The vegan gets spotted in - where else - /r/sex.

38  2017-06-17 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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dog scalder

Is this part of SnapShill's sick kinks?

You're also a coward by muting me. I'm sure you enjoy watching your girlfriend getting gangbanged by pack of wil muslims. Asshole.

Have your jimmies been rustled? You should talk it out with your cousin.

Why did you illegally ban me, retard?

illegally ban


I broke, no rules, man. Open the ban, please.

You should start a /r/drama thread about this.

Maybe I will.

Please proceed.

I need help.

Vegans will be like SWJ in 20 years prob.

vegans are already sjws, where've you been

how many ppl vegans fired because they ate meat fam?

idk dude but I'd be willing to lay odds the number aint zero

The fascinating point is that for most of them their problem is with "consent" and not fucking with animals

I think that's only natural. If there was a super smart dog that learned to talk, read and write would you be terribly upset if it had a normal consensual relationship with some dude?

The ability to date genetically enhanced super animals is going to be the hot culture war issue of the 2080's.

A dog that can read is a dog that can breed, in my book.

read and write

First, they learn to read and write, then they get the vote. Then blam! feminism, or caninism in this case. And look where that has gotten us.

Yes. I'd still think it was gross as fuck, and completely unnatural.

I used to think that when conservatives started talking about gay marriage leading to dudes fucking box turtles, that they were crazy. I think today's 'everyone has to be into open relationships, tranny fucking and dog fucking, or they are scummy racists!' left proves that I was the crazy one.

Artificial insemination is definitely not rape. It happens when the cow is in heat, so she pretty much wants the d.

I know this because my uncle's relatives are country folk with a barn and such and have dildo'd hundreds of horny heifers.

I love how OP in that thread is so unsure about whether she's on board with bestiality.

Obviously, we're pro ephebo-bestiality here, but I thought normies had "standards" and "dealbreakers".

What I don't get is the people saying "I don't want to shame". If anyone deserves to get shamed it's him.

The anti-kinkshaming thing is just people wanting freedom to be depraved without judgment, which is, of course, pathetic.

I'm a proud kinkshamer.

TBH back in the day these fucking weirdos would be too preoccupied with getting tuberculosis in a textile factory to indulge in some sex positive garbage.

Those were the days.

"I don't want to kinkshame, but I just realized that some kinks deserve to be shamed"

She's probably fat

I mean, who can resist a cute kitten or puppy right?

Being sexually attracted to a "kitten" or "puppy" is pedo-bestiality. If you are attracted to an almost fully grown golden retriever, that is ephebo-bestiality.

Age of consent laws in some European countries are 8 months or even 6 months, so who are we to judge so harshly?

There is a huge difference between being attracted to a pup right out of the litter and a nearly matured, strong young alpha dog.

This is all hypothetical of course, I'm not a dog fucker. I just think society should be more rational about this subject.

First of all, this is guy is very attractive, sexy, down to earth, has a solid job with a steady salary

/u/itsinagreybox, how can you call yourself an animal lover if you wont suck their dicks?

Ha. Nice one.

Also how does he know they didn't have to hurt the dogs to at least train them to do that to a person?

Somehow, I don't think it's hard to find a dog that wants to hump stuff.

Yeah, but animals can't actually want things. Anything other than an adult human is incapable of thinking.