Flabby middle aged man tosses his tendies in public

16  2017-06-18 by Kysbu




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All of Orange County should be gassed tbqh

I dont know where that is but ill agree on principal


Damn, that guy revoked their homosexuality. What happens then? Do they have to turn in a card? Are they barred from watching Rupaulsdragrace?

No one has a gay conversion rate like the left, they need to do consulting with the Far right, help them where they obviously get it so wrong.

Are they barred from watching Rupaulsdragrace?

Too far, man.

He was filming vertical video, he should have his ghey revoked.

"Flabby" middle aged man frightens gay person by calling them on their bullshit lol.

Are you implying he's not flabby? Maybe thats a normal physique for you, but those of us who dont consider mayonnaise to be beverage still call that flabby.

Stop being so volatile

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.


Trying to catch me on a bullshit technicality isn't in the spirit of drama. It's frivolous, twink

I'd let that daddy outrage-fuck me tbh

calling them on their bullshit

yeah reeing and threatening to report him to the homo community sure did teach him a lesson

I wonder what motivates an adult person who (assumed) has financial stability and a normal life to lash out at random strangers in random places. Youtube is filled with videos like these. I know for a fact that it's not altruism and empathy. Lead poisoning? Menopause?

Extra chromasome

My guess would be severe alcoholism

Nothing like some good ole purity politics.

Cans someone give me a tldw?

Some guy goes full REEEEEE.

The good stuff is in the first minute

Are you another member of the twink mafia? Consume a few extra calories and protein. Put some muscle on and you won't have a panic attack the next time a senior citizen raises their voice.

Was that woman buying a hula hoop?