Whiteknighting in /r/Bettercallsaul when pajamapants thiccness becomes problematic

17  2017-06-20 by Wraith_GraveSpell


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Finding women attractive is misogynistic. That's an oxymoron.

/u/DoElephantsLayEggs look up the word oxymoron, you fucking mongoloid.


An oxymoron (usual plural oxymorons, more rarely oxymora) is a rhetorical device that uses an ostensible self-contradiction to illustrate a rhetorical point or to reveal a paradox.[1][2] A more general meaning of "contradiction in terms" (not necessarily for rhetoric effect) is recorded by the OED for 1902.[3]

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxymoron

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There's no contradiction between finding a woman attractive and being misogynistic. You can do both, simultaneously.

Also, elephants don't lay eggs.

Haha ok my dude. Every straight male is misogynistic 👍

Every straight male is misogynistic

i mean most of them yeah

Lol "most". That's a bit much. Some are, and I get that they aren't mutually exclusive, but /u/scatmunchies is literally saying the act of finding a woman attractive is misogynistic in and of itself. Which is insanity.

sharing your stupid opinion nobody asked for (besides other lonely neckbeards) about a woman's ass is misogynistic.

Ok have fun in your world where everything is offensive bye

ok i will thanks baby i love you you da best man fuck you're so hot holy shit fuck me dude fuck me in the ass

Both of your parents were downies, weren't they?

That's mighty ableist of you, scumbag.

Post bussy, I want to see some retard bussy.

No, you stupid fuck. You can both be a misogynist and find a woman attractive. I do it all the time. Jesus Christ, how are you even able to breathe?

There is no correlation either.

Torn? Post pics.

The entire straight male demographic must be misogynistic then???

Yes and Penis in Vagina intercourse is always rape.

more like "BETTER RIM KIM" amirite?

This but unironically. I'd like to see her les out with Charlize Theron for some reason.

I wouldn't say that to her in person because I don't know her and there's no context in which it would make sense. However, if I saw a picture like this of a female friend, and she's sitting next to me, I don't see what the problem is with saying "Oh, I thought you were topless on this at first! ...Too bad!" or something.

I smell bullshit.

That'd be how men treat women who are hot, not fat drama hefers. It's called flirting.

Yeah i forgot women love it when men who call themselves their "friends" comment about how much they wanna see them topless.

Fam only wanting to be hit on by hot people is a 2 way street, sorry.

People with standards generally become friends first instead of sticking their dicks into total strangers and don't find herpes an acceptable disease to live with.

Fam only wanting to be hit on by hot people is a 2 way street, sorry.

Nah guys love being hit on by fat girls, you must be female or retarded, same thing really anyway.

Oh. sorry. Me or my friends dont like being hit on by ugly people. I guess we've never had to stoop that low.

Why are you so upset i dont find this scenario this guy presented as realistic.

Upset? I am just purging my home of /r/all immigrants as the drama god intended.

I have been on drama a long time. i just got a new account

but hot men only hit on hot women 🤔🤔🤔

Well either way i dont have to worry about being hit on by an ugly person.

I dunno, someone with just enough self esteem might come along and say "well she certainly isn't out of MY league!"

I'm rooting for you.

u/john_ketch really likes me so i guess i have hope

If /u/john_ketch is your only viable option, I'd recommend staying an incel.

why he's such a ketch

do you people get off on being purposely stupid or something

Get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you're a broken human being with interesting things to say.

you dont have to be a misogynistic asshole to be broken :)

Factually incorrect.

Go away paella nigger.

Who let you back in here?

the idiots who always ping me in this stupid subreddit


You are 100% a virgin bro. Telling a girl you want to see her topless slyly like that is a ordinary example of flirting. It's something guys do when they actually have the balls to make it obvious they want to bang. You're the only incel who doesn't realise

Or im a girl who finds it gross and unwanted.

That's because no one is flirting with you.

Well if being really creepy and awkward is what you call flirting I'm not gonna cry about it.

lol, do you not understand context and sexual tension? I mean, you're a girl who browses /r/drama so you're clearly a female incel anyway so it's not surprising you have little to zero understanding of anything sexual.

The situation i posted had no context.

A guy telling his friend he wishes he'd seen a pic of her topless. It could literally mean anything and youre getting super butthurt in any normal setting id find it unrealistic.

You're reading way far into a reddit comment I didn't take the light of day to interpret 2 different ways.

It's not the da vinci code haha.

So what? I don't want guys talking to my face about my boobs because it's creepy. I can imagine most women feel the same way, there's literally an entire movement around vulgar unwanted advances from men.

In the context where Im with my boyfriend or potential love interest it makes sense. But someone I consider my friend it is weird. Why is that super triggering to you to the point where you call me a liar?

Is that something people do? Feel so insecure to the point where they go online and lie about what sexual conduct is appropriate to them? The psychology doesn't really check out. But what do I know??? Here I am carrying on in r/drama. Ive never understood bitching about but the subs people post in. I always saw it but never thought I'd be on the receiving end of that argument.

I don't use this word seriously often but you are TRIGGERED over innocent flirting. Did no one tell you envy is one of the seven sins?Get a grip and please please release the poor fuck in your basement too.

you are triggered

Evidenced by???

Your fucking essays on how "creepy" mild flirting is. I know it's a foreign concept to you but guys who want to bang a chick test the waters using "jokes" like this before fucking occurs.

Oh well i guess you're right. Im just lying about my feelings to you and myself, random person online.

I'm glad we can agree, bitch.

Ti hope we can be friends now <3

Send femussy

I tried to explain this but she may have aspergers or something I don't know.

Honestly, this is also my guess. You have to repeat stuff like this to actual autists before they feign understanding.

They said they were a he LOL

Girl who knows what she wants.

Nobody likes you

Im crying

hey friend I think I realize the problem. Let me help you out there.

You aren't attractive.

Slight sexual tension and flirting between friends isn't actually uncommon--but maybe for a lolcow it is.

If someone said they wish they could see me topless id punch them in the face

Overconfident girl who's never been in a fight #493472

Yeah it was an exaggeration i do that a lot. Thats why i like r/drama

What's your cup size?


That link goes nowhere but it says pepe so im sensing some closeted naziism here

Bitch you gotta click the comment you silly ho.

Still <3 u tho


She wont be so confident going out with a broken nose I'm sure.

>redditor for 2 months

Everyone who has responded seriously to this account is autistic and needs to kts yesterday

Go away

You know I picked them out of the crowd for being an actual legitimate retard right? I thought you could spot your own SRDines.