New user posts about social media activists on r/starterpacks, people accuse him of being alt right and argue that posting a hashtag fights terrorism

70  2017-06-20 by [deleted]



posting a hashtag fights terrorism

I am euphoric in my own wokeness

Hashtags are every bit as powerful at shaping reality as magic spells.

Once Sovereign Citizens crack the code and apply hashtags to their scripts, they'll be unstoppable.

You must present three forms of meme before you contract with my person.

That's like saying Christianity is responsible for the KKK, a group of assholes are just using their religion as means to hate on people.

Every time, like clockwork.

But is it not valid?

No. It's not. Just look at the polls of the opinions of the "moderate muslims". The religion is bullshit, the general Muslim populace's moral values are not compatible with modern western values. They either need to get with the program or get lost.

Pretty similar polling to "moderate Christians" in the US tbf.

Over half of moderate chrisitans support the death penalty for people who leave the faith? Uh dafuq?

Lots of Americans support the death penalty full stop...

For fucking murderers, no shit.

Not for deciding they don't want to be a Christian.

Are you retarded or just trolling?

When you look at who votes for what in the US it's the Christians who majority vote for Republicans, the party that hates LGBT people and does everything possible to strip their rights, versus Muslims who majority vote for Democrats, the party that treats LGBT like human beings.

I know who I'd be more worried about. And it isn't the 1% of the population voting for a party that treats LGBT like human beings.


Can't handle the truth that Rebublicans are the main danger to LGBT rights lol. Mike "shock the gay away" Pence is the vice-president. Bit more dangerous than those scary Muslims.

LOL Trump is the first pro-Gay rights president.

I think they'll be fine

Haha I think you're legit dumb enough that you're not taking the piss.

He actually has said he'll protect the gays from the muslims. Also: read the Qur'an.

Mike "if ya like the cock, ya get the shock" Pence

Mike "Turn those fruits into vegetables" Pence

Mike "Homosex Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

by all means, impeach Le Drumphf.

Bullshit. Show me a "moderate" group of Christians who support death for apostasy and homosexuality, and no, your Ugandans are not moderate.

It takes a fucking moron to look at the outcomes of life under conservative Islam and equate it to life under moderate Christianity.

Plenty of Christians support making homosexuality illegal. It's still a major issue in the US because it's a backwards country run by fundamental nutjobs. Also see abortion.

Very few people want to make homosexuality illegal. (In the US). Even the far right doesn't want to make it illegal.

you are killing our idea of how babies are defined and you refuse to acknowledge the reason we object to ejecting them from the whom = death to apostates

don't fuck dudes = we will stone you and/or decapitate you

totes so the same thing

KKK: 5 thousand to 8 thousand LARPers and FBI agents who have never completely conquered large parts of the world. (You can argue that they were hundreds of thousands strong in the past, but the FBI fucked them over hard and they didn't need armies to do it.)

ISIS: 50-300k Jihadists who are ruling over about 6 million people despite the efforts of pretty much every developed nation in the world.

Are we talking about the same ISIS? The ones who're having the shit beaten out of them, have lost almost all their territory, and are currently besieged in, like two cities?

Also, what's your point, anyway? We already know that white people are incompetent degenerates who must die to make room for the Jewish Master Race...

Are we talking about the same ISIS? The ones who're having the shit beaten out of them, have lost almost all their territory, are bankrupt, and are currently herded into and besieged in, like, two cities?

Oh, well surely no one else will die to Islamist violence this year.

That's what people do.

The one thing we all have in common

My sources may have been incorrect on the numbers, but the point still stands. If the KKK is the poster child for radical Christian terrorism, then Christianity is a little bitch. Not to mention the various Islamic governments that are only barely less backward than ISIS and have power the KKK could only dream of.


jews master race Maybe if you want a race with so many genetic defects they may as well be impregnating themselves CWC style.

Poster child for Christian violence has to be the LRA. Ethnic cleansing, cannibalism, child soldiers, sexual servitude, they've got it all.

If you want to go edgy redditeur you could argue the US is the ultimate Christian terrorist organisation. Bombing brown people in the name of Jesus.

The KKK was made by democrats.

And Sean Hannity is literally Abe Lincoln because they're both Republicans, who the fuck cares.

It's just a common theme of Democrats being the bad guys in history.

The radical Islam apologists really are having to reach more every time, mostly because Islam doesn't have enough visible pro-peace figures like Christianity does. For every frothing-at-the-mouth fundamentalist, you can hold up a ton of people in the Christian communities that condemn their actions and philosophy, and overtly are working towards the exact opposite goals.

Islam though... Well, I'm sure they have these people, but because so many of them seem fused to corrupt power structures or are doing it as a hobby because they're just obscenely wealthy and are doing it more for the social status than core values, it's hard to hold them up as paragons of virtue to the international stage that disprove the narrative of Islam as the religion of violent and backwards cultures.

Now, I personally believe that it doesn't have fuck-all to do with the religion, and has everything to do with the economics and social structure of some areas that are heavily Islamic. The terrorism, at the end of the day, is really just a byproduct of an ugly, theocratic government that uses religion as a hammer to keep everyone in line and not questioning too hard why they're not getting a bigger cut of the oil money.

Getting bent out of shape about the rest of it is just letting the few super-rich get away with smoke-screening everyone about the fact that turning those countries into democracies would go a hell of a long way towards undermining terrorist financing. But that's not happening any time soon, since these same people spend money like water to keep the international players looking in the other direction (and let's not even get into what a large chunk of US media interests the Middle East has a stake in these days).

Imagine writing a post this long on r/drama lol


Now, I personally believe that it doesn't have fuck-all to do with the religion

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Read up on the actions of the Prophet Muhammed, the perfect human that all Muslims are supposed to emulate.

I also read the Bible, and history books. Long stretches of Leviticus, among others, leave me deeply concerned about the "ideal Christian", and historical record also has a lot to say about how benign Christianity is when it's weaponized (spoiler: not at all).

Religion has been co-opted by ruling elites since as long as we have records, and it's always used primarily to keep the little people blaming each other instead of the wealthy folks who are actually causing the social and economic problems that the people are upset about in the first place.

Saying "nuh uh kill all muslims" is exactly the kind of distraction that religion is supposed to provide.

starterpacks is confusing. depending on the day of the week they are either extremely woke or extremely red pilled

whatever. whenever a post truely offending people is made it causes a shitstorm

good nuff for me

they got to him/her/xir

OP at starterpacks deleted everything


Sure there are still theocratic dictatorships dictated by hardline Islam, but what about the crusades and Christianity.

-2017 atheist

I mean, that Muslim woman kind of was a victim. She did nothing wrong but one out of context picture was sent around like she was a villain.

A victim, but there are different degrees, ya?


BREAKING TINFOIL NEWS: /r/conspiracy has discovered the OP was a shill account, like properly this time though.

pretty interesting tbh

image was deleted


"Gee wiz guys, one white guy killed a muslim guy, we should ban all whites now!"

Oh I'd love to comment in that thread to tear them a new asshole.

lol this one clearly hit too close to home for some of those users.