Philando Castile shooting video released

12  2017-06-20 by Zappert

Just wondering what /r/Drama thinks about the shooting. Video of the shooting is here. The video is also juxtaposed with the girlfriend's Facebook Live video where she is surprisingly calm.

Here's the /r/watchpeopledie thread about it (mixed reviews).


Now's not the time snapshill :(

False. Bussy is the perfect compliment to race wars.

point taken

Just wondering what /r/Drama thinks about the shooting

Why the fuck would you want the opinion of a bunch of autistic losers on what's actually some dark, fucked up shit.

My opinion is that out of all the Basketball-Americans who get shot by cops, this Basketball-American definitely seemed to deserve it the least. This Burrito-American must have his badge tossed over Trump's Great Wall©, then he must be sent to a North Korean Re-Education Camp For Bigots.

Now here's a rest in peace parrot:

Because I come here for the high quality political discussion that this sub is known for goddamnit!

r/drama is the only good political sub

Why would you ask this here? But in my opinion, it's very clear that Philandro was innocent and that the cop should be in fucking prison. Nobody deserves that.

Since the burrito American isn't white and therefore cannot be racist, we are still trying to determine the motive.

What could it be?

Could he be secretly wanting to become a white person? Internalized racism?

This all leads to drumpf. Did drumpf order him to do it? Is Anita sarkeesian his next target?

In conclusion, stop drumpf.

Bruh the media made the zim zam white, so paco may as well be white too.


Bruh the media made the zim zam white

He is at least half mayo, mayo father originally from Germany and Hispanic mother originally from Peru.

Just another nigger thinking it's ok to pull out a gun with the police around

Are you still around? How have you avoided getting banned from this website?

Suppose he's on a mission to prove how lenient the moderation actually is...

still boring

It's amazing how your unironic seriousposts are shittier than most people's ironic /r/drama shitposts

It's amazing how someone can have a comment history littered with manchild video game shit.

Time to grow up, kiddo.

Your username is literally "fidgetspinners420"

Why good sirrah I do believe you're referring to me!

Got some proof there you small cocked faggot?

Post bussy

All these Mexicans keep thinking if they shoot a black guy they won't get deported. HAHA!

Hard to say. Neither video showed the inside of the car. If it was reasonable for the cop to think Castile might have been reaching for his gun, justified. It's a question for the jury. Either way it's tragic and guy shouldn't be a cop any longer. Cops need better training on dealing with CCW holders, and vice versa.