where?