Autismal seriousposting aficionado finds an 11-day-old /r/drama thread to express his moral outrage at an incel being told to Keep Himself Safe

38  2017-06-20 by ahbslldud


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

y-y-you too

[–]Ill_do_it_4_a_cookie [κρυμμένη βαθμολογία] 13 minutes ago I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the ripe old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the ripe old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the ripe old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the ripe old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the rape old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.


Kill yourself /u/Ill_do_it_4_a_cookie. Do it. They'll remember you forever. You'll be immortal in the minds of the people who wronged you. They'll never forgive themselves for the pain they made you feel. They'll finally suffer.

What is vaginal autism? Can you explain that to me. Is it a vagina that is years behind where it should be vaginally?


this but unironically

Soon it will be a crime to mess with people too dumb to understand irony.

Mmm I love tapas. Bring on the tapas.

I approved you for this sub so you don't have to wait between comments. Just so you know.

Thanks boss man Zachums

Don't thank him, it'll just encourage him.

srsly what is drama coming to, mods doing shit

Holy shit stop. I can't anymore. What the fuck is happening? This sub is good on a regular day, but today it's "extra special".

That's right bitch, I bring the extra special

You're goddamn right you do

You should be a mod here

I am no mans mod.

Be a mod faggot

Well when you put it that way...

We're entering the golden age of /r/drama. THANK YOU, TRUMP.

Post the rest dog

Yall mother fuckers are dark

Welcome to my twisted mind

Yo you're making me look like a bitch, post the rest.

begs to combatant to post private message you also have access to

Definitely not a little bitch

Totally a little bitch. Also don't know how to link the private message, so there's that.

Classic little bitch ignorance

That's what I thought we were talking about.

lmfao calm yo tits, I had somethin to do.

also kek at you multipost begging me to post a message where you explicitly said you'd post it if i didnt

Baby, I just need you to do it.

post bussy

I honestly don't know how to do it.

ur riemanns alt, yeh? u should know how

Who is riemanns? I saw that name thrown around earlier.

hey /u/riemann1413 found ur sister

I'll have you know I have a penis.
"It's huge". -Trump No but seriously my cock is freakishly long, and wide too.
Have you ever seen the inside of a horses rectum? Neither have I.

You'll fit in here, son. But first, bussy.

I feel like you're asking to see my butthole...
Let me start by saying my butthole is the holiest of all the buttholes. No butthole shines brighter than my butthole.

we shall all bow down to the Sun King of Bussy

Post pics

Of the inside of a horses rectum?

I mean sure... if that's what you want

If you can't handle us at our worst, kys

now THIS should be a snapshill quote