/r/ainbow debates if all Trump supporters are neo nazis, or only most of them.

19  2017-06-20 by IAintThatGuy


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Don't you know everyone who doesn't agree with them is a nazi, this is Reddit after all

Exactly. They're just like the "good Germans" who claimed they had no idea that Jews were being put in ovens in that camp just down the road from their villages. Willful ignorance. Which is not a valid excuse.

DAE fuck the common man because they hold all the power?

r/ainbow has gone full r/etard

There hasn't been a gay pride parade for almost three days, the oppression is real.

DAE there should also be a straight pride parade or you're oppressed by leftists?

Since the ever expanding acromnym the majority at Pride these days are straight, straight trannies, straight drag queens, straight "asexuals" and whatevr other made up sexuality they have which actually insultingly implies homosexuality is about nothing more then sex "I'm not gay I'm attracted to minds" "I'm not gay I'm a virgin" amoung the regressive retards and who can forget straight feminists to represent a 50% majority of this planet at this event about minorities, but no one knows what it's like to be invisible like half the planet and now a 40% majority with BLMs

Pride is straight pride these days, even bisexuals need to celebrate the fact they can walk down the street with a person of the opposite sex without getting abused.

Your status as a concern troll is pretty easily betrayed by your casual "huhhh what do trannies have to do with pride uhhh" because it's extremely common knowledge for anyone who knows literally anything about Stonewall.

I don't understand why you would expect to just get away with this.

Gay people need to suck up to transexuals forever right, we have original sin because some crazy bitch decided to throw a brick (and in no way where things leading up to that anyway). All heil Kaitlyn Jenner look at her brave heterosexuality and how bravely she says she doesn't like the gayz.

Funny how all these Neo-Nazis had no problem voting for the black guy in a landslide. They never explain why that happened.

Because he was half-white, duh

He was half Irish, let's not get ahead of ourselves here and say he was white.

aye begorrah tis like another famine!

Shouldn't that make it worse?

/All/ of them?

I'm pretty sure that Trump supporters literally burned Obama's effigies and called him the Antichrist for 8 years.

I forgot about the Obama riots.

Trump supporters are Nazis for not letting in unlimited number of Muslims who stone gays to death.

Please tell me in great detail how deeply concerned you are about gays being stoned to death.

as a huge faggot myself im pretty concerned with people importing a religion that would openly celebrate my death tbqhwy

The Bible condemns homosexuality in no uncertain terms.

yet christians accept me with open arms and allow me to marry in their churches

its not my problem what their sandbook says, just how they follow it

Most Christians would gladly kill you were it not for the secular society.

Stop having unequal standards for different religions.

/u/SovietWarfare is deeply concerned about Muslims stoning gays to death, as he'd prefer to send them to the gulag for violating Article 121, under which male same-sex sexual intercourse is punishable by up to five years of hard labor in prison.

see: Reagan, Ronald.

Shit, I forgot about how Ronald Reagan told people to go out and fuck in bathhouses and shoot up. He truly was a monster for doing all that and then refusing to cure AIDS immediately.

it's a "Reagan did nothing wrong when he intentionally exacerbated the AIDS crisis because it's just punishment for the sinners" episode

How did he intentionally exacerbate it?

The Muslim ban? There is no Muslim ban, if you are referring to the travel ban from terrorist ridden countries then what can I say? The LGBT community has all of Europe to escape.

Cracks down on meds for aids? Oh you must be referring to Trump suggesting the possibility to have regulated pharma. Cause as you might know it is very expensive.

Trump's promise to repeal gay marriage? That literally never happened. Trump has in fact been pro LGBT from the start (Literally the first president in history to come into office like that but no biggie).

Oh no a VP pick? Dear god I didn't know Pence was Trump's boss. President =/= Vice President. Pence does not have authority to veto bills nor have the ability to exceed the presidents power.

I’m Done Explaining Why

"google it" "I'm not here to educate you" etc etc. nobody cares what this 0.1% ultra left group of homos says in the first place or how many times they've explained it before. They give themselves too much credit and think they're more relevant than they are. Either explain yourselves or pipe down. Because if there's one thing that people care even less for than their explanations, it's the tantrum protesting they follow it up with.

I'm a paleo-fascist, which is the opposite of a neo-Nazi

Love it....cached and ready for use

I voted for Gary Johnson which kinda makes me a turbo hitler around here, but Trump is like the most gay friendly Republican candidate in the last 240 years.

He managed to shift the majority Republican opinion on gay marriage to "must be stopped" to "eh".

Man all this vitrol made me wish someone else won though (specifically Gary Johnson which I voted for).

I'm pretty sure that it wasn't Trump who did that.