r/niceguys finds the man behind "Dilbert" a problematic weirdo and calls our top mod Notch an "unlovable loser"

104  2017-06-20 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


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Maybe I'm crazy but I think there is a small difference between "expressing her opinion on gamer gate" and "sicking her followers on a man and his game development studio for wrongthink"

But hey you're clearly more informed on the situation

/u/Flyberius notch (peace be upon him) is a billionaire, which is more than what we can say about a random redditor who wastes his time whining about others political views on meta-subreddits (especially if that includes CB2).

Metaredditors should all be gassed

no doubt about it


Be the change you want to see in the world.

Send me your address and I'll get going.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC. Just jump over the fence ill be waiting inside.

This tbh

I think Notch has over a billion reasons to be loved.

so you admit without his money he would be shit


Oh no, the money doesn't help.

How did you make your money? I keep seeing you mentioned here. Are you the guy who made minecraft?


Yeah, i am, but i made most of my money as a mod here.

that's cool I find /r/drama is worth more than money

Yes, it also takes a small piece of my life away every visit.

Mining that reddit gold pays off. Good to know.

Yeah, i am, but i made most of my money as an mod here exotic dancer.

Own it, you sexy bitch.

Oh no, notchy don't dance

You don't have to dance if you know how to shake it, bb.

Which has better mods, Minecraft or /r/drama?

Soros bucks are great aren't they?

Just give the money to me. We can cure cancer, build an ssto rocket, and construct a drone factory in the first year.

I'll give 100 percent credit to you and get people to worship you like musk.

Statutes. You could have statues.

I will always love you notch!

Can I have some money now?

But the brown bricks do.

I don't know what a brown brick is


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Post bussy

Sorry I've always wanted to say that to a billionaire

he meant

number of autismos playing MeinKrampft right nao

Who wouldn't? Ever seen a hobo that isn't shit?

Autistic underage bussi?

Maybe Notch made a game loved by millions while these losers post on meta subreddits whining about different opinions.

these losers post on meta subreddits whining about different opinions.


We're documentarians, it's different.

We are also, generally speaking, not at all serious.


Drama is discussion forum with the most gravitas 💯

Damn, I can't argue with emotes. You win.


GCU Nuke Gravitas From Orbit

We're not whining about their opinions, we're cringing and laughing at their pure stupidity. There' a difference.

any metasub: we're not like others meta subs

There are two types of metasubs: The trainwrecks, and the ones who want to see the trainwrecks.

Stare long enough into the train wreck and the train wreck stares back... or something.

First we gotta become trains.

First we gotta become trains.

I think /u/hypnozooid was getting on that; we haven't heard from him in a while though

The reality is that women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don't punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don’t argue when a women tells you she’s only making 80 cents to your dollar.

That is a gem!

What would it take to get twitter feminists to retweet something like this? Its gold, even if it might be unintentional.

Ok, that has to be trolling

Why? It makes perfect sense.

You can be trolling AND mean it literally.

It's all in the ambiguity.

The reality is that /r/drama users are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don't punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don’t argue when a /r/drama user tells you xe’s only making 80 cents to your dollar.

>children and the mentally handicapped

no need to say the same thing twice

really that's 3 times.

Awww.....some fools are jelly. While Mr. Notch still continues not giving a shit - as a man with that much "fuck money" should.


He called Zoe Quinn a cunt last week.

She is a cunt. Women aren't bad people, but Zoe Quinn is a bad person.

But it's really about ethics in games journalism AMIRITE

if video game journalists had ethics they would call anita and joe cunts.

Don't care about your goobergate nonsense. I'm not a representative of either side. Zoe Quinn is a shit person and there are multiple accounts of people who had business/friendly relationships with her that corroborate that notion.

Most normal person don’t know who she is. If you have an opinion of her, you lost already.

if you use this sub you lost already

This but unironically

We all float down here.

You don't float anywhere, fatty

Wtf did you not get past 2nd grade? Fat floats, you dumbass.

Whatta dumbass

Ssys the guy floating in from the different post

I dunno man, how can you not know about her at this point if you read /r/drama. I guess you have also already lost if you read /r/drama, though. All I know about her is she made a shitty "video game", posed nude & says dumb things. I also think she banged a bunch of game journalists or something?

Anyone who enjoys a good lolcow milking knows about Zoe "SJW Prime" Quinn tbh fam.

She literally was invited to talk at the UN. If you don't know who she is you are not paying attention.

> Don't care about your goobergate nonsense

> Zoe Quinn is a shit person and there are multiple accounts of blah blah blah I actually do care about goobergate

I don't give a fuck about ethics in game journalism, but Zoe Quinn is a narcissistic bitch. Whenever 4chan was in the news due to some school shooting or terror attack, she'd immediately call attention to herself on how these anons were the same ones that "harrassed" her.

She also posted nudes online, and i accidentally saw them, which scarred me for life and turned me into the monster that i am now.


I don't give a fuck about ethics in game journalism, but Zoe Quinn is a narcissistic bitch.

This is what gamergate would say if they were actually honest with themselves.

She would look alright if she didn't have a shitload of piercings IMO. There's nothing objectively ugly about her.

The blubber.

That amount of body fat doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother most people AFAIK.

Downvoted. You don't "get it."

That's the thing you goobergaters don't understand. It's NOT about ethics in journalism... At all. Like, literally nothing. It was a chance for angry men to attack a woman online. It's literally missoginny, slut shaming, ect. ect.

Ask yourself, would you act this way if a Zoey were a man and he did this??

I guess the sarcasm didn't translate through the Internet.

Clearly not.

shh just play along, it's more fun this way

Well you ruined it but I was hoping /u/somekook would think I was agreeing with him/her/it.

I aim to please.

/u/somekook deleted her comment, which was too bad because I was about to write up another lesson I learned in my Embodiments of Patriarchy Theory class last semester


Wonder if it has anything to do with me pointing out Zoe claims not to be female, as they went round claiming she was. Probably afraid of being nailed to the cross by her "progressive" mates.

Nah I just don't want to participate in this horrible toxic subreddit.

Yeah sure, whatever you say person who misgenders people because they want to use them for their narrative and ignores all toxic behaviour that contradicts their narrative.

Participate or don't the toxicity is coming from inside your house.

Part of the issue is that one of the people who allegedly cheated with was a journalist. So there was a concern that the reason she got so much potentually undeserved press coverage was because of her personal relationships with a clique of journalists.

That's where the "ethics in games journalism" comes from.

If you don't think this happens in every other industry, you're extremely naive.

Oh well, that's ok then.

I suppose people should just ignore nepotism since it's so common.

Sounds like you just want a reason to hate women but ok.

Sounds like you just want a reason to hate video games but ok.

Think of the vidya!

Knowing Zoe is trash doesn't mean you hate women. It would blow your mind that even women can hate Zoe.

All I really want is to not have to pretend anymore, for people to understand, and to see me as me. Not a man, not a woman, just me.

Zoe Quinn from her own blog....so how is hating her even misogyny, meaning while that prick is so "problematic" going round misgendering her.

Yeah obviously. Nepotism is only annoying when women benefit.

If it's a man it's just magical.

Btw Great job misgendering Zoe you fucking bigoted cunt. She came out as not a woman in January....but it's about SJ right, it's about respecting minorities...when you can't even respect the person you are heiling as your master.

What kind of excuse is that? Sounds like something a cunt would say.

If Zoe was a dude putting up a blog post about his abusive behavior and cheating would have been celebrated as an act of bravery

I would have celebrated it.

What fucking bizarro land do you live in?

If a man cheated on his girlfriend with five women, refused to address the allegations (instead claiming that they were misandry), lied about her medical status to donate blood, then claimed that the backlash was due to even more misandry... would I still consider them a cunt?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that I would.

The question doesn't even make sense, everyone would still call this male Zoe Quinn a cunt because he's as much a vile human as Zoe does.

This is what happens when your brain is stuck in a binary mindset.

fucking lol

Ask yourself, would you act this way if a Zoey were a man and he did this??

ever heard of phil fish or jonathan mcintosh perchance

Thank God, no.

yeah i wish i hadnt tbh

At least they're not Anthony Burch.

Zoe Quinn literally is a bad person. Why do you feel the need to white knight for trash that is desperately clinging to their 15 minutes of fame?

They draw their income from donations from people so the more oppressed they say they are, the bigger the raise they get. What exactly have they accomplished that deserves merit?

well, he is supporting out general mandate as a sub

DAE think facts are oppression.

Call a pot a pot, a person who goes round pretending to be a mental health advocate, tells people to kill themselves and is just ignorant (willfully so) as fuck...is a fucking cunt. And so are you for handwaving her endlessly shitty behaviour. Cunt.

Yep, shes cunt, even by US standards of the word.

That fact you even have an opinion on Zoe Quinn is pretty sad fam

The fact you put "trump" in your username is downright pathetic.

"I'll take what is irony for 200 Alex"

such a low energy name

user reports:
1: "Women aren't bad people"

The Mayocide is gender-neutral, famalam. White women are bad people.

it's a sad state of affairs that people still side with zoe quinn in the year of our lord two-thousand and seventeen

Can't call someone a cunt?

I'm sorry I thought this was America.

That sub is for chicks who get no attention from men and pussybegging dudes virtue-signalling in hopes of getting ass from said chicks.

Yes. The type of people who always take everything they read on the internet 100% seriously.

And on that topic, I think it's well past time that we nuked both Israel and Palestine, thereby securing peace in our time for the Middle East.

Why stop there?

both mutually beneficial to the conflict as well as the world. I see no reason not to.

hey look at these nice guys lol what losers right ladies im totally not like those guys im a real nice guy

It's like the polar opposite of /r/incels, yet still somehow just as pathetic. Mark another one off for horseshit theory.

Notch really is a loser though.


Or fund a political party.

/u/xNotch if you're reading this, I want to start a fascist party and i could really use some funding. Can you help a brother out?

He could LITERALLY fund a rocket company but he doesn't because he is ultimately a boring human being.

fund a rocket company

Is this seriously your go to thing when you imagine a non-boring human being? STEM-fags get off my board!!!!

You can build a rocket and also snort cocaine off a hooker's ass

You can snort cocaine of a hooker's ass inside a rocket.

You can snort a hooker off a rocket's ass.

If your daughter doesn't grow up with the necessary IQ and drive to singlehandedly colonize Mars, you will have literally failed as a parent and as a human being.

This is 100% true

he has a candy wall dude tf are you talking about

Explains the obesity

The Bussy Bund

Kraft Durch Bussy

You really expect the divine creator of autism is really capable of that?

You can't blame society for your problems

Patriarchy theory

well to be fair, the man behind "Dilbert" did spend about two decades very publicly going insane

"Rational" Wiki

what better place to learn about "Rational" cartoonists?

True, but it's like fighting smug let atheism with more smug let atheism.

i.e. the very mission statement of this sub

Yeah this but ironically

To be fair, you just sourced RationalWiki unironically

i guess i could have just linked to his blog twice but why bother when RW's already prepared a best of

rationalwiki is maintained almost exclusively by people featured on kiwifarms if that explains anything

rural new zealanders eh? mad at the world for being left off their maps?

no i mean the people that are featured as lolcows

pretty much every rationalwiki mod or whatever is a lolcow

ryulong was there for a bit after wikipedia banned him i think

so this is cow on cow action, why wouldn't i link it

actually good point carry on

Is this site bookmarked for you?

this was actually the second time I've used RationalWiki on purpose, no lie

Never again.

this was actually the second time I've used RationalWiki on purpose, no lie

Indicating you weren't smart enough to avoid it after the first time. Someone needs to add some chlorine to your gene pool.

i mean it's not like a "real" wiki

don't act like you ain't ever used [ED]

I've never used ED, ackshually, and even if I had at some point, my retardation doesn't excuse your retardation.



Scott Adams is a weirdo, tbh

Scott Adams is a weirdo.

r/niceguys finds the man behind "Dilbert" a problematic weirdo

Scott Adams isn't a weirdo, he's totally nuts.

there we go

I mostly dislike him because he stopped being funny 28 years ago.

Truth is, he was never funny, he just capitalized on the fact that with very few exceptions, newspaper comics were massively awful and his was barely above par.

Eh, the early strips were good. I still laugh when I read the book collection.

In general, you are right. I think all the good strips from back,then have gone to shit. Foxtrot is another one.

Larson and Watterston had the right idea

The animated show they did of Dilbert was hilarious.

And his artwork style was more suited to shrinking the comics to the size of postage stamps than, say, Bill Watterson's was.

What happened in 1989? Didnt he start Dilbert in 90?

You can't handle the truth!!

As part of my long-term strategy to achieve immortality, I’m building a permanent digital record of my life online. Someday there will be enough video, audio, biographical, and linguistic information about me to recreate me in software form. Maybe that future software will take into account my DNA too. Eventually there will be enough of a record of my life for future software programmers to recreate my voice, my preferences, my priorities, my thought processes, and even the way I move.

You might think I am not serious. But I totally am. The odds that I will someday be resurrected in software are probably close to 100% because the technology will no doubt exist and I’ll have the most complete digital record available for the researchers to experiment with.

That's more or less the plot to an episode of Black Mirror.

Give me your strongest potions, potion seller!

He's a climate change denier. Every now and then I see him mentioned on /r/skeptic because he posted another scREEEEEEEEEEEEEEd on his blog about corrupt scientists who made up global warming for the money.

He's a climate change denier.

I agree but he says he isn't.

I'm a Florida boy so that's a plus in my book.

Guys like this Notch and the Occulus Rift guy pretty much prove that you can be rich as Crassus and still be a miserable, unlovable loser.

/u/xnotch, /u/Flyberius is talking mad shit about you. If you need a bro in a fight hmu.

Yeah! Let's punch him in the jaw together, you and I!!

Just gimme two weeks notice so I can request PTO at work and I'm fucking there.

YYEEEEEEEEEE!! I can't fucking WAIT to punch that fool, more than the two weeks you requested!!!!! SO PUMPED EVENTUALLY!!!

When people ask me if it was worth becoming a /r/drama mod, I'll refer them to this comment thread.

I think this will be your peak Zachums.

I haven't even begun to peak. But when I do, Philadelphia's going to feel it.

Why Philadelphia?

Considering we're in the same city you could have localized the quote and would have worked better.

I could do a lot of things.

I thought you peaked in highschool

Where the mayocide is going to begin, followed shortly by Cali.

In your opinion, how often does violence solve problems and is the answer?

Like as a percentage?

Yes, and what are the proper circumstances?


this but unironically

look at is this way, exactly zero percent of the people that I've stabbed in the face with an ice pick are a problem anymore.

Your fartbox needs a violent solution.

I'll fight you, might be fun

Can you start your own wrestling federation? Anyone would be able to join if they get into a twitter fight and then they can resolve their misgivings in a cage match. It would be streamed online. It would be glorious.

Maybe people can donate money to have a text-to-speech engine play live with their message during the match.

needing two weeks to request off.


Tag team Hell in a Cell steel cage match!

I'll bring the steel chair and oversized cowboy hat

/u/xnotch Jag backar dig bror! And /u/Flyberius, I thought Croesus was the rich guy in the saying? Are you mistaken or am I the retard here? (Rhetorical question, don't answer unless you want to make me sad IRL)


Ja! From the man himself. Now there is only PewDiePie and Clara Henry left, after that I can finally kill myself with no regrets.


Both Croesus and Crassus were rich as fuck but I have always seen "rich as Croesus."

ching chong language

People fear and mock what they can't understand.

scott adams is a fucking weirdo tbf

Why is it called r/niceguys when its populated by horrible women? 🤔

It's also populated by whiteknights in denial.

"hmm maybe if I act totally cool and not desperate I might get laid!"

Horrible women and the hopeless betas caught in their gravitational fields.


Good grief! How many subs full of pussy-whipped beta manginas does reddit actually need?

apparently that sub is for making fun of those "pussy whipped beta manginas," from what I see.

That thread is a graveyard. did... did the incels all suicide or something?