Famed angryposter mach-2 starts a conversation about the real culprits of the shooting of a black man: progressives on reddit. Constructive conversations all through the thread as everybody tries to support BLM enough to escape the "white moderate liberal scum" event horizon.

45  2017-06-17 by ValiantPie


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During the first mayocide the race apologists will be the first against the wall.

I think the mayocide will just involve leaving the mayo out in the sun.

/u/mach-2 why are you appropriating afro American culture aren't you nigerian

Kinda hard to appropriate that because niggers have no culture

Nice, are you the new pol_invictus alt?

Nah, from what I've seen he's just poking around the defaults, edgelording.

When will /r/drama be a default sub

Would that mean more or less agendaposting?

It would turn into SRD where the comments are always 100% agendaposting.

Is bussy and agenda

Yeah, forget I asked. How do they not realize they are assholes though?

Defaults aren't typically smug like meta subs are.

I mean, if you've never ventured outside your trailer park save for the occasional trip to Kmart or your cousin's bedroom I could see how you could miss black people's contributions to American culture. That doesn't mean it's too late for you though! The inevitable meth lab explosion will probably send you to a burn center, at which point you might actually be exposed to music made in the last 70 years or so.

black people's contributions to American culture

Making sure the police and prison officials have careers and pension? If you own a lawnmower and a dishwasher, pavement apes have outlived their welcome.

I never thought about it that way!

This is the most low effort troll I have seen in a while.

Jazz is overrated as fuck but I do like to say "lit" and "fam"

Jazz is overrated as fuck but I do like to say "lit" and "fam"

TBH jazz is overrated as fuck but saying "lit" and "fam" when I am drunk is kind of fun

Do ya like jazz?

Clearly have not been to a cookout smdh

/u/mach-2 BLM is actively making these things worse.

Wow, /u/mach-2 AND /u/SetsunaFS? That's a fantastic double-whammy of faggotry.

/r/blackfellas is leaking.

The kicker is that I support BLM's core message and think they are fighting for a very real civil rights cause, but think that they aren't really good at achieving their end goals and are vulnerable to the same sort of scope creep and bikeshedding that undermined OWS. I don't even know if this is entirely the organization's fault, because social media in general seems to complicate activism and regularly undermines it by virtue of it's very structure. You lose control of the content of your message the moment it hits the internet these days, and nobody seems to have really figured out how to compensate for that. What my actual opinion is hardly matters though, because to people like /u/mach-2, any lack of faith basically makes me crypto-KKK.

I don't even know if this is entirely the organization's fault

It is: they deliberately chose to be a decentralized group, which in this context is basically a synonym for "ineffective". Decentralized groups will always be judged on their worst members in no small part because they can not be held accountable internally.

To put it another way, you want to effectively fight for the things BLM claims to fight for? Join the NAACP.

Those cop hating racists should focus on ending the drug war if they really want to change something.

bike shedding? I

/u/mach-2 is a buttblasted faggot who deserves tire iron

Remember folks: blocking traffic makes the cops stop being violent racists. It's science.

/u/barfyman362 no you cannot rape my Mother with a knife.