It's a school poll, not fat-shaming

20  2017-06-20 by Xx_S1L3NT_LYR1T_xX


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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/u/B0XER_ I bet you have more chins than the POTUS.

Actually I am a former Pro-Am MMA fighter and kickboxer. I have been competitively fighting for 20 years in various combat sports. Come join our discord.


school project

fighting for 20 years

Is it just me, or are you afraid of being called out for fat shaming and losing your identity politics war?

Hahahahahaha hahahaha

So you're belittling someone based on body weight, and proud of it? It's a good thing you have the moral high ground because he's evil.

Is that you?

I decided to dig through your comments, since you're clearly such a fun person, and I found " Just a few days ago I had a kid try to explain to me that cryptolocker was a deep state virus that was made to look like it came from Russia despite the fact that anybody could do a deep packet sniff and find it did come from Russia".

Please don't tell me you were trying to link WanaCrypt to Russia(with a "deep packet sniff"). The consensus with that was that the best bet for finding the source was to watch the Bircoin wallets. Nobody waved a cyber-wand and found the source. Unless you're spreading misinformation about another cryptolocker attack.

the real drama is in the comments

Big if true lol

However, no chance of becoming mod of /r/drama

I believe you


Then post a picture of your ripped chest and a bit of paper with your username and date. Imgur strips out EXIF so there's no problem unless you're fat.

The president won't have sex with you, no matter how much you white knight for him.

What about one of his family members? I'm angling for Barron or Ivanka.

The only comment is [deleted] lol wtf