If you're feeling down, this article about working-class mayos dying like flies should cheer you up :)

12  2017-06-20 by HuckleberryFN2187




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unearned perch of white privilege

As foretold by Tony Soprano...

By any means necessary

\ > I am commenting on a thread about an article about the comments of separate article

what is the point of my life

All of us hit rock bottom the day we discovered /r/Drama.

Medium was a mistake

Sorry. Can't hear you over the sound of all these truth bombs.


I actually hate them 99% of the time. I'm a social democrat, meaning I want to keep capitalism alive by providing the masses with publicly-funded bread and circuses.

So you're a neoliberal with more than a child like understanding of human behavior?

If you prefer to put it that way.

I do, just because they're insufferable
