Philando Castile shooting video released
12 2017-06-20 by Zappert
Just wondering what /r/Drama thinks about the shooting. Video of the shooting is here. The video is also juxtaposed with the girlfriend's Facebook Live video where she is surprisingly calm.
Here's the /r/watchpeopledie thread about it (mixed reviews).
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-06-20
Have you posted bussy yet?
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n/a Zappert 2017-06-20
Now's not the time snapshill :(
n/a LSU_Coonass 2017-06-20
False. Bussy is the perfect compliment to race wars.
n/a Zappert 2017-06-20
point taken
n/a VaginalAutism 2017-06-20
Why the fuck would you want the opinion of a bunch of autistic losers on what's actually some dark, fucked up shit.
My opinion is that out of all the Basketball-Americans who get shot by cops, this Basketball-American definitely seemed to deserve it the least. This Burrito-American must have his badge tossed over Trump's Great Wall©, then he must be sent to a North Korean Re-Education Camp For Bigots.
Now here's a rest in peace parrot:
n/a Zappert 2017-06-20
Because I come here for the high quality political discussion that this sub is known for goddamnit!
n/a glmox 2017-06-20
r/drama is the only good political sub
n/a geraldo42 2017-06-20
n/a bleasehalb 2017-06-20
n/a PapaNathan 2017-06-20
Why would you ask this here? But in my opinion, it's very clear that Philandro was innocent and that the cop should be in fucking prison. Nobody deserves that.
n/a bobbybonnadouchey 2017-06-20
Since the burrito American isn't white and therefore cannot be racist, we are still trying to determine the motive.
What could it be?
Could he be secretly wanting to become a white person? Internalized racism?
This all leads to drumpf. Did drumpf order him to do it? Is Anita sarkeesian his next target?
In conclusion, stop drumpf.
n/a LSU_Coonass 2017-06-20
Bruh the media made the zim zam white, so paco may as well be white too.
n/a VaginalAutism 2017-06-20
n/a McFluffTheCrimeCat 2017-06-20
He is at least half mayo, mayo father originally from Germany and Hispanic mother originally from Peru.
n/a fidgetspinners420 2017-06-20
Just another nigger thinking it's ok to pull out a gun with the police around
n/a cochnbahls 2017-06-20
Are you still around? How have you avoided getting banned from this website?
n/a Jukk 2017-06-20
Suppose he's on a mission to prove how lenient the moderation actually is...
n/a glmox 2017-06-20
still boring
n/a ownersinc 2017-06-20
It's amazing how your unironic seriousposts are shittier than most people's ironic /r/drama shitposts
n/a fidgetspinners420 2017-06-20
It's amazing how someone can have a comment history littered with manchild video game shit.
Time to grow up, kiddo.
n/a ralpher313 2017-06-20
Your username is literally "fidgetspinners420"
n/a ownersinc 2017-06-20
Why good sirrah I do believe you're referring to me!
Got some proof there you small cocked faggot?
n/a shitpersonality 2017-06-20
Post bussy
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-06-20
All these Mexicans keep thinking if they shoot a black guy they won't get deported. HAHA!
n/a ReddCrowe 2017-06-20
n/a hate_expectations 2017-06-20
Hard to say. Neither video showed the inside of the car. If it was reasonable for the cop to think Castile might have been reaching for his gun, justified. It's a question for the jury. Either way it's tragic and guy shouldn't be a cop any longer. Cops need better training on dealing with CCW holders, and vice versa.