/r/opiates mod locks thread so it doesn't end up on /r/drama. Here it is.

112  2017-06-18 by [deleted]



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Gas the junkies.

This but unironically

t. gay canuck

Yes and?

I'm just saying... If there was a line for the degeneracy gas chamber your kind would be way ahead of us.

Faggits >>> junkies

implying I don't give up the bussy to support my addiction

Did you miss the part where he's a canuck?

/u/spinderella69, what do you think about this blatant invasion of autists into your underground den moderated by you?

I think for $20 he'll cope cop with it.

/u/Poundthekush, /u/spinderella69. Im too lazy to figure out what one of you is the heroin user, so if you could both step onto the helicopter that would be great

/u/spinderella69, what do you think about this blatant invasion of autists into your underground den moderated by you?

Thanks for pissing this bitch off. I'm the one addicted to weed, gabapentin and kratom (with a mild benzo habit) and she is the one addicted to heroin and meth and takes part in pnp which is code name for meeting up with strangers to do meth and fuck

You are addicted to gabepentin? A anti-seizure drug that manages nerve pain? How the hell do you get mentally addicted to gabapentin?

Not really addicted. I use it like once a week or so. I'm More so just shitposting

You use it? WTF you talking about. That doesn't do anything to you, you don't get high from it.

That my friend is where you are sorry mistaken. It gets you real high

Huh. I was on it for couple years for nerve pain and related symptoms. .didn't kill any pain outside of the bundle of nerves in my back that are fucked and certainly never got me high. Le shrug, good luck with all that tho.

uh huh....

Like one time, if you eat a whole 8oz maybe. But it plateaus pretty quickly and you definitely will never get "real high"

Yeah I tried 8 of em at one point. Doctor was trying everything on my sciatica

Sciatica is a sucky nerve to be injured/aggrivated Ask about nucynta, while it IS an opiate it is suppose to be less addictive than the other class of opiodes and unlike those other class of narcotics it actually helps with nerve pain/neuropathy.

Saved your post. Yeah I ended up getting surgery witch eliminated the problem disk. Though it might be back one day.

He mentioned that he had a mild benzo habit, he's probably mixing the two. I've heard that intensifies the buzz in a weird way.

All your posts are shitposts

Gabapentin is ever so slightly addictive in high doses, over a long period of time.

Well yeah, it effects the same areas as alcohol except without the high.

You asked how someone can get addicted to gabapenting, I explained that it's absolutely been known to happen.

Some people can even get high from it, but I haven't personally experienced that.

Mentally addicted, physical is a definite possibility as it scews with same areas as alcohol. Never take Gaba for a very long time and stop cold turkey, it can suck.1

If you take enough gabapentin you'll get right fucked up

Gabapentin has a VERY high max dosage, how much is enough?


you're a filthy junkie.

You are maybe the least fun person on the internet. Get your illiterate slut of a mother to buy you some bitcoinz so you can catch a darknet buzz.

Good lord you are a miserable fucking liability to those around you. Without even a scant hint of irony, please kill yourself swiftly

k. what's ur point

ur a nerd and a loser

You have a Reddit account

Your a drug addict and and an opiate addict yourself, and your complaining about and shaming other addicts? What a hypocrite you are lol. Kratom works the mu opioid receptors in the brain, just like other traditional opiates, so in all reality, your not any better then the junkies your trolling. And what's even more laughable, is that you claim you are also addicted to Neurontin lol. What are you, like 16? Gtfo

I'm not any better but at least I don't have a kid and simultaneously attend meth fueled orgies and shoot heroin

Maybe if you did some meth you might get laid, and get off the fucking internet, where you seem to spend a lot of your time

I don't have a kid

that makes you better tbhfam

Addict > addict + kids

nigger ain't got no kids he's fukkin over tho

he's complaining about junkies being parents, not junkies in general

When he has kid's then he's gonna be a junkie with kids, so then he's gonna be no different then the other junkies. Hopefully he dosent reproduce

At least he can spell.

I'm gonna be really careful now if anyone invites me over to play p&p roleplaying games.

/u/spinderella69 you have a very inflated opinion of yourself for a junkie whore, eww

As an ex junkie who thinks drug addicts don't deserve a lot of the hate they get, I can freely admit that homeless schizophrenics make better parents than junkies.

There is no "ex junkie". Do you seriously think you no longer crave the awesome opiate high?

you know what i meant stupid

Yeah, and you know what I meant junkie

Fuck you, you sour cunt.

I'm almost five years clean personally and I will never, ever touch dope again. Luckily, I don't have to worry about that, I just keep worrying about not getting high today. I haven't even seriously thought about opiates in months

As for you, post a picture of your butt pussi or shut the fuck up, you sound profoundly naive or just straight fucking retarded

You're an ass blasted junkie. I hope all opiate sources cut em with fent and all you junkies OD to death!


Tfw you realize you've actually been replying to duterte



Autists are the junkies of the internet


Fuck you, just because you're trash and can't turn your life around doesn't mean other people can't.


Never touched anything besides weed in my life. Go fuck yourself you poor waste of human life.

Get raided and get yourself ass pounded in prison faggot.

Oh yay, 4chan is leaking again.

ur very cool

comparitavely, yes

Lmao ok dude 👌

is this ironic...?


You're just this retarded

you're trying to jerk shrivelled druggy dick, but it is true. if you're interested, look up studies about remission rates of opiate addicts who "quit". i cant link now, but it should be easy to find.

Still better than your chances of quitting being a twat.

this is why rehabs are useless. junkies should be mass executed

You'd love the Philippines

Fucking hell, you're really bad at this.

Guys I think it's retarded.

says the junkie lol

But I've never done drugs in my life 🤔

you'll be marked an honorary junkie for your services when the time comes

Such a sour, sour cunt you are.

i mean if you can muster up the willpower to resist that craving thats a pretty good effort imo and at least shows a bit of responsibility

There are ex junkies there just are no ex addicts. An alcoholic is an alcoholic for life but a drunk is just.. a drunk while drinking.

Fuckin A i'm halfway there already

Atta boy, keep it up chief!

What did it take for you to get clean, if you don't mind me asking? Seems like most junkies never make it there.

one day just realized I was approaching the point of no return and got myself into rehab. Though, I think what really sealed it was I was lucky enough to meet a group of guys with decades of sobriety after rehab who basically saw through any bullshit I tried and I trusted them enough to do whatever they told me to.

gg getting sober, shit seems impossibly hard.

Its rough, but whats way harder is staying that way. Eventually the switch in your head gets switched again and you're confronted by your total inability to be happy.

Naltrexone, and then (state-subsidised) buprenorphine for me (meaning you chemically can't get stoned, while that shit is in your system). That and getting to the point with using where the discomfort of withdrawal (and staying clean) seemed preferable to the discomfort of continuing with the fucked-up-ness of addiction.

It's not that uncommon for junkies to get clean, but it always takes multiple attempts; took me like 2 or 3 years of on-again-off-again fucking around to kick a ~10 year habit.

For me it was a couple years of suboxone followed by kratom (which I'm still addicted to) and then I stopped hanging out with all my friends and became a shut in. I replaced drugs with shitposting on reddit and video games and here I am.

I have a schizoaffective friend. His kid is doing great and he's an amazing parent.

I have a (well, several) junkie "friend". We lived in the same apartment building. We found her three year old crying under our daughter's crib (we forgot to lock the apartment door). She was hungry and was sad that she never had a crib. It was. Fucking. Heart-wrenching.

CPS had already investigated her twice that year. Calling again was pointless. All we could do was feed her and take care of her when she came over until we checked to see if mommy was sober-ish.


Dude I'll just like, drive slower with them in the car when I'm high.

Was raised by addicts. Life wasn't what you might stereotypically think. We had some money. My parents also dealt and started making a lot of money when I was about 16. They spent it on dumb shit like furniture and cars and more drugs of course. My stepdad introduced me to percs when I was about 24 or 25. It took me until very very recently to get off them. He gave them to me for free until he died. That was 2013. My mom still encourages me to get high and get shit for her sometimes. She sees nothing wrong with it. Fml, literally.

you and your whole extended family should be lynched

So brave

just my opinion :^)

I'll respond once since I saw you trolling everyone. I assume you're a little kid, so just remember that in real life, you don't get to act this brave. Please enjoy this as much as you can, because when you have to face real people, you won't be able to be like this.

Have a great time trolling little one!

If he becomes a cop he can though.

Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Haha this just made my day!!

Funny isn't it! I love the big guy's expression; it's so true to life. Amazing how much feeling illustrators can convey purely with flat colour wash.

Did they love Rent-a-Center? I bet they loved Rent-a-Center.

It was crack, wasn't it? They sold crack I bet ya. Heroin addicts don't buy nice cars.

/u/spinderella69 you post on the internet glorifying your addiction and you're upset about a sub that laughs at people?

Junkies are just the worst. They deep down know they have a bad problem and rather than just accept it and deal with it they just lash out at anyone who mentions it.

Ah junkie logic.


A little slow on the draw

Eh druggie drama is no fun. Theyre all sad and sketchy assholes

Like at least 2 grams. It's like being drunk but with a clear head. Warning you will fall down.

/u/spinderella69, that thread made it to drama, what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

we mainstream now fam.

/u/spinderella69 will you teach your kids how to do heroin like a good junkie father? Or are you more of the kind that blames society for your own mistakes?

Why the fuck do you respond multiple times to the same comment?

You should never have children either tbh.