She's back!

157  2017-06-15 by justanotherusername_


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,*,,

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like what, /u/McDewjank?

I remember her, she's really​ cute. What happened before? Why did she leave?

The Drama neckbeards were really mean to her for no reason and harassed her off the site. I think they were just angry they couldn't afford her Snapchat subscription (which will be going on sale soon - please keep an eye out).

Don't lump us all together, I was vv nice to her. We used to roleplay on Drama with her as HeelTheBern and me as the overworked poolboy.

We used to roleplay on Drama with her as HeelTheBern and me as the overworked poolboy.



u/misterjewdank u/dankmate haven't posted in months.

I don't think that's a coincidence.

I never lived with dankmate and jewdank. Pretty sure dakmate is not that person main reddit. I check the messages here like once a week. Ever since she started this sub I get pinged every now and then

uh yeah...because we all knew them as her alts

No doubt. This just proves that she was too lazy to continue the ruse.


sorry broski I don't live near dankmate actually pretty far away

Sorry broski

Sadly that is not me at all. I do not live anywhere near dankmate

Are you still fucking /u//u/McDewjank?

She finally realized that the best thing to ever happen to her was right under her nose all along, and got together with /u/heelthebern and stopped doing porn so she could settle down and leave the good life with a true gentleman who had saved himself for her.

Wonder if she made this post as a reaction to subreddit drama's post

Link two the SRD post?

I'm just a lurker here, but I feel like this needs to be said for the sake of this subreddit and it's integrity.

No one cares.

kill yourself this sub basically runs on jewdank drama

lurk more

Go back to lurking faggot

Obviously many care.


Did you just appropriate his grammar?

I'm just a lurker here

clearly not for long enough, newfag

Allah (swt) will smite you.


This subreddit and its integrity? Oh boy do I have something to tell you.


Damn, taking over subs and already has a private one for her self. I guess those trailer payments and bad tattoos aren't gonna pay for themselves, eh /u/McDewjank?

Again, if you would like an invite to my private subreddit, please message me!

She isn't even charging them for it either wew.

/u/McDewjank you are doing this wrong, I suggest you get a quality pimp.

How dare you, she is a marketing genius tm


It's easy to "take over" a sub when you leave your own alt as the top mod when you rage quit.

bad tattoos aren't gonna pay for themselves, eh /u/McDewjank ?

Bad tattoo's?

bad tattoos aren't gonna pay for themselves, eh /u/McDewjank ?

This prompted me to go look and couldnt understand, anyone got a breakdown of what they say?

lol why do these subs keep giving her mod status?

/u/McDewjank sucked some mod cock

I can't confirm or deny, pending outstanding lawsuits

You are so sued ;)

Is this a South Park reference? If so, gg


Shut up, Slagathor.

That's McSlagathor to you!

I like your butthole.


speaking of which, your lawyers never contacted me? or the admins for that matter. how are /u/misterjewdank and /u/heelthebern?

Wait, why is the clone having the right username?

Maybe we're both clones?

Exactly what a pervert would say.


The internet adds 4 =s, I'm sure.

If we modded you to piss people off, would you accept it?

who the hell would that piss off

the regs that apparently like following you around

nah they wouldn't get angry, they'd just troll harder. Only way to win is not to play, etc

Or you could troll back. :)

I'm hopelessly sincere, sue me

Fair enough.

You should mod more on SRD.

Dooooo eeeeeet!


Also /u/ILoveFrames is probably her alt

She mentioned that /r/spreaditforreddit was created "by her brand". the creator of that subreddit is deleted but the only mod is /u/iloveframes

raelly makes you think

She made the sub.

Who is this "her"?

She's been back for a few weeks, but so far she has just been sticking to the subs she mods and her private sub. Pretty boring tbh

she's like herpes. it'll flare up eventually.

/u/McDewjank hows that podcast going?

/u/sheepdank she wont talk to us anymore, how is your owners podcast doing?


How are the Welsh?




Forget the podcast, I'm still waiting for my fucking calendar.

The dark ages of drama are at an end. I welcome her back with open arms.

And spread legs

Looks like she needs the money to pay back all those poor bastards she scammed.

If she pays anyone back, I'll fuck my own wife for once

To your wife's deep dissapointment

can hardly get hard anymore without a small pill's intervention

Try bath salts.

I feel like that'd make it an innie.

Looks like she needs the money to pay back all those poor bastards she scammed.

Any interesting links to catch up on this drama?


This story was broken by /u/phedre like a billion years ago and even posted with the same title. You disgust me.


Yeah, but her taking over PAWGtastic is a more recent thing.


I used an exclamation mark

Thank you for your hard work my friend.

She's gone!


Even though it's deleted i knew it had to be the queen of crazy. /u/McDewjank how long till you dive head first into your martyr complex, wow not long at all!

/u/spez delete this sub, dont be a pussy.

martyr complex

Shitty tattoos are her stigmata.

/u/McDewjank will you show us more of your horrible tattoos?

She just can't get enough attention from us, the poor thing. /u/McJewdank can't resist showing her ass to everyone. Hopefully she learned how to Photoshop her shitty ink out of her pics better.

It's /u/McDewjank now. Tricky tricky

Ah, tricky slut. /u/McDewjank, come show us your good awful tattoos you wanna marketing genius. We'll pay you in bussy.

I prefer to be paid in updoots and bitcoin.

Post bussy and you'll be showered in it

Only on the private sub. Invite/whiteKnights only.

I mean, she's pretty damn good at it.

Like, there is a giant tattoo on one of those asscheeks but I can't even remember which one.

I've seen better but she's gotten progressively better at removing them from her content. I wonder how she feels seeing them everyday in the mirror knowing that she hasn't achieved anything other than Reddit infamy.

She's got a good looking turd-cutter TBH

You called?


post bussy

Excellent! So what do you have to say in the face of all of this drama? Do you hold any grudges against any users? How's your "brand" been doing? Have you delivered the content people claim to have paid for but never received? What are your thoughts on the white knights and cucks arguing over you and your content? Most importantly, did you miss us here in r/drama?

Oh yeah, totally. I hold grudges against basically everyone who's ever downvoted me.

Haters gonna hate, but I have a whole army of people to counter-brigade my posts, and a private sub where only people who upvote me are allowed.

And yes, I missed all of you manlets dearly, that's why I'm back. Well, that, and the money.

Well there you have it folks! Our conniving skanky mascot is back!

Pleasure to be of service

You should livestream a debate between you and the /r/drama mods. All of you would be naked obviously given the context

You're just trying to see free bussy

shhh don't bussy block me

Bribe me or no bussy for you

Wait, I just noticed we've been bamboozled. Her new account is /u/McDewJank not /u/McJewDank. Now I feel dumb

shhhh, just get your bamboozle insurance payout and don't talk about it ;)

Oh ok, just post bussy and I'll look the other way


PAWGtastic my ass... she should be banned for false advertising

It's much bigger in person

Holy shit its happening

Somehow I knew exactly who this was about without clicking the link.

Don't know this story... can someone fill me in?

lurk moat faggot


type this in google OR "jewdank"

and click on search


[deleted] is back

What's your favorite gone wild girl? Mine is /u/Schoolgirlsubslut.

So, something I just noticed looking at her private sub. She has CSS in the sub count and viewer count that adds ",257" at the end of the actual number. I can't tell if it's a joke or some kind of attempt to make it seem like there are more people there than there actually are. I'm gonna be optimistic and say it is probably a joke because it is way too obvious.

So, something I just noticed looking at her private sub. She has CSS in the sub count and viewer count that adds ",257" at the end of the actual number. I can't tell if it's a joke or some kind of attempt to make it seem like there are more people there than there actually are.

Report that to the admins several mods have gotten in trouble for changing vote count in CSS

Well it's not vote count, it is sub count. I'm not sure if that is against the rules or not.

It's not against the rules if you show the admins some bussy ;)

I'd fuck her until she learned I'm poor.

She can probably smell the poor on people.

Jews have them kind of superpowers

I understand her appeal on a drama level

but on a sexual level i just don't get it

her ass has never been a "pawg" and if you are into that type of thing, there are numerous better alternatives who aren't bat shit crazy

and her supposed pawg is covered in trashy tattoos

so many better asses out there

/u/McDewJank still not sure how you keep people interested

Any recommendations? For research purposes of course.

anyone with an actual Pawg for starters lol

I'd cum on her ass if it didn't have gross tattoos on it. Only I defile asses, not Jewish ink. Only... I.

/u/McJewDank just here so i get my paycheck

Can't help but laugh that I knew exactly who you were talking about from this title.

Great, now we're gonna be chasing noodles alts again. Fucking hell.

Great more asshole!

y'all ruined it now there's no butts

what a pretty young woman

The Meme Not Taken

Two memes diverged in a dank montage,

And sorry I could not watch both

And be one memer, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it memed in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as dank,

And having perhaps the better meme,

Because it was dank and wanted memes;

Though as for that the meming there

Had danked them really about the same,

And both that montage equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden african american.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back to 9gag.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: fucking kiddies

Two memes diverged in a montage, and I—

I took the one less memed by,

And that has made all the dankness.