Another leaf mansplaining and denying women's experiences. Bonus "muh wage gap" arguments to be found

45  2017-06-16 by Butch_Patterson


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Even the bot is insulting him...

I think the comments from the bot hurt most of all.

Lol, loJohn sounds like one of those "vocal male feminists" who sane women refuse to date. And also Johny boy if you had an easy life, that doesn't matter other men around the world had/have and stop painting all women as victims, women are not whimps like you.

I can just picture what would happen IF a sane woman accidentally found herself with him

"Hi honey. I wanted to use my privilege to buy you something nice, but then I remembered that all media is brainwashing you to an unrealistic beauty standard so instead I got your this nice burka so you don't need to feel like I care about your looks in any way. Gib sex now?"

Nah, he's just a really "Nice Guy".

You couldn't link my name you twat? Lazyyyyy

Fuck off privileged, white canadian male.

Spaces make sentences look better you stupid fuck.

No u.

How about you acknowledge your white male privilege, Hitler?


Are you... raising children as a single parent as much as a man?

How can you possibly present men's far lesser chances of being granted child custody as a positive thing?

A survey of judges in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee found a clear preference among judges for maternal custody in general... a majority (56%) of the state’s judges, both male and female, agreed with the statement, “I believe young children belong with their mother.” [...] Fathers, one judge explained, “must prove their ability to parent while mothers are assumed to be able.” [...] 69% of male attorneys had come to the conclusion that judges always or often assume from the outset... that children belong with their mothers.

Are you actually here trying to be serious? You fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

Don't you bring Cleveland into this.

I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to grow up with a positive male paternal influence.

Im sorry youre such a cunt.

Take ur gendered slurs and get out bigot.

Ohh now it's all serious, hahaha. You're fucking retarded.

You're fucking retarded


It was a statement. There's nothing to elaborate on.


NOT ok

where the fuck are the mods to ban this sexist trash?!?!

Shut up ya cunt.

Bravo you fucking glass of ass piss.

How can you possibly present men's far lesser chances of being granted child custody as a positive thing?

Because you're a shitty kid and you're cramping my style. Here's bus fare to your mother's. Go bug her.

That's it! I'm going out for smokes.

You couldn't link my name you twat? Lazyyyyy

women are not whimps like you.

Haven't met many of them, have you?

/u/praisethesuun stop being an uncle tom (boy) and concede that Womyn are oppressed by advertising 146% of the time.

I'm not a real woman because I don't feel oppressed by advertising. I think that's what I learned today. /s

No. You're not a real woman cause you don't got a bussy.

yeah that too. I have been called aunt tom in the same sub on the same topic except it was about a violent trans gendered criminal

Well, tbf your posting history is legit retarded. I don't get the Cancucks4Trump deal.

So brave

I'm glad you agree with my mom. I know the Canadian Conservative party is pretty pathetic, but it's embarrassing to see you worship our politicians.

I don't.

Oh. She'll be heartbroken

I have no sympathy for fat women

this is a satire sub you dumbass lol

It is a joke sub. We're actually really nice cunt.

I dont see how misogyny is funny

This is a troll account

Yeah you wouldn't, Earnest, you fucking bitch.

Hey thats racist

Misogyny itelf isnt. But wymn's reactions are.

This is like trying to save a dying puppy by bashing it with a hammer.

"I'm trying to help you you ignorant nutjob. Why the fuck aren't you listening to me? Are your gaddamn ovaries getting in the way?"

- loJohn

Oh man he got real aggressive with her real quick.


Id love to see that quote you whore's asshole.

Stop using misogynistic slurs you fucking womanising raping pickle-suited nigger!

Listen here you vinegar dicked dago.


/u/loJohn post your BMI. If it's reasonable I'll gild you, no bamboozle

Like I want to have anything to do with you cunts.


I don't care about BMI, just wanna see ur bussy.

I'm not familiar with the term "bussy". I do though apparently have a manpussy. I assume is moist and 100% DTF.

Same this. Pics

I can't at work.....give me a few minutes to get home, walk down the stairs into my parents basement, crack a Dew, pop on some WoW and take off my chastity belt.

Talk is for suckers. Be a man of action

Ive had issue with interoffice manpussy pics before. Dont want to go down that road again.

It's cool. This is Dale from accounting.

Oh well we've all seen your mangled excuse for genitalia, Dale.

The copier lid fell right on top mid-scan, ok?!

Oh potluck friday, you so crazy

Just unplugging from the Drama BoiPussy HiveMind for a moment, but isn't this sexism drama just run of the mill dog shit thats been around for a while now? Unless some batshit feminazi or lonely single manchild decides to stockpile weapons, its the same old echos from years ago.

Case and point, the linked "drama" even feels half arsed. Neither party is trying to hard, its like even they know its pointless, and like a decaying relationship, both parties are too afraid to move on and instead just circle the drain with the same old shit.

Plugging back in now, LOLOLOLOL MAYOCIDE NOW! etc etc.

As if you had anything better to do with your day than read round eleventrybazillion of the gender war.

Case "in" point, mouth breather

This is a troll account

I kind of least expected some of this to be interesting. Now I just feel bad for you guys.

I gave you pages of material and this:

Lol, loJohn sounds like one of those "vocal male feminists" which sane women refuse to date. And also Johny boy if you had an easy life, that doesn't matter other men around the world had/have and stop painting all women as victims, women are not whimps like you.

Has gotten the most votes? You guys fucking suck.

This sub should be called r/wesuckatroastingpeopleevewithmountainsofmaterial.

This guy is right. You people suck

You're not wrong. Some of the friendly fellows here sometimes skip straight past the banter and go right to outrage. I noticed your appreciation for party parrots and bussy ITT, so you're all right with me.

I wouldnt expect anyone to actually read my comments lol. Most of people here likley havnt read any further than the title of the post.

Morons like u/praisethesuun get their asses handed to them argueing in other threads and then some here to their percieved safe zone so their feefees dont continue to get hurt. Its the usual reddit nonsense.

tbqh I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually some NEET guy in Texas.

Its more than likley a dude fishing for karma, like half of the faux outraged virgins on here.

Same thing

The people that get outraged anonymously on the internet are making the real difference in the world don't you know?

Yeah, some of my fellow autists in this sub forget that and start seriousposting. It's embarrassing, really.

Ita been going all day. I was hoping for less of that here but apparently not lol

I read the comments. You sound like a cunt.

i can call you mean names if you want

It would help you johnny reb slut.

wow u stepped over line and now my feelings are hurt

Of course they would be you cum snowflake.


You wanted this you jizz weasel.

pls no cyberbully

I have days worth of semen references.

aight nigga it's bed time be real

I hope you have fried chicken and grape soda dreams fam.

me 2 that shit is the best

What's this "muffin" business?

I called a whiny fuck a muffin. Did it hurt your feelings too?

lmfao peak outrage. Imagine being that retarded

Welcome to 2017 on the internets.

im talking about you. You're the retard

I know, the 2017 reference is for the morons like you.


Bonus from elsewhere in the thread, featuring /u/VelvetJustice doing the passive-aggressive mod-hat-off-but-still-modding thing.

Fuck trust a leaf to try and backseat mod without distinguishing.

Do they know no shame?

white females are the single most privileged class in society

This but unironically

Male feminists, can't live with 'em no matter the gender.

I love that male suicides or depression or really any other health problem all get blamed on "toxic masculinity". It's like they're just scrambling for any way to still put the blame on men.

"You see men, the problem is you're trying to act too much like men. That's why you're unhappy."

Shut up and go cry in the shower so no one can hear or see you.

Thats why men who act like women kill themselves at an incredibly high rate you see...