SLS discovers DISGUSTING RACIST APOLOGIA in TrollX. Calls for self-mayocide abound

15  2017-06-16 by ahbslldud


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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snapshill upholding this disgusting white supremacy smdh

Snappy is a nigger though

A CIA nigger.

a (((nigger)))

Terry, go back to programming.

They glow in the dark.

I believe it is pronounced niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

Nooooo my black neighbor is a nigggaaaaaa. Snapshillbot is a nigger through and through. A smart one though.

I need to change my flair back to the flag.

every time we get one of these idiots in here via ping they get super triggered by it lmao


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I personally believe there should be a confederate flag in every American home. In the bathrooms, next to the toilet. Also, General Sherman didn't go far enough. Now that was a man who could lead a march. Yo know what saying. ;)

I know what you're saying and would like to take it one step further. Why stop at the bathroom? You could have one on your fridge, car, briefcase, spatula, wallpaper. I like your thinking.

You can also take with the rag with you when you a crash black child’s birthday party, threaten to ‘kill y’all n****rs or when you meet up with a accused cop killer who waves flag at football game to protest ‘cop haters’ and how can we forgot the day when you decide to bomb a walmart because they stop selling the flag of a long dead slave empire that suffered a humiliating defeat. Muh rich heritage.

I only crash birthday parties if there is cake as I'm banned from Walmart for bombing them too many times over "out of stock" flags.

/u/evinta why do you have a problem with one culture's history?

Mayo culture ain't real culture, except in a bacterial sense.

Imagine being so angry all the time about shit that doesn't matter at all.

Now imagine doing that while thinking you would have a better life in a third world country that would straight up murder your worthless was on day one.

Now imagine all that and you still can not muster the effort or care to work on your crippling obesity.

That's SLS

Honestly I just feel bad for them, they've failed so hard in life that the only thing they can do to feel like they are somehow a good person is to virtue signal to be the most progressive person in the room not realizing how quickly they begin to alienate themselves.

You know what's funny? at least 90% of all those people in SLS are white.

/u/saxyphone241 you grew up in the suburbs and the most you had to suffer was when your boyfriend didn't use your favorite flavor of condom.

I am always baffled by the claims of the "oppressed" not having to listen to what other people believe to be...baffling, to say the least.

Because at that point it is no longer a conversation, but a competition of power.

And one side has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more guns.

I love the "racists will instantly win because a big percentage of the NRA is racist" meme

buddy friendo guy pal let me tell you something about urban warfare

Yeah, stolen 9mms. That aren't even held correctly. And that are kept in the waistband.

Sorry, I'm not addicted to coke, nor do I hang out grouped up on street corners. I'll start getting scared of black people when they start using rifles.

it absolutely follows that your go-to for forming opinions is "be as racist as possible", not "actually research things so that you might be remotely close to truth".

the world is not the turner diaries. you genuinely don't understand what urban warfare means. we're not in the same league for me to argue with you. ask me to explain, instead.


Okay, so black people wouldn't be doing the fighting.

Suburban white college kids are even less scary.

i am not interested in your opinions, as they are obviously worthless. do you have any questions?

Destroying opression. One clay pot at a time.

The trollx thread is hilarious

I think the person who celebrates a wannabe state that had racism and treason at its core and started a war that killed hundreds of thousands is the bigger asshole.

She painted a Confederate flag tho, not the American flag. Also lmao at Redditors pretending to care about "treason," everyone knows only Fascists believe you have an obligation to serve the state, right? I'm sure if she'd painted a flag of the USSR or any other genocidal leftist state on her stupid box it would get posted to /r/FULLCOMMUNISM and get ten billion upvotes, "sitting in pottery class and discover muh classmate is woke as fuck."

The Confederate flag is specifically a flag for racists.

The Confederate flag is specifically a flag for racists.

It's a flag that's popular because it represents a racist state, and because it's pretty. No one ever mentions the latter, I think if it wasn't an objectively good looking flag, it would be forgotten.

It's not even the original Confederate battle flag, it's the one propped up by the literal Klan years after.

It was the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia aka General Lee's Army, the Confederacy had a bunch of flags and towards the end of the war it was put on the upper corner of their national flag. Yes, it was popularized by the Klan, but I doubt most people actually know that.

Hammer and sickle have other connotations

I specifically said the flag of the USSR or other genocidal leftist state. No one flies the flag of the USSR except Tankies and Russian nationalists who think Ukraine shouldn't exist. If I lived in Russia, I might have some tolerance for people flying it because they're ignorant, like I do the confederate flag. But anywhere outside of Russia it represents Marxist-Leninism and Soviet apologism.

it's just "remember how awesome slavery was? Too bad niggers are out of cages, for now".

Do you honestly believe everyone who owns a confederate flag or has a bumper sticker of it on their lifted pick up truck wants slavery to come back? Part of the Maryland flag represents the people of this state who sided with the Confederacy, do you think it should be removed?

Why is your first comeback "but what about Communists"? Why not "what about Nazis"?

Because you can't get upvoted to the front page and praised for denying the Holocaust on Reddit like you can for denying the Holodomor or other crimes of Communist regimes.

Why not "what about Nazis"?

What Neo-Nazi sub regularly gets upvoted to the front page of Reddit for glorifying their genocidal regime like /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, /r/Socialism, and /r/LateStageCapitalism? inb4 "the_Donald is totally a Nazi sub."

I think the Confederate flag is racist, yes, but I don't automatically assume everyone who flies one is a cross burning Gran Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan. There are a lot of ignorant people who, because of the biased account of the Civil War they learn in school, genuinely believe it wasn't about slavery. I don't even live in a southern state, yet my 8th grade US history teacher actually told us the Civil War was about tariffs, not slavery. The Confederate flag is a flag for racists, and ignorant people. Maybe instead of being a bitch and destroying that girl's art project she could have approached the teacher or tried explaining herself why the Confederacy seceded. Or maybe she could just accept that we live in a country where it's legal to own offensive things and that a box painted with a racist flag isn't going to enslave her family. The Confederacy is never coming back.

Flag of Maryland

The official flag of the state of Maryland consists of the heraldic banner of George Calvert, Lord Baltimore (1579–1632). The flag was officially adopted by the Maryland General Assembly in 1904.

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Flag of Maryland

The official flag of the state of Maryland consists of the heraldic banner of George Calvert, Lord Baltimore (1579–1632). The flag was officially adopted by the Maryland General Assembly in 1904.

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Flag of Maryland

The official flag of the state of Maryland consists of the heraldic banner of George Calvert, Lord Baltimore (1579–1632). The flag was officially adopted by the Maryland General Assembly in 1904.

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She's just upset the pot was painted better than she is

I'm willing to bet the girl who painted the confederate symbol was just another rural bumpkin that just likes the look of it.

Or she is a klansman, yeah that's more likely

SLS is consistently the most liberal place on reddit. I don't really know what could be more liberal (in the derogatory sense of the word used by some leftists) than obsessing over a totally symbolic issue like the confederate flag.

I say this as a leftist myself, reddit leftism is 98.5% adolescent posturing. These people have just taken mainstream liberal idpol, turned up the volume a bit, and decided it was leftism.