** "My Wife, My Penis, My Skin Color" ** White Expat Living In Japan Gets Roasted On /r/Hapas After Defending Japanese Female Politician

28  2017-06-19 by Shark_life


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At least now I know what it's like to work in a mental ward.

Go back in there, son. Trigger them some more. You're not causing enough of a ruckus yet, plus they haven't banned you yet (if not I'll be joining you).

Go back in there, son. Trigger them some more. You're not causing enough of a ruckus yet. On top of that, they haven't banned you yet (if not, I'll be joining you).

Well nice to know at least one person is entertained.

Hey, the show's not over yet! Come on. Go back in there, son. Trigger them some more. You're not causing enough of a ruckus yet. Make the most of it before they ban you permanently.

U/Shark_life would do it, but he's... busy.

bigger chimps on top of me.

Your mother sees the instagram photos! Have you no shame?

/u/Shark_life, please check the parent comment. For future reference, user links only work with a lower case 'U' on desktop. If you intentionally did not link correctly, reply 'INTENTIONAL'.

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Go back in there, son. Trigger them some more. You're not causing enough of a ruckus yet. Make the most of it before they ban you permanently.

Hey rationalize something for me, cause I've always wondered what the mindset is in this scenario. Why is calling a specific woman an "ugly bitch" misogynistic? The person isn't referring to women as a whole just that specific woman. Is an attack on 1 woman an attack on all women? If the person said "all women are ugly bitches", then I'd agree with you.

facepalm Fuck off.

So you're full of shit then? By telling me, a Black person to fuck off, your mayo ass has proven how racist and hostile you are to PoCs everywhere. Fucking racist bastard, you're lucky I don't call BLM to protest against you.

Dude, I told you to fuck off because your comment was dumb.

Also, I'm not American so playing the "but I'm black" card doesn't work. Increased melanin in the skin doesn't make your comment less dumb.

Fuck off.

And I gave you a retarded comment because your comment was dumb.

Don't be mad because you can't handle the bantz.

"ugly" is a gender based insult


lol nice answer

I know how you feel and while i agree with you logically, the problem is that people in general aren't logical.

Some people feel that is a flaw and try to counteract that by re-examining their processing and trying to think through things as logically as possible. Other people find trying to be logical unnatural. Neither approach is correct, but it needs to be understoof that people are different when trying to figure out how people will behave and respond.

Anyway, the point here is that even though logically a gender-based insult aimed at a specific woman doesn't actually mean that the speaker is insulting all women, emotionally, a woman hearing the insult is likely to feel a empathic response to the insult and put herself in the shoes of the woman being offended.

So the person being insulted decides to become the monolith for all women and react for them? That seems kinda narcissistic to me.


The idea is that some people take that insult personally and imagine that everyone else like them would also take the insult personally. Therefore, (and remember this is an emotional response rather than a logical one) they assume that someone levying said insult is insulting everyone like them.

Trying to reason it out is pointless. It's not a logical thing. It's an angry emotional response. The point is just to understand that some people will feel that way and decide if pissing off a sizeable chunk of the world is worth whatever temporary satisfaction you were going for.

A calculation to which the answer is always yes. Shit, the answer was yes even before you mentioned temporary satisfaction, if I can piss off a chunk of people and get temporary satisfaction I'm all in.

Man you don't even know the half of it.

My Grandson. Post number 23 on Asian bussy. What else have you done today? Why don't you come back to the fatherland?
I spoke to your childhood psychologist again today, and she thinks we'd have legal grounds to commit you if you ever came back home. They'll even do conjugal visits. Think about it son. Helga. I also get my grand children. They're probably better off raised by a single mother with me around to provide a strong father figure, and to teach them SS values. Maybe one of them would be worthy of my Iron Cross. The Messerschmitts are coming along nicely. All four of them. Visit soon :)

For God's sake, Pajeet. It took you 58 minutes to make your first comment. 58 minutes. What took you so long? As a Apple Tech Support call center employee, you know very well that this level of service is simply unacceptable. At this rate, HR will have no choice but to retrain you as a Phone Sex Operator. The Erotic Phone & Cam Services division of the call center is in dire need of talented personnel and this job may be a better fit for you.

Your granddad is way better at this than you.

This, but ambiguous levels of irony

you should stop jacking off to cartoon children and listen to your grandpa and marry helga.

Wait you have a job? You didn't tell us that

Holy shit, mods, just ban Shark_Life so that I don't have to see all these fucking extra accounts jerking him off every time he pops into a thread or makes one himself

Why would anyone bother to seriously argue with these people?

That Mayo is as big a fuckwit as the regulars on there.

Coming from you, that's a big praise.

Not self-aware enough to understand what you mean but I'm going to claim it as a win.

MFW stupid Sexpat doesn't know that the plural of Penis is Penines.

That dickbutt flair really sold it, you closeted intellectual.

that sub makes me believe that race mixing is bad

They have won then.

It's certanly not good. Neutral to negative.

/u/mk572 for mod

All of this hate on sexpats just makes me want to become a sexpat, just so I can post about it and upset them some more.

It's awesome.

The posting is not even the fun part

wow, their insecurities are as bright as day!