Is mansplaining even real? Some "women" on TwoX say no! Mods are working overtime to remove resistance to the manicide

112  2017-06-15 by Basically_Trash


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Mansplaining is real, but it's called patronizing by normal people and it's done by both men and women.

I've certainly seen "mansplaining" done by men to other men on our team (probably done it myself a few times). It's not some special superiority of men over women.

Idiots who think they know everything are the problem. They just can't stay in their lane.

We keep the rest of you in your place.

Special? No. We are just generally superior.

Don't you get it? If something happens to a woman it means it only happens to a woman, and it's completely unique, no way can anyone else in history experience it. Women are entitled to go through like always having the platform to talk never being spoken to and never ever being criticized, especially not with facts or objectively true observations. I mean what kind of fucking retard would think of discussing alternative strategies in a business meeting with a female boss, fucking manspreading there tweet chains all over the glass floor of the sexist air conditioned office.

thing is, if a man speaks like that to another man, the other guy usually just corrects them and say "i'm actually pretty familiar with what you're talking about". whereas trollx women just stew in their impotent rage... for some reason

Did you tell them there is no "I" in Team? You should tell everyone in the team this everytime you team up and then print it on team tee-shirts for each team member just to remind them.

'Scuse me, I'mma let you finish, I just want to clarify the point that I think mehforeverybody is trying to make is that TwoX is a complete trash fire lately.


oh wait ur serious

it's a normal social dynamic that emerges when there is a large discrepancy in perceived power between two people, regardless of sex.

But hey, there's always wonder woman

Ironically, since the root word of patronize is the latin for father, they really mean the same thing anyway, amiright?

lol nerd

I feel like I'm being mansplained to right now.


that means talking down to people btw

You don't say? Well done buddy, good job!

What's funny is that women interrupt other women more than men interrupt women, but somehow the conclusion from this is that men are sexist.

Except the only reason women interrupt women is because of internalised misogyny you fucking idiot.

Damn. I always forget about how when it's women's fault, it's still men's fault.

Internalized misogyny is the only real kind of misogyny. Women created the patriarchy because they couldn't stand to see other women in charge, and so they all got together and decided to compromise and put a man in charge.

This is why as a woke feminist good boy I am morally obligated to hate women.

You just full horse-shoed son!

Can you provide a source for the claim? I don't disbelieve you, I just want to use that argument from now on.

Women are the jews of gender tbh

Probably the most offensive thing I read this week.


you know its true though

What about Jewish women, then?

Gypsies, basically.

I fucking hate gyppos

Twice as jewy

Wow fucking bloodbath on that thread. The drama's all been femsored.

I love it when a good freebleed makes it to /r/all.

Anyone deemed submissive in a social setting will get interrupted and talked over by there stronger peers. It's not a male female thing. It just happens to be that men are stronger than women and therefore women are more likely to fill the submissive roles in the social dynamic.

/u/sadatay what evidence is there that this is due to "mansplaining" and not because men are more experienced with the relevant topics? And what's the difference between "mansplaining" and telling a woman to shut her mouth because she's pratting along again?

/u/sadatay don't downvote me you fucking whore, you're obliged to give an answer

Upvoted you to offset her downvote. Also pls don't mansult people in my thread ty

Check your privilege.

don't try to trans*form this conversation..

I identify as an /r/anarchism poster so I'm basically the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to privilege

Those studies is the reason why lots of women want to eat men alive. New York Times employees should be put down asap.

Remember kids, always interrupt with the phrase "your opinions are shit, they are fucking shit".

In my experience, women interrupt patronizingly WAY more than men do. But thatis anecdotal evidence that goes against their agenda, so it should be ignored as anecdotal evidence for their agenda is what they want.

Do you pause to give them an opportunity to tell you what an absolute peice of shit you are? Stretch out your shorts and check your privilege.

That thread is pure propaganda. Every comment arguing against the existence of mansplaining ends up getting deleted, and only arguments in support of it are being left up to make it seem like there are no decent arguments against it


Why the fuck do these dumb cunts always end up deleting 90% of the comments?

Gas all women

So are you an incel or a volcel?

is transcel a thing yet?

A panel of five men. Two of which ruthlessly interrogated me on my experience, kept interrupting and wouldn't let me elaborate on how we had semantic differences between our companies but the meaning was the same. Asshats. The best part was the most vicious offender is from a machismo culture and then proceeded to mansplain how soft skills were important for the job. I couldn't help but fume inside.

/u/blahwomanblah how do you know it was because you're a woman?

Women are just way more likely to attribute everything to their gender.

A guy tells a woman to kill herself on the internet and it's sexist.

A guy tells me to kill myself on the internet and I laugh.

It's the same for minorities, my friend worked at a liquor store in the ghetto and would get called racist for carding people like 6 times a night.

Kill your self


I'm reluctant to assume this is the sole reason for this perception among women, but it's telling that articles and even studies that purport to show gender discrimination will often cite a statistic "x percent of women reported having experienced y" without a comparative statement about the percentage of men who have experienced y.

A guy tells me to kill myself on the internet, I get on with it and do the job properly unlike women


Forgot to's unfair to say minorities are the same when muslims scream "you are dirty fags" before shooting up a place. Though women are somehow the victim of that too *

*actually seen someone claim this, Pulse was a sexist attack (victims where something like 46 of 50 male)

No. Because I have 15 years of experience working in predominately male industry (not IT, 4 at school, 1 at a different company and 10 at this one. And this is first time I walked away awestruck and called my husband immediately. I'm not the type of person who lets obstacles prevent her from reaching goals. Why are you fanatical? Do you aways think in black and white?

Imagine for a moment that someone you loved posted a two paragraph account of something that bothered them thinking practically no one would pay any mind. Please take a moment to imagine that scenario. Would those two paragraphs be an accurate and fair assessment to based your whole opinion on them?

i'm not the type of person who lets obstacles prevent her from reaching goals

You're the type of person who have nervous break-down when everything doesn't follow your plan, then whine on reddit about it, then whine on reddit that you get downvoted. In meme format.

Holy fuck. This was beautiful.

She isn't married.

You sound like a thin skinned pussy to be honest.


Why are you fanatical? Do you aways think in black and white?


you still didn't say how you know it happened because you're a woman

you just said it's the first time you've experienced this while working 15 years in the industry. how do you know it's not just one guy who talks like this to men and women?

How DARE you deny her Lived Experiences

Is your vagina bleeding?

Academic studies and countless anecdotes



This would explain my recent job interview. It was an interview for the same work I had already been doing very successfully at a fortune 100 company for several years. I was interviewing for a job at different company because of the location. My resume and references were amazing. The recruiter basically told me I had the job and the interview was a formality.

Pardon if I don't actually believe this part, given what you reveal about yourself with the rest of your comment.

A panel of five men. Two of which ruthlessly interrogated me on my experience, kept interrupting and wouldn't let me elaborate on how we had semantic differences between our companies but the meaning was the same. Asshats. The best part was the most vicious offender is from a machismo culture and then proceeded to mansplain how soft skills were important for the job. I couldn't help but fume inside.

My recruiter was shocked when I recounted the interview. Needless to say, they didn't hire do a job I've done amazingly well for years at a better company.

Nearly every week of my 10 year career I lament being a woman. Treading the line between meek and assertive like a fucking tightrope watching men with poorer outcomes, poorer social skills advance. I didn't need a book to tell my there are so few women leaders. You need only experience it for a few years.

I'm sure they explained it to you, and you may have even felt condescended to. But I can guarantee you that it had nothing to do with them being men and you being a woman, and everything to do with you needing it explained to you. Because you clearly lack those soft skills - as demonstrated by how you apparently actually believe that

  • it's your place in an interview to tell people who represent that company about the "meaning" of what they do, and contradict their own interpretation;

  • you can just tell that men you've just met are "from a machismo culture" (to be honest, the only ways I can think of that you might have this insight are flatly racist);

  • every perceived slight is worthy of a knee-jerk ideological feminist explanation - e.g., that men constantly interrupting you is because they're men, and not because you're bad at indicating when you're done speaking;

  • you're entitled to jobs because you already work for "a better company" (by which you apparently mean one higher up Fortune's list, w/e);

  • the social skills of the men around you are "poorer" - in spite of a mountain of contradictory evidence (i.e. the part where their socialization has better outcomes than yours does) - yet you don't adapt by acting more like them;

  • it's about "walking a tightrope between meek and assertive" - as opposed to knowing where you are in the hierarchy, being generally approachable, and leaving your personal issues at the door.

This is a whole bunch of presumption for someone who wasn't there.

No, it's a bunch of reading what you read and determining what it logically implies.

Oooh, oooh, I know.

They were a male of color, or at least off-white, you know, Italian or similar, because wypipo have no culture. Other than rape culture, I guess.

They were probably a spic. (I heard that dogwhistle and came bounding over like a Saint Bernard)

Holy fuck you got destroyed. Must be the patriarchy

not a mountain of proof they are wrong in your reply though. kind of feel like if they'd missed the mark, you'd point that out, instead you are forced to reply with snark and no content because you got a bit exposed...

When interviewers interrupt you, they do so because they are in a position of power over you and put you under pressure, not because you are a woman

Also arguing semantics is always a bad idea in job interviews.

All that is like bog standard 'how to get hired' advice. Like, she's actively hostile to the idea of the other interviewers talking (even though it's generally a plus) or 'interrogating' about her experience (AKA the only reason you are here). It's clear that she viewed the job as a step down in prestige and that attitude was clear during the interview; these things are about selling yourself, and she took a sure thing and turned it into a no-sale.

Plus the dogwhistle thing, as others mentioned.

you're entitled to jobs because you already work for "a better company" (by which you apparently mean one higher up Fortune's list, w/e);

It's not like it's hard to work for a fortune 100 company most of the megabanks are up there and they hire a metric ton of people.

the problem with these feminist and victimhood in general is it is really hard for them to improve as individuals if they are blaming society etc for all their problems. i think a lot of them have poor self awareness or a warped view of reality which just drags them down.

most of the time you can look at what you could have done better in situations (if only being more resilient in dealing with it) to cope better in future. There probably still are rare situations where a person might get fucked because of some prejudice etc but bitching about it on reddit is not really the mots productive way of dealing with it. also people say there is a downside to people thinking ur a bitch, but IMO there aren't downsides, if someone calls u that it means u won.

Its the look I'm giving you now.


My favorite moment was when three guys were trying to figure out how high temperature would make the thickness reading on a piece of piping change. They hypothesized that the heat would cause it to expand outward (in radius), but the thickness should stay the same.

They were failing to grasp that the heat would have expanded the inner wall itself, rather than the entire radius of the pipe. Essentially how a donut's hole looks much large before it's cooked, but after the dough expands the hole is smaller and the surrounding doughnut is much thicker.

TIL thermal expansion works just like baking. Yeah, that totally makes sense. No.

First off, the behaviour depends on how/if expansion is constrained by outside forces. But assuming free expansion, solids are normally expected to expand uniformly (as a percentage) in all dimensions, like scaling an image (but in 3D). Accordingly, every dimension increases (including the thickness), but by tiny amounts. Copper, for example, expands about 16 parts per million per degree Kelvin, and we can heat it by about 1000K above ambient temperature before it starts melting, giving us an increase of about 1 part in 60. (These are, of course, first-order approximations - as are usual in engineering - that might not hold up especially well over a 1000K temperature range; I haven't actually conducted the experiment.)

But the point is, that change applies to both inner and outer radii, as well as the thickness. Your model predicts a decrease in inner radius, which is not going to happen. Also, the idea of "expanding the inner wall itself, rather than the entire radius of the pipe" makes no sense. Heat will be evenly conducted through the material (at least for any typical metal). Under free expansion, every part of the metal expands "the same way", i.e. scales uniformly. (You should be able to convince yourself of this by imagining the expansion of a solid rod, and comparing it to the expansion of a series of tightly-fitting, concentric pipes.)

But I mean, you're trolling, right? You didn't really walk up to "three guys", insert your irrelevant expertise as a home-maker, and then conclude when they ignored you that they didn't respect your (factually incorrect) explanation just because you're a woman? And for that matter, you aren't really working with engineers who don't understand 100-level undergrad physics?

Thermal expansion: Expansion in solids

When calculating thermal expansion it is necessary to consider whether the body is free to expand or is constrained. If the body is free to expand, the expansion or strain resulting from an increase in temperature can be simply calculated by using the applicable coefficient of thermal expansion. If the body is constrained so that it cannot expand, then internal stress will be caused (or changed) by a change in temperature. This stress can be calculated by considering the strain that would occur if the body were free to expand and the stress required to reduce that strain to zero, through the stress/strain relationship characterised by the elastic or Young's modulus. In the special case of solid materials, external ambient pressure does not usually appreciably affect the size of an object and so it is not usually necessary to consider the effect of pressure changes.


Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color. Copper is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building material, and as a constituent of various metal alloys, such as sterling silver used in jewelry, cupronickel used to make marine hardware and coins, and constantan used in strain gauges and thermocouples for temperature measurement.

Copper is one of the few metals that occur in nature in directly usable metallic form as opposed to needing extraction from an ore.

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Academic studies and countless anecdotes

Bwahahaha, someone pointed out that the article doesn't actually cite any relevant studies. The only academic "research" it cites is for the claim that "About a fifth of board members in Fortune 500 companies in 2016 were women", which isn't a study, it's literally head-counting.

Nice catch, /u/jabronees.

Oh, there's also this quotation

She and Christopher F. Karpowitz, associate professor of political science at Brigham Young University, found that, at school board meetings, men and women did not speak as long until women made up 80 percent of the school board. When men were in the minority, however, they did not speak up less.

but I can't quite figure out what it's trying to say. Both men and women, when the school board wasn't dominated by women, "didn't speak as long"... as what?

Go back to /r/slatestarcodex culture war threads if you're going to effortpost like that faggot

Or decolonize your mind, stop using "logic" against women of colour and embrace mayocide.


Shit, guess you got me.

People who cite "nunerous anecdotes" never have any anecdotes to back up their claims.

I get that mansplaining, just really being rude and condescending which is something both genders do, is real but I don't even think it's a problem.

You're too weak and timid to get your point across and stand up for yourself? Why should I give a fuck about what you have to say if you don't even give a fuck enough to assert your right to say it?

Please, my girlfriend would never let this shit slide regardless of it was a man or woman doing it to her.

Your gf sounds like a real womyns, unlike these snowflake tumblr-feminists. Is she single?

I dunno if she's single currently. I can ask though.

mansplainers are idiots

like why the fuck would you waste your time trying to explain anything to a woman lmao

There's also numerous studies which show women talk considerably more than men.

So, you see, this is just men defending themselves from the misandrystic assaults of 'femranting'.

Is anyone else getting the feeling that the mods on almost every female-oriented subreddit are actually dudes?