Bro airdrops a pic of Pepe at the airport to random people. One receiver goes rheeeee on twitter over this racist mayo.

50  2017-06-14 by missmurrr


so that's what a cunt looks like.

I had an abortion. Black Feminist. Reproductive Justice. Midwesterner • Work @AbortionFunds@AbortionStories •Words @EchoingIda •Board@NARAL •Milk & mermaids

Woke af fam

I had an abortion.


Black Feminist

Nevermind, you good.

Margaret Sanger bless 🍆🍆🍆

I had an abortion.

Thank fuck for that, one less demon





Why does anyone want to hear about abortions? How do you tell story, and to whom? Strangers on the bus?

Honestly I'm not sure why this woman wasn't denied boarding at the airport because it sounds like she'd be someone that tells everyone about how she fought the patriarchy by having a medical procedure.

Abortions provide a wide array of Progressive Points. You can't have an abortion unless you're pregnant, and you can't get pregnant without a man, so right off the bat you get a point for having been defiled by gross misogynist dudes smh. Having an abortion is simultaneously a traumatizing and liberating experience, so you get a point for being a victim and a point for exercising your right to bodily autonomy no matter the cost. 100% of non-feminists want abortion to be illegal, so having one is striking back against the patriarchy, so there's point number four. Men can't have them, therefore they are good. Point five. Taxpayers had to finance your bad decision (THIS IS WHY WE NEED FREE EVERYTHING, PEOPLE!!!!), point six. I could probably come up with more if it weren't 5 AM. I should probably go to sleep.

Taxpayers had to finance your bad decision

do taxpayers pay for abortion in the US? I thought if your insurance didn't cover it you had to pay out of pocket.

there is government funding for planned parenthood, but the money is earmarked for other care provided, but not abortions.

Did anyone say "fuck your transmisogyny"? Because fuck your transmisogyny.

I thought you were joking about the twitter bio lol

First it's pictures of frogs, then it's burning crosses. We can't let this escalate.

I thought locusts came next

No it was the final great war in the middle east between Israel and its enemies.

That's still yet to come. Israeli Glass will flood the craft market sometime in the future. Hopefully soon.

First it's burning crosses, then it's pictures of frogs. We can't let this escalate.


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Good, they're both retarded and deserve each other.

posting image of frog

black feminist abortion fetishist tracks someone down and harasses them over an image of a frog

They're exactly the same.

Unsolicited airdropping le trole frog pic to random strangers stuck at the airport gate is a sad and autistic cry for attention. He got attention!

autism is bad and we as a society shouldn't tolerate it, but it is not comparable to being so retarded as to think someone sending you a cartoon frog constitutes terrorism.

Public memeing should be punishable by death tbqh

I would have thought it was funny. Also that guy is really cute.

ngl if I got smug pepe airdropped to me unexpectedly in an airport I'd probably laugh like a hyena dying of nitrous oxide poisoning

then again i have terminal autism so

Pepe killed my family. He even called my dad favela-nigger before burning him at the stakes :(

By the way what are the best racial slurs against brazilians?



This like 10% of what 7-1 was. And I say that as a compliment.

I do not understand this reference.

Germany BTFO Brazil in the World Cup in Brazil winning 7-1.

Ayyy, right! That was so embarrassing for Brazil, I repressed it.


"Your visa application has been denied"

Did Pepe rape your mother as well?

I'm imagining this insane woman stomping through the airport, screaming at the top of her lungs "WHO SENT ME THIS PEPE".


Thanks for reminding me to turn that air drop shit off

who would want that, and who would have it set to public in an airport

Is just me or is she white

She is.

Mayo AF Tbh

I had an abortion. Reproductive Justice.

Yeah, I reckon that fetus got what was coming.

Probably the best thing that could have happened to thw child.

Wait she's offended that someone showed her a picture of pepe the frog so she posted a picture of hitler pepe on twitter to her 12,000 followers?

Going off her logic isn't that like 10 times worse lol

her logic

Oh good point

Yeah, scrolling down I saw the Hitler one first and I thought xe was right, it was fucked up .... but then it turns out that's not the icon he had.

I had an abortion To bad her mom didn't

How did she even find him, wtf?