A FUCKING LEAF takes time out of his suryp farming to REEEEEEEE about burgers

7  2017-06-16 by Kysbu


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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i banged a latvian chick with my big gay canadian dick so HA






Apparently these are ruskies. Hitler couldn't do anything right, unfortunately.

lmao anti-canadian propaganda

do russians really have that much money that they can afford to waste it on making propaganda against irrelevant american vassal #148

like whats next, anti-andorran propaganda? anti-slovakian propaganda?

I'm no fan of Canada and NATO enriching unnecessarily into Russian sphere of influence over something Russians are probably not interest din the 1st place but, I think you are highly understating Russian State and state apparatus.

These guys had more than 100 years to perfect all the things you read in 1984.

Ideological blindness has more potential for destruction than money ever will.

This mofos are not just ideologically blind, they have know-how that rest of the world would kill for.

they have know-how that rest of the world would kill for.

Yeah, no. Not anymore.

cmon dude i just wanted to make fun of canadians by calling them irrelevant why do you have to go all seriouspost on my ass and make me feel bad