/r/Toronto is doing the BLM thing again.

40  2017-06-16 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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When police is an obstacle to enjoying your culture.

Considering BLM hasn't signed up for the Float they demanded to have last year, I fully expect them to reappear this year to a police free pride with guns.

That shit was hilarious. They made a bunch of demands from Pride Toronto, even got the police banned from the parade, then decided not to even show up. And there are people who still defend BLM lol.

And there are people who still defend BLM lol.

Worse theres still gay (actually gay not queer straight girls with short purple hair) that defend them. I like bondage but this is ridiculous. It's more like Stockholm Syndrome.

Oh they'll show up. They'll make a surprise unannounced appearance and hold it hostage again.

Nah, they probably didn't have the float because they realised theyd never be happy standing with white gayztm and just need to kill them all...or kill all gayz as probably was the plan with the majority straight group.

But that shit was hilarious. They made a bunch of demands from Pride Toronto, even got the police banned from the parade, then decided not to even show up.

Of course they didn't. Negroes hate the faegs.


Are you white?

I know this is /r/Drama but you know why this is right? Trailer trash tier people always do illegal shit, some of them get caught, some don't so to them it looks like the police arbitrarily pick on them for doing stuff 'everyone does'. They honestly don't get that normal people don't commit home invasions, deals drugs or shoot at each other (unless you're part burger).

Even Trailer Park Boys gets this, they don't understand why they get arrested for doing 'normal' stuff. When it comes down to it anyone who actually hates the cops is a garbage person because they definitely don't just murder brown people for shits and giggles.

When it comes down to it anyone who actually hates the cops is a garbage person because they definitely don't just murder brown people for shits and giggles.

I was with you to this, but the lots of cops have done god-awful things, and they almost never get punished for anything. You just sound like your typical idiot 16 year old (you're using TPB as a genuine comparison to real life...come on, even you know that's a retard movie). You're like a living, breathing version of how the left views right wingers.

Settle down there champ. Yeah cops have done terrible things and I'm a huge supporter of police supervisory boards being run by lawyers so they can't just cover up wrongful action. However the vast majority of police are decent folks, and anyone who actually hates all cops hates them because they do their jobs. Just go on /r/anarchism and check the profile of anyone who is rabidly anti-cop. They're always a POS criminal with charges relating to drugs and/or violence. The one that really sticks out for me was the guy from Hamilton on there that wanted all cops dead because of their "unfair persecution", but had been in prison for a home invasion with a firearm and was on probation. No normal member of society hates all cops like these people do and I stand by my statement that anyone who hates all police is a garbage person. They're always criminals who don't understand that what they do isn't normal and that the police aren't as arbitrary as they think they are. Police do have discretion but it usually isn't used on them because they're incapable of just shutting up when they're in trouble.

Also TPB is a series with a couple bad movies thrown in, not just a movie. The point with that comparison was that they guys all committed crimes constantly and to them it was just a normal thing that everyone did. Stealing was normal, selling drugs was normal, drinking and driving was normal. You see that same behavior in real life trailer park tier people. Most normal people don't know anyone that shitty but Trailer Park Boys is a popular enough show most people would have a point of reference. People who spend all their days drinking, stealing and trying to get rich without working honestly aren't some far off fantasy.

No normal member of society hates all cops like these people do and I stand by my statement that anyone who hates all police is a garbage person. They're always criminals who don't understand that what they do isn't normal and that the police aren't as arbitrary as they think they are.

It reminds me of the old segment from Mr. Show about sovereign citizens.

He was shooting at them [FBI agents] and they shot him!

Can't these people just be executed or something?

This is Canada we're talking about here. The only people who get executed are the Aboriginals.

As God intended.

This wouldn't happen if our ancestors had castrated their slaves.

I'm Arab, my ancestors were perfectly responsible

Inventors of algebra, basic law, and testicle management!

basic law

I'm pretty sure there were lawgivers before the Arabs

I that Hammurabi was one of your people?

If anything the Greeks did it earlier and better.

Parts of Toronto needs to nuked. Think of it as a controlled forest fire. I propose nuking all of Cabbagetown, and OCAD and other places filled with art students.

I hope this year when Pride 2017 starts that BLM can stop the parade again this year and ask for more demands to be meet.

It should turn into an annual event, and not stop at pride.

We take a minute to thank the Lord and our fallen war heroes, is taking 30 minutes to honor black lives at every opportunity really to much to ask?

Every parade, every event, every meeting and conference should set aside 30 minutes for BLM or their equivalent to stop the event to draw attention to black lives.

Than we will truly have equality,

Only 30 minutes? You fucking white supremacist.

That is going to be fun. God truly is the greatest.

Open up your heart and let that hate out!