Oh boyo

144  2017-06-13 by I_need_to_be_killed


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Made me actually laugh, good find OP, fake as fuck tho.

I doubt it, look at his post history

You might actually be right, and that makes it funnier.

I've never actually gotten secondhand embarrassment from this sub but holy fuck.

If you think that was bad wait till you see /r/circlebroke2 thread doubling down on the original idea - https://www.reddit.com/r/circlebroke2/comments/6gybz5/i_want_to_make_a_movie_about_racist_black_people/

When a retard has an autistic baby.

That thread is so weird, by their own logic the phrase African American shouldn't be used but i bet you they use it.

omg he posts a script at one point and apparently has been working on this for quite a while

The literal opening scene of his movie:

EMILY (28, brunette) chops up onions. THOMAS (28, ultimate

beta male) comes up behind her and embraces her.

ultimate beta male

Plz tell me this is actually in the script.

How would you cast that though? I am thinking, average looking white guy with glasses on (thick rimmed of course), maybe a nice wool jumper, with some coldplay in the background. He could mention how he enjoys being a stay at home dad or something.

Could be a classic film in the making!

Plz tell me he put it up somewhere, this shit sounds ridiculous. I wanna read it.

It is! Its in his post history and also all over this thread in a google doc.

It was a mistake reading that right before lunch.

Anyway, well written and fun to read, but the humour didn't quite land for me.

Apparently that sub sets the bar for "well written" somewhere in the Marianas Trench.

Now I wanna find the poorly written.

It reminds me how on one of the aspirting writer subs one of the "big whig" dudes who everyone respects has never had anything published aside from grocery store gay erotica.

Reddit's not really known for its high standards in this stuff.

Fucking wow

/u/bannedscreenwriter please post some of those black sounding names you were considering using.

Idk why people find that part funny or weird tbh. http://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/w9873.html

For a bunch of people who you’d expect to be in the know when it comes to all the ways society lives and breathes, pretending they don’t know what “a black sounding name” is seems contrived.

I’d venture to say pretending that there’s no such concept as cultural sounding name in the movies is pretty ignorant and borderline racist.

Right? Like we all know what black-sounding names are fam. Let's not pretend to be retarded.

Leroy give me a break




Guess the races

why would you expect that




Guess the races

ur white?

Spike Ooga Booga Jigaboo

Why are people so mad at him tho? If inventing a black coauthor would in fact take some heat off him, who is to blame for that? All y'all made this bed yourselves, now sleep in it.

(((We've))) been doing this for forever, so it's annoying when goyim try to encroach on our turf.

Where the fuck is the zyklon-b when you need it.

Stockpiling it for Cinco de Mayocide next year.

Damn, gonna have to accelerate my (((final))) solution then.

Your days are numbered Hoidel.

gonna have to accelerate my (((final))) solution then.

Good luck getting it financed!

It's a really bad idea, though. Combing through his post history, the guy seems pretty dim, I doubt he'd be able to keep his story straight. And given that his friends are the sort of people who say "Whitesplaining" unironically, I don't think they'll take too kindly to this revelation.

I have a contained horror/thriller script that arguably falls under the "exploitation" category (think Human Centipede, I Spit on Your Grave).

Oh man, an exploitation horror film about racism in black culture? Now that's living dangerously.

Here's the guy's """black comedy.""" It's about daughter fucking.

Holy moly that is utter shit

nah man its actually really good he just cant get someone to produce it cause its too real for white guilt rideen hollywood liberals

What in the fuck

This... This can't be real

why would anyone do this

Man I had like 2 movie ideas ever and they were both tame compared to this guy.

The twist is that she wasn't his daughter though.

Excellent twist.

Jamal Kareem Rowling

DeShon-Tray Spielberg

Jordan Peele


please dont doxx me

Therefore, I'm seriously considering the idea of completely making up a co-writer (à la Charlie Kaufman) with a black-sounding name

I'd really like to see all of the prospective names he considers for this.

Nigga Mc Nigger.

I'd watch a movie co-written by irish boy, and Nigga McNiggerFace.

Tyrone O'Laois?

Asa Blackman

t. Watermelondrea Martin

Loxandcreamcheese Bagelman

Finnposters pls go



choose one

They prefer Alcoholic Americans.

It's potatonigger to you ye fuckin gobshite

black-sounding name

Papa Bungalo-Utembwe.

David Wong would approve.

Screenwriters write films all the time about shit they haven't personally experienced. If they didn't then all films would be about dorky guys with masters degrees in Creative Writing. But most screenwriters don't use a nom de plume (you liked that huh) unlike novelists who do it all the time.

oldest trick in the book. You think the jane austen guy would have been able to publish his devastating critique of women's predatory marrying habits if he'd gone by his real name?

She actually did write under a pen name, initially.

Irish people were a mistake tbh. When does potatocide start.

>implying Americans can be Irish

Oh lord, I think he's already started to pretend he's black.


Works for r/blackpeopletwitter

lol at anyone who doesn't know the only script accepted in hollywood are those manufactured by the carefully curated writer's guild a-team. I think the days I've some random dude shopping around his script are long since over.

A- title

white Irish American

Didn't expect that but it's pretty fitting there.

He has apparently deleted his account.

/r/Drama claims another victory.











Also, who the fuck uses his name in reddit? Matteo? thats just when Mateo and Matthew blanda up?

I love all the people who get their panties wedged up their arses at the idea certain names have racial connotations. You hear someone is called Nguyen, you aren't picturing a white guy. You hear someone is called Matembe, still not a white dude. José is similarly not white, and neither is Mohammed. If he picked names like DeShawn or Shanice, nobody is going to think that's a white person.

Of course, at least one person is now going to remember seeing this thread and ask them to produce this mystery black, but if he'd kept his mouth shut it may well have worked.