A 17 year old Muslim girl is murdered. Wat do? Was it a vile mayo nationalist in an obvious hate crime? Or one of her own, since only Muslims kill other Muslims? Or a sinister Meximelt-merican? [Spoiler: It was the Hispanish dude.] Political haymaking from tragedy is cucked on all sides. Sad!

92  2017-06-20 by ReddCrowe


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Damn it, bot! This was the perfect opportunity for "Jews did this".

Nice. You win. For now anyway.

I like how you admit people being murdered is just an opportunity for you to win or lose political points, /u/ooglytoop7272.

Woke as fuck

That's why I said "you win." Lots of hate crime from Trump supporters to go off anyway. No biggie.

That's not what his point is, you dense leftie.

That's the same point, kike

wow can yo0 unot use such racist language its incredibly and unnecessarily rude

this but unironically

I edited it for you

Lots of hate crime from Trump supporters to go off anyway.


Most of them seem to have been self inflicted lies.

Only the edgy left could take an inherently good position and make it retardedly easy to assail.

/u/ooglytoop7272 is a confirmed piece of shit.

I thought exploitation won you a medal in the name of social justice.

Heart of valour, for using others as a meat shield.

Don't Mexicans became honorary KKK grand dragons whenever they hurt black people. Why not for muslims too?

I mean, she is wearing a hoody in that picture. Probably even liked Skittles.

Zimmy actually auctioned the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin, so it makes sense that he now has to resort to road rage.

So now he hunts with his car? Nice.

Depends on whether or not the msm can Photoshop him in time to give him that sickly mayo hue before it gets out that he isn't a cumskin

KKK grand dragons whenever they hurt black people?

They become "white Hispanic". Its cute because some places will label guys who look like they just had a stand in in the movie apocalypto as "white".

they were white to begin with, silly. they didn't become "brown" until we realized they could do our leftover slave labor for us

Honorary Aryans like those sneaky japs

Don't Mexicans became honorary KKK grand dragons whenever they hurt black people?

No, but only because they're all Catholic

Zimmerman 2: Hispanic Boogaloo

Take a guess. What side is known for their hatred of Muslims? Take your time, this question is difficult.

lmao, i geuss prejudice is alright if it fits the narrative, huh /u/ooglytoop7272?

/u/ooglytoop7272, benevolent racism is still racism. What you're doing is just as bad as the alt-right.

just as bad

not literally trying to incite a race war

call me back when he's on some Helter Skelter shit

Hispanic alt-righters are the most dangerous.

/u/iaintthatguy do you have stormfront copypasta talking points to go with these statements?

Oh oops, I forgot you are one of the good guys. Feel free to chime in. I'll just be looking down smugly from the center and CORRECT political position with my boys Matt and Trey.

> Getting baited by a Fellow Drama user this badly

I was judging based on modern ages.

Their brides were all young compared to ours. But I don't doubt that in the south they liked them even younger (and that's not even counting their daddies and brothers having their ways with them years before they can turn 12 and be married off).

On the other hand, when you see how southern women age, it would make sense to get them young bas long as they can still fit through your door.

He's talented i'll give him that.

I'll be honest, I'm lazy and just picked the first ridiculous statement that was upvoted and not removed. I don't go sorting through their comments and what not.

I don't go sorting through their comments and what not.

I had him tagged from weekendgunnit, my go to for Gun Nerd Drama

10mm is like lukewarm water? Were you stillborn? It has better capacity than 45 and more energy than both of them.

The 1911 sizing literally invented for firepower doesn't have enough firepower for these nerds it's a great place.


That is too much nerd for me.

Guns aren't nerdy, it's like someone saying the F-1 Ford isn't a good Farm Truck and their GMC Sierra would do it better because it has a Wifi Hotspot and nicer seats.

It absolutely is nerdy and hicks knowing it means nothing. Next you will tell me the NFL isn't nerdy even with the massive amount of time spent on fantasy football by many of the fans.

> Sports are Nerdy

> I don't understand why it's called Fantasy Football

> There are 54 Million Football Nerds in America

>34% Female playerbase

People like you are why my Mother enjoys the Big Bang theory

When did I say I don't understand why it is called fantasy football? I've played it for years. Kind of hard to play it off as not nerdy to obsess over stats just because sports are included.

I don't understand why it is called fantasy football?

Because you think a thing with Fantasy in its name is reflective of the NFL?

Kind of hard to play it off as not nerdy to obsess over stats just because sports are included.

So every thing that involves math is nerdy in your eyes?

Cooking? Carpentry? Mechanics? Trapping? The other kind of Trapping?

Are you not reading what I'm saying? I am not calling NFL nerdy, I'm calling fantasy football nerdy. Obsessing over stats is far different than, "anything ever that involves math."

I'd have a hard time calling the NFL itself nerdy when some of the players can barely read if I look hard enough.

Next you will tell me the NFL isn't nerdy even with the massive amount of time spent on fantasy football by many of the fans.

I'm not calling the NFL nerdy

Next you will tell me the NFL isn't nerdy

You're supposed to double down not admit you were wrong



Yeah I worded that wrong. I don't bother to correct it unless it is a typo, but that wasn't.

No way I'm watching an hour of MtG even if there was porn in the middle of it.

Your Sports team lost to a guy who plays MTG so much he had 20k Worth stolen from him.

I think we can all agree, you're both terrible.

Your mother enjoying big bangs is no surprise. Next you'll be talking about ber new career pulling trains.

I even forgot I ever posted that. Could you remind me of the context? I think it was in a shitposting sub, but not sure.

That's what I thought. But weekendgunnit is shitposting incarnate.

Are you disagreeing? Have you not seen this badass motherfucker?

Hispanics are always prepared for stabbings.

the concerned expression and the kekistani flag, fucking lmao

He has armor that says "I want to fight someone" and a face that says "Now where did I put my car keys again?"

/u/iaintthatguy do you have stormfront copypasta talking points to go with these statements?

Not at the moment but I can find some if you want.

Oh oops, I forgot you are one of the good guys.

Did you have like a glance at my post history, ever?

I did not. I assume subs that batshit to hunt down and ban everyone with impunity and sniff out anyone that dares to venture out of the 285 anti Trump subs.

It's ok, my account is fairly new, haven't had time to make a name for it yet. The problem is making a name for an account and not getting it banned.

Yeah that happens quickly.

also are they really more dangerous than Southeast Asian alt-righters? at least mexicans know they won't get a free pass on that shit

wow don't put the spoiler in the title

we only hurt ourselves when we aren't careful on what we post

No you only hurt yourself by ignoring everything that's inconvenient.

Well I'll be damned, the girl's body isnt even on ice yet and these assholes start flinging shit.

Someone dies and all anyone cares about is the race of the killer. This is the 60's all over again.

It gets better - he's not even a Meximurican, he's an illeglatino! Think they're going to react well when someone brings that up? Get ready for round two of turning a tragedy political!

Murdered by an illegal immigrant. Watch the news sweep it under the rug now that they can't gain brownie points. Another preventable death if we had more border security, yet liberals just love illegals so much it's ok! Sick, democrats and liberals are sick!

Oh no can't have border security, otherwise that will be racist! Lefties really are a cancer on our society in America.

See this is the problem, you purposefully skew what I said to reflect all immigrants. I don't have problems with legals (With an exception to just H1Bs), I have a problem with illegals. See that word illegal? It means is here illegally. You do know the difference between illegal and legal don't you?

Ruh-roh, someone didn't read past the headline did they?

The number of undocumented migrants has been falling, but even they are more likely to have a degree these days: the MPI reckons that a fifth of graduate immigrants are undocumented.

Oh no, the article uses baseless speculation! Also the article focuses on Japanese, Australian, and Canadian immigrants so that in no way relates to my original comment of having border security on Mexico. Looks like yea didn't read it.

You said nothing about Mexico in your original comment. What a pathetic person you are.

So what did you think I was talking about when I said I want border security? Do you lack any form of critical thinking to the point were you thought I was talking about Canada? Oh shit I forgot unvetted mass illegal immigration came from Canada.

But yes I am the pathetic person for wanting to enforce the laws we have, shame on me.

The murderer was Hispanic and /u/SovietWarfare mentioned "illegal immigrant" and "border security", so it's safe to assume he was referring to illegal Hispanics.

Also the article focuses on Japanese, Australian, and Canadian immigrants so that in no way relates to my original comment of having border security on Mexico.

... Wut? You saw the words "Japanese," "Australian," and "Canadian" and assumed the stats focused on those immigrants???????????? It doesn't.

It literally uses these countries as a prime example for immigration in the article. Oh, did you think highly skilled Somalian's were flooding America? Also it states that America is trying to zero in on high skilled immigration with current legislation (Wonder what countries pump out that?). So your whole argument of "muh immigration" is literally Republicans trying to get only the best for this country rather than the DemoRATS plan of open borders.

Oh, did you think highly skilled Somalian's were flooding America?

Dawg, Somalia doesn't even exist on the same ocean as America, no one is flooding from there.

It literally uses these countries as a prime example for immigration in the article.

So, you can't list the article specifically saying this data is regarding 3 first world countries? "I saw the word Japan somewhere in the vicinity of the graph, therefore the graph is only about Japan." R.I.P.

(Wonder what countries pump out that?)

I wonder which states in the United States pump out citizens that are as scarcely educated as undocumented immigrants?

So your whole argument of "muh immigration" is literally Republicans trying to get only the best for this country rather than the DemoRATS plan of open borders.

TIL citing data is a "muh immigration" argument.

Did you miss the part in the article where it talks about how the DemoRATS family-focused approach is doing better than Canada's take-mostly-educated-people-only-approach?

Syria isn't near the Atlantic either, yet flooding of "refugees" do happen from there.

Oh I could, but that require reading on your part which seems like you can't do (Oi vey!)

Also the data uses an all encompassing argument for all "Immigration" yet you ignore the fact that the majority happen to be from the countries I listed (Uh oh critical thinking coming into play again).

Also I noticed that you compare Canada "If you kill your enemies they win" to demoRATS "Plz open border plz". Thats like asking if you'd rather have shit or piss for dinner. Don't want either so I'll take option 3 and get spaghetti.

Enforce the laws you pathetic pleb. Report illegals by calling ICE: (866) 347-2423

Oh I could, but that require reading on your part which seems like you can't do (Oi vey!)

So, you can't. lmao.

Also the data uses an all encompassing argument for all "Immigration" yet you ignore the fact that the majority happen to be from the countries I listed (Uh oh critical thinking coming into play again).

TIL "critical thinking" means "not reading and making shit up."

Here's a picture, which should be easier for you than words. From the very MPI sourced in the article. So few educated immigrants come from Japan, Australia that they're blobbed in with "every other country." Canada is among the bottom contributors.

Enforce the laws you pathetic pleb. Report illegals by calling ICE: (866) 347-2423

You know deporting restaurant owners just because you're salty about never going anywhere in your life isn't gonna help your shit situation, right?

You are a shit-eating idiot.

Just what we need: educated criminals.

Hispanic here. Who is saying anything about education here? The fact that a Hispanic was the murderer and the media ignores this little detail is what's concerning here.

Immigrants, legal or not, pulling this shit, makes us all look bad. And if he was not legal then it gives ammo to the Trump crowd.

No one said anything about it before, I just get triggered and like pushing buttons.

Literally suck the shit out of my asshole.

Isn't that /u/scatmunchies's thing?

It's true, I do get erotic pleasure from eating human feces.

Poor uneducated white person mad they're too lazy/stupid to get a degree.


That's a cute buzzword kiddo. You know illegal immigrants can legally become American citizens, right? Or maybe you don't like American law?

They Have To Go Back

Better get to work breaking those American laws you love virtue signalling over. Tons of unautharized immigrants have become legal citizens, and on an ironic sidenote, 66% of them have lived in the United States longer than you have.

Uncle Obummer doesn't work here anymore, friend. :-D


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Report illegals by calling ICE: (866) 347-2423


Was this nigga actually an illegal tho or are we just assuming that because he's a burrito-american?

He is actually illegal, once this was found it was scrubbed from most of the left's websites.

(((the left)))'s websites

I'd be more willing to believe this if you didn't sound like an idiot conspiratard tbh. There an unbiased source somewhere?

"Nonretarded publication"

I.E. Lefty sites

Well here's a local reporter confirming ICE has detained him. https://twitter.com/JulieCareyNBC/status/876915827198636033

This confirms ICE has him and has already issued a statement. Stop reading lefty garbage.

tfw everyone to the left of Stormfront is a "lefty site"

Thanks for the valid source, my duder. This'll make it interesting for sure.

Altho it looks like it's not confirmed he's illegal, a legal noncitizen resident who murders chilluns can apparently get one of these too. But yeh, odds seem high the dude is not supposed to be here.

u/CirqueDuFuder I love that you make the drama better, but I'm curious, you see. Why hate snopes? enlighten me.

Because it is a shit website with a political slant like any other. Snopes is only for checking out on some weird yet true story you heard. It isn't for verifying hate crimes where the whole article is a fucking spin puff piece.

Where is the source material for these claims? Is that silly ass email that got sent out a decade ago?

"All websites have political slant! Therefore only websites I trust are good!" That's the sort of vibe I'm getting.

What proof do you need? The hell business does snopes have giving out opinions like they are facts.

Did you read that article? They said because an incident had multiple factors involved that is proof that a mob of people caught on camera shouting about politics while beating the shit out of a guy didn't involve politics.

Snopes is pushing an agenda. What tough analysis is required?

This the story you're talking about See, what snopes does is simple. It checks sources. There's a wee lil tap at the bottom that shows you the sources so you can check them yourself. The sources are fairly varied. This one has the Daily Stormer, Infowars and The Chicago tribune. You'll also note the "mixed" conclusions. The claim was "Trump Supporter beaten for supporting Trump" in the Stormer meme, roughly. But that wasn't straight true. He wasn't beaten for supporting trump, he was beaten in an altercation from a traffic accident. Which was reported by the tribune and the police reports, and even the testimony of the victim early on. People on the sidelines yell at the man for supporting trump, so while he was partially attacked for his political beliefs, he was targeted for his involvement in a car accident.

Do you see how β€œChicago: White Man Brutally Beaten by Black Mob for Voting Trump." isn't completely accurate? Thus earning a 'mixed' review?

Do you also notice how snopes doesn't actually at any point make a single value judgement of its own, instead it quotes sources?

But yeah, I could see how citing sources, quoting sources and comparing the timelines of when stories are aired and the differences between them make it completely biased.

tl;dr: it needs analysis because dumbasses be dumbasses.

That article was shit though. Pointing out that Trump and race had nothing to do with it and saying there is no proof they voted for Hillary is valid supporting counterpoint? They are literally in video making note of his race and talking about politics while he is beat. How in the world can people say that is 100% just a traffic altercation?

The results were 'mixed' Where does it say race had nothing to do with it? You keep saying the article is shit, but I don't think you even read it. I think you just assume what it said because 'snopes iz librul'. And you got from it what you expected to.

No I specifically mentioned statements in the article that seemed really stupid to me.

I have also spent years looking at that website but certainly not for political commentary. Seems way more sites are leaning in that direction for views too but that is unrelated to snopes.

Because reality has a liberal bias and trumpers don't like the truth.

did you see that on a bumper sticker?

He has five on his Subaru.

They actually exist? Lol I thought it was a made-up hollywood trope. What a weird country.

All broad generalizations are bumpersticker worthy. Take for instance the classic "This bus brakes for children." I have seen several instances where this bumper sticker's broad generalization was simply proven to be untrue.

Oh god, look, it is retarded.

Its almost as if illegals have a tendency to be criminals.

Report illegals by calling ICE: (866) 347-2423

This is really depressing. :(