Brave patriot singlehandedly tears down the safe space of /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump, all while dropping truth bombs about the election

32  2017-06-14 by hexane360


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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55.7m americans voted trump 48.1m voted hillary tf are you talking about?

Seems reasonable.

Technically, 55.7m Americans voted for Trump and 0.0m Americans voted for Hillary.

How many Russians voted for trump though. Why isn't the news covering THAT, huh? ISIS MSM fake news strikes again

Don't forget

how many Americans didn't vote? about 250 million

Which brings the population of the USA to roughly 354 million which means our population numbers are also extraordinarily off. This guy must be some sort of genius.

That's just voting age

That title had my sides in orbit

u/CucksLoveTrump ty for spreading the good gospel of r/Drama to that hateful sub.

I wanna take this time to remind all of our new /r/all members that voting in linked threads in considered brigading and against sitewide rules

feel free to comment though. afaik, it's not against sitewide rules, though butthurt moderators like /u/combative_douche may ban you from their safe spaces. the risk is yours

I know that, m8. I'be been around for some time. Besides, there's no need for brigading. Your username alone will make you popular there.

oh, i know. didn't we get like 5k new subs last month?

normies ruin everything smh

What are you using as your source? everything other than cnn, msnbc, and similar terrorist groups

u/Peeved_Midget so, your anus?

His anus is actually classified as a terrorist group by the SPLC

Sounds like forbidden bussy

I love that there are still bottom feeding Trumpets claiming he won the popular vote, that's good shit

We mean that he won the popular vote in that people that aren't subhumans voted for him :)

How many pages of your copy of The Art of the Deal are stuck together?

I don't own any books. I'm more about spreading white supremacist memes and inducting people into the alt-right ideology via popular websites like reddit and 4chan, you know?

Ironic redundancy of that /u/Peeved_Midget username should be able to put an elephant to sleep.

truth bombs

55.7m americans voted trump 48.1m voted hillary tf are you talking about?


Little known fact: facts are meaningless, all hail feels


I have a hunch that /u/Peeved_Midget might be a butthurt manlet.