Endless pedophilia apology in this dumpster fire of a thread:

20  2017-06-13 by VoxNebulae




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a 12 year old is NOT a kid. Adults attracted to teenagers are ephebophiles. Besides there is nothing wrong with liking people with a huge age difference, as long as no harm is done

u/dmgll damn bruh, do you need any help watering down that pedolust?

I see you are desperate and trying to win using logical fallacies. Try again

You're a pedo m8

I see you are desperate and trying to win using logical fallacies. Try again

Shut the fuck up about logical fallacies. I swear to Christ the most obnoxious thing is you retards just calling everying a "logical fallacy" because you got called a retarded pedo for being a retarded pedo.

lmao im not even a pedo. One does not have to be a pedo to possess critical thinking (but apparently being anti pedophilia means you dont possess any critical thinking)

lmao im not even a pedo.

"I'm not a pedo I just want to fuck 12 year olds"

Nowhere did I state I want to fuck 12 year olds. Grasping at straws eh? : ^ )

You didn't have to state it because everyone already knows

Yep, too bad everyone was wrong. You dont need to be a pedo to simpathise with pedophiles, like you dont have to be a nigga or a faggot to simpathise with racism victims and homosexuals : ^ )

Don't be a bitch; use the hard r

Nice alt.

That wasnt a mistake. I created an alt to circumvent the 8 minutes post limit

Not the first time you tried to circumvent an age limit now is it?

heh you did the joke!






Akshually, it's epheboreallypedophilia.

It's ok, though. It's totally normal for adults to want to fuck 12 year olds.

as long as no harm is done it's totally fine

Except for the part where a 12 year old should be playing with toys and not getting raped by old men.

god are you fucking stupid?

as long as no harm is done it's totally fine

as long as no harm is done it's totally fine

as long as no harm is done it's totally fine

Until your mentally challenged ass buys a windowless van, a tub of candy and parks at the playground.

TIL fantasizing about children means kidnapping children

It's the first step. You think your uncle just randomly decided to start sneaking into your room at night when you were 6?

My inner utilitarian agrees

Where you are wrong though is thinking no harm will be done

I am against the mass production of copypasta. It destroys the market for the small artisans

Stop downvoting the guy, you mouthbreathing dipshits. How hard is that to understand?

The real drama is coming from INSIDE THE THREAD! 👻