I failed 60% of my tests

41  2017-06-16 by [deleted]

My grades were lower than I thought they could be

So, what do you guys think, suicide by vodka?

Suicide by coke?

Give me ideas


Maybe spend more time studying and less on Reddit?

Maybe go fuck yourself?

Butt chug it then faggot. I failed an IQ test you don't see me complaining bitch.

Isn't that like a badge of honor in your culture, though?

Vodka, blackjack and hookers. No bullshit, will ease your pain 100%

Too poor for blackjack and hookers

Then you must play (and cheat) blackjack to get cash = hookers.

Lower your standards until you aren't.

how do you fail an Autism test?

I failed every test in this world

i think i actually might be retarded

What year are you in? If it's first or second then who gives a fuck? Redo that shit man. Also it isn't suicide by coke or vodka. You take both and then do something monumentally stupid to kill yourself.

Have you tried a gloryhole? I heard it opens up your third chakra, so you would be more intelligent and more spiritual, which is required to excel in studies.

Maybe you should stop spending so much time on r/neoliberal because jerking each other off about how smart you are doesn't actually make you smart

Damn, a real answer

Fantastic answer

jesus fucking christ i wanted to kill myself not be murdered

Getting yourself murdered is a good way to kys.

Suicide by cop means you don't go to hell.

lmao absolutely brutal

How happy are you right now, from 1 to 10?

Just cracked open a few cold ones with the boys so around a 9.

To be fair to me it wasnt just being dumb

i just didnt study

Next time skip the Adderall, go straight to meth, have a psychotic break before your finals, become an hero and make your mother proud.

The problem is I didnt try the adderall

but now i am rally going to

Try to get the extended release. Better for studying.

thx brah

Adderall is magical and it was the only reason I got my life together.

It makes everything fun and super interesting. You don't have to force yourself to study, you just want to, because nothing could be more fascinating.

It's also a good social aid, much better than alcohol or benzos or anything else.

I might have adhd too

what do i do? go to a doctor and tell him i am fucked up?

Yes, but do not go to your campus resource center for that. They'll never prescribe anything helpful.

Go to a doctor, pass a piss test, if he asks about drug use say no.

You might have to go through some non-stimulant meds first, which is fine, you should try those and see if they help. If they do, just stick with that. If not, just say they don't work.

It's also a good social aid

It really is, to an incredible degree. Especially when combined with alcohol or weed.

Like, me sober = meh I guess I'll talk to people if I have to.

Me on addys = I'll happily talk to people if there's even the slightest chance it'll help me in any way.

Me on addy + weed = Hello stranger I don't know you at all but how are you.

And you seem so warm and genuine, like you're actually interested in what people have to say, something I can never do sober.

It's perfect for dates and personal conversations and stuff like that.

I actually can fake warm and genuine even when I'm sober.

Took a lot of practice, but it's a very much worthwhile skill to have.

Go play some poker for the day and sleep it off.

Poker? bitch I am going to drink so much I might pass out

Browse r/drama for an hour and you'll get the urge to throw yourself off the nearest tall building.

The only test that matters is the HIV test.

Eat ice cream

Drop out and find an older man with money to take care of you.

the dream right here

my bussy is too hairy for this to happen

Take the money you were going to spend on school to fix up your bod. Then book a gay cruise. Avoid the Caribbean unless it's the only one you can afford.

That's very en vogue rn

oh really ?

I am glad to know I would be popular in the gay community

What should I do if I want to marry a rich daddy though?

I don't have the temperament for that tbh.

Snag some incriminating photos and work from there.

National socialism was in vogue once. That doesn't make it right.

Bussy should be smooth and pristine

There is certainly nothing wrong with a smooth and pristine bussy either. It takes all kinds :)

No joke, either study or off yourself. There are no other alternatives available here.

This is actually good advice, unironically

Dress up in a giant chicken costume.

Go to the top of the tallest building near you.

Wait till a crowd gathers.

Blast I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly

Jump off, flapping your wings

Soar away into the sunset. Or die, whatever.

You could still probably be a NYC public employee like /u/callhimar

He went to a joke community college and know spends all his time posting on reddit. I guess this must be his lunch break (9am-5pm).

that I here so much about.

He went to a joke community college and know spends all his time

He went...joke community college...know spends

joke community college...know spends

/u/dramanazi_420 your stupid ass should enroll in your local community college and take a class in not being a fucking retarded.

idk man you have 420 in your username I don't think you can be calling anyone else retarded or mongoloid

Yes skeltal meme usernames are definitely not more retarded than 420 and for sure shouldn't be gassed. Ok.

This is fun

Very much so.

this is weird thread to talk about your boyfriend in, dude

Instead of trying to make friends with people online that you'll never meet go talk to people in your course. Maybe that'll give you a leg up for next semester.

how does this help in getting better grades u subhuman

Oh, you're actually just to autistic to learn with your peers. Should've guessed by the /r/neoliberal posts.

I thought that was obvious

What kinda tests we talking? High school? Undergrad? HIV?

They roll em all into one these daysby inspecting your bussy

suffocation by bussy

Drink, have a wank, have a shower, go to bed, wake up tomorrow feeling better.

Do you have the option to do resits?

Suicide by fentanyl. Only needs a few mg

Make niche incest porn for a living

Kill yourself and stream it you literal moron.

Have you considered joining ISIS? They'll gladly accept any mouth-breathing fuckwit and suicide is part of the job description.

why didn't you cheat, retard?

Why dont you suck my dick, cunt


Doesn't work like that, you have to post bussy first

Idk I had to drop out of college because I didn't want to end up majoring in something wasteful like Gay Studies

Whats you're career and which semester?

I was a junkie in college and slept through my final exams. I ended up getting a degree so I wouldn't sweat it.

Not everyone is made for wage slavery, have you considered the Donald Trump approach?

You should get a doctor's note and go to the administration or whoever's in charge of this sort of thing and try and get leniency or a retake due to mental health issues.

Not possible anymore

What I could do I guess is trying to get adderall for the next tests, and I think I am going to do that.

Damn. :( You could get a note for the next tests maybe. Adderall helps, but wouldn't rely on it too much.

I am actually talking out of my ass, I dont know if I have ADHD

I am going to the docter for once to check this shit out and see if I actually have something, you mention a good point, I might get something out of my doctor that might give me leniency in my next tests

thank snally!

You may as well go and get checked anyway, and I know some people in my uni who managed to get special accommodations for pretty convoluted reasons even though it was a really good school. Good luck!

Suicide by vodka is a good idea. There's even a hilarious romcom about it.

Well u will probably fail at killing yourself. Try not being stupid.