Guy gets kicked out of a far-right rally, screams "What about the memes", referring to his rare, hand-drawn pepes he brought.

14  2017-06-13 by [deleted]





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The rare case of a t_d visitor engaging in actual politics in real life.

Apparently there was no far-right rally, it was all a hoax by 4channers to get the Oathkeepers to show up. You know, so they could make fun of the Oathkeepers. It came full circle.

Imagine being an honest fascist and being associated with these guys.

How embarrassing

Honestly we only see the meme-y side of Trump supporters since we're on this site and the average age of a user is between 18-25. There are some honest to god people out there who legitimately think that Trump is doing a good job instead of just supporting him to see liberal tears. Must be very frustrating to be taken less seriously as a person and as a movement when the face of it is annoying teenagers with cartoon frogs.


But... the memes

Trump is objectively the best president the US has ever seen, and if you disagree you probably drink too much soy milk.

lol good meme

Can you make this guy my flair?

I'll pay you one dogecoin

Lilp is the flair master, gotta ask her.

/u/_lilPoundcake same offer babe, and I'll throw in a bussy shot

>only offers bussy in exchange for something

should ban you, boi

You already did fgt, besides I give bussy out like candy



I haven't seriousbanned anyone for a while in here. Pics or it didn't happen.

Lol I thought it was you I talked to in modchat a couple days ago, someone banned me by mistake

Yeah I was in there but I wasn't the one who banned you. I just like messing with people in modmail.

You'd know, right?

We sure he is just not trolling them?

I wouldn't put it past him if he was a plant. It's too funny.


These types of guys are showing up at every right-wing protest/counter-protest right now. They're completely serious and don't see the problem with spewing memes to protest (probably because their entire ideology was constructed by memes). this is one of my favs.

That guy looks like he was a brother in Wrong Turn.

They look exactly how you'd imagine, smdh.

Meme magic has failed us.

Memes cannot fail, they can only be failed.

What is failed may never be failed.

And when another man shouts at him ‘Dude, this is not Comic Con!’, he replies, clearly disheartened: ‘I know. I just came to make friends.’

My sides

Full video:

Tfw a bunch of heavily armed white Texas nationalists call you a Nazi.

Wasn't this posted a few days ago?

Was it? I was busy over the weekend and didn't see. If it's a repost I'll remove it out of shame.

oh lmao, I was looking for the exact article I submitted. I'll concede anyway.

It's okay; it's so ridiculous that you should keep it up so we can laugh at it again!

I was busy over the weekend

Yeah, with your friends

Yeah it was.

I'm deleting out of shame for being a repost. RIP.

The fire rises.
