Neoliberal Jon Ossoff eats shit and loses to an even-worse Republican, /r/neoliberal circlejerk turns against them immediately

32  2017-06-21 by Prince_Kropotkin


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


  1. This Post -,*,,

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excuse me, pk, while I shit up your thread with pol memes

Read this according to this tune

The Dems went down to Georgia. They were lookin' for a seat to steal. They were in a bind 'cause they were way behind. They were willing to make a deal When they came across this young man speakin' on a crowd and playin' it hot. And the Dems jumped upon a hickory stump and said "Boy, let me tell you what."

"I guess you wouldn't know it, but we're a national party, too. And if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you. Now you do a pretty good speakin', boy, but give the Dems their due. Bet fifty million of gold against your soul 'cause we can win the seat for you."

The boy said, "My name's Jonny, and it might be a sin, But I'll take your bet; GOP's gonna regret 'cause I'm the best there's ever been."

Thanks bot, sorry /u/LSU_Coonass is a dumb AIDS-ridden faggot who will hopefully die a very painful AIDS-related death soon

you're welcome

Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme

you're a nice bot

black guy pointing to head meme

can't get aids if you're a virgin and avoid hard drugs

and avoid hard drugs

can a man who's that much of a pussy ever truly be a virgin?


These fucking morons don't understand how politics works. YOU DON'T INSULT VOTERS WHO DON'T LIKE YOUR SHITTY CANDIDATES! It's like there's so much OUTRAGE that voters don't like boring liberals who stand for nothing beyond "I'm not Trump", instead of actively looking for ways to appeal to these people and make their lives better. Yes there will always be racists and shitty people in America but if a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama can win two presidential contests decisively then you can manage to win the odd seat in Georgia.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme | deletthis

U ok little guy? Triggered a bit?

that's a lot of shade for dat post history

Dude, why do you waste your time? The Reddit neoliberal doesn't care about winning. They care about maintaining a sense of superiority. And this loss will only increase the smugness. Counterintuitive I know.

You're not wrong

Lol, poor white people will die from drugs and lack of jobs after we import all the brown illegals for slave wages.

That will teach them for making me cry into my tendies.

The Mexicans will have strong enough bargaining positions to exceed slave wages if we drastically expand the legal immigration program enough to undercut demand for illegal immigration, and then amnesty the remaining illegals. Read Tomatoland; it's crazy how much agribusiness exploits our restrictive immigration programs.

I blame rich white people the most for immigration problems. They are the ones that benefit the most. And no one can compete with illegal wages.

nah theyll run some rich kid from dc and spend 23 million dollars and still lose lol

I wonder why conservative people are still on this planet when old people have been dying out more than young people for millions of years now.

We are doomed to always live in Amerikkka if something doesn't change. I cry every time because a rich white woman that hangs out in Manhattan isn't in charge of me instead of a rich white guy that hangs out in Manhattan.


They're venting their personal views on their sub not campaigning - the hard left subs are more vitriolic, sanctimonious and antagonistic towards right wingers (and liberals) than these guys.

P_K, how does a lefty win in the 7th richest district in the country?

One surefire way to not win is to give up and not even try.

They did try though. They threw money at the problem and cried when Hitlers from the trailer parks obstructed their birth right of winning.

Promise lacrosse fields for everyone

PK, these people unironically blame RACISM for Trump winning against a white woman and for her doing worse than a fucking black guy that was called a Muslim from Kenya including by Hillary supporters in 2008, never forget.

The voters aren't on Reddit, katua.

These fucking morons don't understand how politics works. YOU DON'T INSULT VOTERS WHO DON'T LIKE YOUR SHITTY CANDIDATES!

Why not? It worked for Hillary

It works for Republicans...

/u/rumoredtobegreat you'll get your ass shot off by some octegenarian who'll hear your man purse wearing self from 200 yards away.

We have an autism quota here and you are hogging all of it to yourself in this thread today.

Every single one of those imagur links was an album. Kys 😡😡😡

TIL /u/Prince_Kropotkin is a secret Republican

>republicans dont like governement

>anarchists dont like government

When did you realize the Republican party were the real anarchists?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

The bots in r/drama are always on hand to say what everyone else is thinking.

The subreddit of losers.

Real talk, prince_kropotkin. I know your a scholar of the art of class struggle.

Me? I'm a budding paleocon with a technocratic streak.

How should we answer the neoliberal question? I'm sure you are aware that Macron is nothing but an agent of the status quo. He is doomed to fail against entropy itself.

I know we agree on nothing politically​, aside from being Pro-bussy.

We need a ultimate solution to this neoliberal problem.

more like a final solution lol

/u/snallygaster pls ban /u/LSU_Coonass for 24 hours.

He's asking for it at this point.

bruh just let me shitpost from my comfy bed.

I will literally hunt you down and do to your bussy what Jerry Sandusky did to Penn state's pride.

Ruin it.

/>implying I haven't already ruined it with years of lava diarrhea from cheap mexican food

Metaphorically shaking rn.


It goes like \>, normie.

I was bullied last time I actually greentexted here. Consider yourself wedgied.

The ultimate solution is to lock them all in a room and let them send NBER papers to each other while nobody in reality reads anything. They will be occupied for decades.

Too tame. How about we make a volcanic area in Hawaii a tax free zone?

Or maybe sell them cheap Chinese made smoke detectors and give them to all of them. In a gift basket full of cheap bottom dollar Chinese space heaters.

Commies and nazis allying themselves around the bussy to fight a common enemy. It brings a tear to my eyes...

i fail to see how being a populist is a bad thing

the common man is entitled to government-provided bussy

To each according to his or her need for bussy.


my utopian America doesn't include the roastie menace.

unless you're referring to her (him) ya feel me?

Everyone is a comrade in the struggle for free bussy. I'm sorry, but the revolution has no place for ass traitors.

How'd the anarchist candidate do?

He got a solid 12th place in a 10 person race

What can I say, the dog and the rock made better arguments.

Threw his tendies and refused to participate when he realised it was for a government position

Zombie Eugene Debs glares disapprovingly

Why was the last one removed but this dumb asshole stays?

every time a centrist democrat loses, PK the manarchist ejaculates in euphoria

I honestly cannot imagine being this retarded. Did Menkiw touch you in your "special place" to become this reactionary?

Not euphoric, this sucks actually. Always game to make fun of libs for being terrible at politics though.

lol I win even though I lost

Bernie supporters, everyone

What did I win?

what did I win?

you tell me tbqhwuf

The only people who won tonight are Republicans. Definitely didn't imply otherwise. You need to get better at trolling.

All anyone has to do is ping you, and /r/neoliberal in the same sentence and you sperg. It ins't rocket surgery at this point :^)

I guess I could just stop responding altogether and see how much begging I get in my inbox to respond. Might be a fun experiment.

I guess I could just stop responding altogether

Delete your account then

neolibs are allowed to be smug about their failure of an ideology, we're allowed to be smug about ours

Dude, in 2016 the Republican got over 60 percent of the vote. It's not surprising we lost.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did he lose? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe Georgia hates the global poor. I want evidence-based policy. I want Ossoff to be state representative and maintain neoliberal hegemony. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought America was already great???? This is so fucked.

I was resisting doing this. I'm glad you did it as I couldn't hold out much longer.

oh yeah i will take every possible opportunity to mock those fools

Neoliberal eats shit and loses to an even-worse Republican

wow it's just like 2016 except this time the person who was projected to win actually won

Wow the amount of losers in that thread. Ossoff spends tens of millions and has a mostly out of state finance, hell he out spent the R by like 5:1 and he still lost. WHAT A LOSER!

How hard is your dick right now PK?