Trouble among the 1950's feminist BDSM lesbian aliens after one Aristasian accuses others of theft for scanning and sharing Aristasian literature.

29  2017-06-13 by snallygaster


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Drama? Or Grandma Fight Club? Either way, Tea and biscuits all around. Popcorn just ain't gonna cut it here.

So what were you doing in that Yahoo group, Snally

After the Cavs lost, she's sunk into a bit of a depression.

Dearest Miss Ultra Shitpost,

Men are disgusting, violent creatures and I want to escape their disgusting Tellurian realm.

In Amity,
Miss Snally Gaster

Hey gurl, how you like them Columbus Cavalry?


Its a shame that sketch dude retired, this would be a fine opportunity to display talent.

Men are disgusting, violent creatures and I want to escape their disgusting Tellurian realm.

I can run pretty fast

First of all, friends, there is no place here in this group for name-calling and rudeness. We may disagree strongly on matters but there is no need to be nasty to one another.

  1. What areย 'pettes?
  2. How do you find these?
  3. You got anything more like the FF house? Those kinds of stories are crazy and a great read.
  1. According to this glossary:

A girl. Originally short for 'chapette', although this shade of meaning is probably less present in its usage than the pun on 'pet'. Its nuance, at once jaunty and ultra-feminine, is unique and purely Aristasian. A 'pette', like a '20s 'flapper' or a '60s 'dolly bird' is a phenomenon specific to her time and place. The word also, with its overtones of ownership and obedience, stresses the ethos of ferocious group-independence and equally ferocious revolt against the false divide-and-rule Pit-cult of 'personal independence'.

  1. I was just searching through Aristasian links since I don't have much representation for them on /r/internetcollection. I stumbled on a pretty bare newsgroup and just decided to search 'Aristasian' in Yahoo Groups.

  2. Sarah Saga is my favorite internet story of all time. There's also The Misscribe Story, which doesn't take place offline but is still a long and entertaining read. I don't know if you've seen them, but as far as more cult stuff goes, I posted about a possible new cult by Jen, though the accuser is batshit insane so not sure if it's true, and then there's Andy Blake, which is an insane story that you can find a lot of material about online (I actually went to the place where they made the community garden a little over a month ago; it's now a Catholic bookstore/garden but some of it still remains), and a werewolf cult back on Usenet. There's also this Something Awful AMA from a woman who grew up with a crazy soulbonder. I'm sure there's more but idr them.

Now I got my toilet reads set for the next week! Thanks!

anytime anytime

Lol Snally how did you find this? You sharing your knitting club drama now?

Wow they are all being really cavalier in there. And by that I mean they are all a bunch of losers.

๐ŸŒถ ๐ŸŒถ ๐ŸŒถ

I have no idea what any of that meant

Are these women political lesbians or what?

I think they're legit lipstick lesbians who just really, really like BDSM, sorta like how some domme guys get really into Gor. It's a bizarre community, though. I have no idea how it even formed or how there were even enough BDSM occultist alien lipstick lesbians who hate men and like the 50's to form a community.

Soon as I saw /u/snallygaster I knew I should whip out my 8-track tape player, power up my Apple II, and put on my Members jacket because I'm taking a trip to the good old days where a man can cyber another man pretending to be a girl on either AIM or some ancient Board.

hellll yeah ๐Ÿ˜Ž

How the fuck do you keep finding drama like this?

The Cavs got rekt btw top kek

i really dont even know what to say about this one honestly