Is getting off to nonsexualized pictures of women creepy? Is looking at pictures of dressed up women creepy? Is having a penis and being attracted to women creepy? All this and more from /r/Negareddit

119  2017-06-16 by [deleted]


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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On point again bot

The bot is always on point, now post bussy for stating the obvious

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I wasnt expecting that to work

It's your lucky day sunshine

How is this a bot it's unreal

Jesus Christ negareddit is the biggest conglomeration of anti fun bores I've ever witnessed

No negareddit just because i like dank memes doesn't mean i want to literally gas the kikes

Do these people just sit around thinking to themselves "how can i possibly piss off as many people as possible while trying to hold the moral high ground?"

Riemann should join them

You sound triggered.

"triggered" - if you spout this casually, just shut the fuck up please

this word is tossed around so often it's not even funny. yes, most of the pissant shitstain 13-year-old primary schoolers don't know what it means, but to everyone older than that; grow. up. go. outside.

you're so cringeworthy and unfunny, it's painful. for one it's actually offensive to those with actual disorders like PTSD which can result in the affected having certain triggers, it's just so, so overused, so boring.

it's just wholly now a word with serious meaning which has been glossed over as "a meme" by anti-SJW/feminism memes and /r/mensrights-circlejerking neckbeards who probably don't have any fucking clue what they're talking about in 90% of their posts. you basement-dwelling troglodytes browsing /r/tumblrinaction all day who use the word so frequently, snorting through their double-chins to slap onto the keyboard the words "lol are you triggered XD" in response to anybody displaying the slightest disapproval to their piss-poor anti-feminist jokes are exactly the personification of stupid.

Tasty pasta

You are correct and also a dick

You sound triggered.

It appears the user in question has now deleted their account. You happy now? When is enough enough gaaaah

You sound triggered

You fucking animals. We already have one account lying in the trash heap and all you want is more. Disgusting

You sound triggered

you sound niggered


it's just wholly now a word with serious meaning which has been glossed over as "a meme" by anti-SJW/feminism memes and /r/mensrights-circlejerking neckbeards

I know this is pasta but tbh I hear "triggered" more often from SJW types trying to pull a "DAE anti-SJWs are the real triggered ones!?"

Which, yes, I guess they are triggered, but so are you. Everyone is mad online. Except for me.

You sound triggered.

no, you

o fuk

got 'em

Nice projection you fucking weeb. You sound angry, i win

I used to feel like a real fancy man when I cranked it to r/gentlemanboners. But now that this one guy says it's creepy I guess I'll have to go back to r/sharpiebutts like all the other normies

ty 4 the recommendation

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

doesn't mean i want to literally gas the kikes Get out.

It's about being a shitty of a person as possible while holding the moral high ground.

Nailed it.

/u/alawa why do you hate men who are aroused by attractive, clothed women? Is it because you mod /r/amifat? Are you a jealous big girl?

if you have to ask "am i fat?" then the answer is always yes

Is that sentence the sentence that forced your wife to look outside her marriage?

in fact, yes

does any of your wife's boyfriends live further than a 3 minute drive from a taco bell?

I'll have to pass that along to anorexic people.

when you speak to them, make sure you let them know they're eating too much

Remember too much diet soda causes diarrhea, which is like purging but without the obvious signs, so drink up.

and sorbitol chewing gum

Eh, I've recently lost 25 lbs and can now with absolute certainty say I am not fat. But when I was 25 lbs heavier it was a gray area, I was able to run a marathon and had a reasona me waist size but there was a bit of flab. Fat is kind of subjective so asking doesn't seem to guarantee guilt. If I was fat 25 lbs heavier then there wasn't any exact moment I went from fat to not fat.

Fat is a state of mind fam. Your fat fingers seem to have slipped and made a typo as well, fatty

Nooooooooooo, you've changed my state of mind and I've gained 45 lbs! All the dieting for nothing.

quick way to lose 50 pounds is to cut off your left leg, fatso!

Fat finger problems

Sounds fat, but ok

Ohhh I thought it was Ami Fat. Like for Chubby Amish people.

I thought it was the Chinese version of Fat Amy. Last name first and all.

That actually make sense

I see where her pain comes from. Fat women are not sexy while naked, and no amount of normal clothes can make them sexy. They just look like circular tents.

/u/alawa have you tried 4chan's /fit/? It can help you with your fucking glandular problem.

/u/alawa a glass of antifreeze would help too.

It's like these r/gamerghazi users that meltdown over men liking 2d female characters more than them.

It's a bit amusing but also really creepy.

Well your first mistake is thinking anyone there is female, very few are.

SRS/gamerghazi/pretty much every rabid SJW sub on Reddit is like 85% male.

It's literally just angry neckbeards trying to white knight women because they think that's attractive.

Oh my

/u/alawa they say that it doesnt matter how ugly or fat you are, someone has jerked off to you

Be happy!

She's something worse, a vegan.

You know what's vegan too? Fries.

This is true.

I think the implication that to be a "gentleman" is to be attracted to wealthy, thin, white women is pretty insidious

/u/thirteensigmapi, welcome to reality honey. The world loves pretty white women. How many wealthy/successful men to you see in relationships with poor, obese, black women?

is this kaalaaaa or noodles?

Neither, you wouldn't recognize me.

You are really not good at this.

Holy fucking shit! What could be so awful a fucking drama mod deletes it?

There are a few people who are not welcome on reddit or /r/Drama, ever. There is a lot of history to why.

Can you make a post detailing it???

I would, but the reason they stay is for the attention that they get from it, and denying them that has seemed to be a decent policy thus far.

can you make a post detailing it your bussy

lol was it noodles or something?

How many wealthy/successful men to you see in relationships with poor, obese, black women?

We need to close that gap NOW

Look at this amazing response:

I think it's this combined with another comment in this thread. Somehow getting off to this ridiculous notion of what a woman "should" be makes you classier than getting off to naked people. First, why are you so uncomfortable with admitting you like attractive naked people? Second, why is your view of a "proper" woman so specific and homogenous?

Yeah, but like, that fat black TSA lady is prob a freak in the sack.

How many wealthy/successful men to you see in relationships with [...] black women?

Why you talking shit about /u/Kn0thing ?

To see how wrong they are I glanced through the top posts of all time and there were plenty of Asian women.

/u/thirteensigmapi please tell how those women are actually white

Did no one tell them it's an inversion of ladyboners, where they get their rocks off on thin, wealthy white actors?

Kind of like how r/earthporn became a whole network of sfw-porn subs, including r/humanporn. Which sounds weird unless you know the entire backstory of its name as well as reddit "culture" (ugh).


Which sounds weird unless you know the entire backstory of its name as well as reddit "culture" (ugh).


as well as reddit "culture" (ugh).



/u/afinesocia1ife your entire existence is "ugh" personified

Haha, sure. I can attest to that.




It offends me as a knuckledragger that he/she is appropriating caveman vernacular like that.

We're Neanderthal-Americans, race traitor. Yes, even if you aren't American.

And you'd better pronounce Neanderthal right.




"Treating them as objects"....alawa you do know that subreddit known as ladyboners exist with number NSFW versions of it where women and probably gay men go to see dicks and six packs? Or maybe you are just a dolt.

/u/alawa *

you have to ping them, comrade, otherwise its no fun.

she said:

there is a difference in that ladyboners is kinda a jokey name, whereas gentleman boners just sounds creepy.

so, yeah, "it's different when we do it," etc

objectification = power + boners

women by definition can't objectify men because they are weak (and pathetic), and also (supposedly) don't have penes and so can't have boners.

Probably gay men

It's probably all gay men tbh

/u/alawa /r/drama is a subreddit of peace

I think the implication that to be a "gentleman" is to be attracted to wealthy, thin, white women is pretty insidious -/u/thirteensigmapi

lol do you not realize that the sub is just the male version of /r/ladyboners? Its literally the same thing with the genders reversed.

Also you seem pretty angry that people are attracted to women who look different than you, which is funny since that entire thread is bitching about being objectified.

I can't jerk off to gonewild because 99% of the time the heads are cropped off. Makes me feel like I'm jerking off to a decapitated person, genuinely creeps me out.

Makes me feel like I'm jerking off to a decapitated person

Are you saying there is something wrong with that?

So much kink shaming here recently :((

Personally I enjoy that their heads are cropped off. Eye contact makes me uncomfortable. I had to break up with my gf because she kept trying to look at me during sex. Like wtf bitch are you gay or something?

You might be autistic. Seriously

nah mate I'm pretty shit at drawing

I demand that they look right at me. I consider it cheating to picture someone else during sex.

I like that they crop out their faces because 9 time out of 10 when they finally show face they look like a swamprat.

Yikes. Ugh. Creepy and gross.

Creepy gross and problematic.™

And "pretty shitty tbh"

SexEd is pretty shit. Because of that, women are morons because they never studied male sexuality. Their grandmas' were right when they told their whore daughters that men are fucking animals.

The OP of that thread does have a point, though. Everyone who uses the terms like "gentlemanly", "gentlemanboners", etc. should be gassed. These are the sorts of people who would still wear fedoras if anti-fedora memery didn't become internet mainstream.

Oh, and don't get me wrong, though, people who use terms like "creepy" should be gassed as well. "Creepy" is literally "Ugh"-tier.

What about "gross" tho?

Use "ew"

It's a pun on "ladyboners", you overreaching idiot.

We should gas you

I just blew a load to your reddit comment /u/aleksndrars

I think the implication that to be a "gentleman" is to be attracted to wealthy, thin, white women is pretty insidious Jesus Christ......

Man that sub is fucked up in the head.

This is too ridiculous and pathetic to be true

I am actually going to ping every single one of those people to know what is wrong with them

/u/cllegion what is wrong with you

I think it's the belief that it's somehow more classy to drool over nonsexualized photos.

It's like when someone says "I will not rape you if you fall unconscious" at a party as if it is a highlight point and not a default presumption of common decency.

/u/AlwaysTryAgain what is wrong with you

Of course. Because there's nothing classier than jerking off to women who didn't consent to it.

/u/buriedinthyeyes JESUS, FUCKING, CHRIST, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? are you trolling and I took the bait?

/u/ciquedufuder check that thread fam

this is top white knighting/weird behaviour/everything is creepy shit

Are you drunk, that ain't my name.

are you drunk


GOOD. Good answer as always.

People in r/drama caring about drama?

a shocker

I just think it's disrespectful, I've never done it to an image. To an idea or fantasy? Yes. I don't want to get into the habit of doing that shit.


WEW, I can't breathe.

are you trolling and I took the bait?


in my defense at that time I was drinking and shitposting heavily

Ooo. I've found a fan. Its nice to see you're so butthurt about my porn for neckbeards comment that you've pinged me. I'm guessing this describes you. Don't worry mate.

Is life fun on puritan land?

Wouldn't know. All our Puritans died or ended up in America.

You bunch of hypocrites behave like uptight little cunts in your land and on the internet but behave like animals when you come to Spain

Clearly, you've never been outside of London and think we're all posh bastards who live in palaces and spend all our time drinking tea. I wish I was a naive as you.

shit uy arent?

if you guys behave like you do in spain i have no idea how your country functions

I gotta go to your country man, every english person i have met is fun as fuck, and a bit salvage

try respecting women. Maybe then you'll get laid.

Seriously, that is mum-tier dating advice. I think you should respect women because you want to respect women, and think they are worthy of respect, not because you want to get laid. I never once heard of a woman even pretending that 'a man who respects women' is at all on her shopping list of what she desires in a partner. Anyway, I thought we had already settled the whole issue that 'women are not slot machines that you put niceness tokens into and get sex out as a reward'? Just stop. Actually, try disabusing yourself of the notion that women are universally worthy of respect, and then maybe you'll get laid. Vice versa for women: you don't have to respect all guys, because at least some of us are arseholes, IMO.

to be attracted to wealthy, thin, white women is pretty insidious

I love me a bit of posh totty. RIP Tara Palmer-Tomkinson.

Being respectful can work, like saying a compliment when you grab her arse instead of just grunting or asking to see their tits without insulting them at the same time.

I don't see how "saying a compliment" is specifically "respectful"? That seems to me to being "complimentary", rather than being "respectful". Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think everybody in this thread is reading WAYYY too far into it.

bruh do you even realize what subreddit you were in

This actually bothered me for some reason zahl

Do you remenber in high school the shy puritan nerd? this is like if that nerd looked down on everyone else, justified his shyness and petty puritan behaviour by thinking he is treating women well, while the rest of the world are a bunch of jocks to him who keep objectifying mlady

What the actual fuck

As usual, it's all the white man's fault


reddit "culture" (ugh) /u/afinesocia1ife

Why even go on reddit if you hate it so much be honest please :D

Aren't all straight men inherently creepy?

You have to be creepy to want to fuck a wound that won't heal

I just think it's disrespectful, I've never done it to an image. To an idea or fantasy? Yes. I don't want to get into the habit of doing that shit.

I hope this guy realizes that having a fantasy about a woman without her consent is just as bad as raping that woman


With you 100%. As god-awful as reddit can be, it's just a derivative of something slightly more clever, but with no regard for context or the thing that made the original basis endearing in the first place.

It's based on r/LadyBoners, which tended to post pictures of clothed but attractive men. A gentleman tends to be the male counterpart to a lady, except gentlemen actually tend to have penises, so the joke about ladies getting metaphorical boners falls totally flat. Because redditors are notoriously inept at discerning what is socially appropriate (or think the "culture" makes them part of a secret club, so let what would otherwise be unacceptable things slide).

It is far less insidious than people here want to frame it. It had nothing to do originally with the posters feeling like gentlemen, or even getting boners. It was just a place to post attractive women.

Of course that mutated and attracted a weird kind of community after a while, but most people are fucking weird, and anonymity brings out the worst in what we would otherwise consider decent people. Reddit does less than most sites to deal with these things when they crop up, so it also serves as a feedback loop that normalizes this deviant behavior.

How is this the most reasonable post in this thread?