A reminder that Otto Warmmayo HAD IT FUCKING COMING VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!1!!!!

42  2017-06-21 by [deleted]


/u/HappyHandel is the worst person. We must make xir kill xirself.


“They say it is a day of great fortune if a prisoner finds a rat creeping up from the bottom of the toilet hole,” she said. “The prisoners catch it with their bare hands and devour it raw, as rats are the only source of meat in the prison. They say the wonderful taste of a raw rat is unforgettable. If they are caught eating a rat, however, the punishment is extended. So they have to be very careful when catching and eating a rat.”

I wish you the best under Juche rule. http://www.aim.org/media-monitor/eating-rats-in-north-korea/

Question, do you legit think NK is actually some paradise and that all negative information is fake?

It certainly isn't a paradise, nor do I think it is above a principled criticism; but I do believe that there is a Western agenda due to the remnants of the Korean war and the ongoing illegal occupation of the Korean peninsula by the US military to paint the country as a dystopic wasteland in order to justify the economic embargo against the North and the neocolonial project that is ongoing in the South.

I do believe that there is a Western agenda

Agreed. I don't think it's beyond any reasonable thought to say there's an agenda when it comes to NK. The US and many other western nations certainly maintain ideas and agendas against a lot of other countries that help justify the choices they make.

The question beyond that, for me then, would be how much reporting and information from within NK or about NK do you trust as accurate?

  • Labour camps for example, do you think they're made up stories to bolster existing perceptions?
  • What about reports of the people in NK surviving on grass and rats with food being so scarce?

Are these reports from defectors fake, or are inaccuracies reasonably explained by them not wanting to give up how they got out in full detail, or fearing how what they say might affect perceptions and options. I know if I escaped a labour camp, and the country at large, I wouldn't immediately tell all if I didn't know if something couldn't get me sent back. Or put any people that might have helped, at risk.

Acknowledging agendas that are negative about NK, do you also acknowledge agendas that will be positive?

For decades the DPRK's government has pushed for a lasting peace treaty

This is the perception that I don't know holds up to scrutiny. NK make a regular show of calling for or threatening the destruction of the US, not to mention the continued indoctrination of North Koreans into the idea of "American pigs" and other ideas that are 100% intended to foster hostility and hatred among the population.

I can't look at that and say "Wow the North Korean government and people definitely want nothing but peace." I don't think it's that clear cut.

Ok but who initiated the conflict against the country? Which side committed mass genocide against the Korean people during the war, killing 1/3rd of the nation's population? The United States takes zero initiative to push for peace, while the North and South has been begging for an end to the American occupation. Theyre an oppressed nation, don't blame them for being slightly hostile and nationalistic.

Ok but who initiated the conflict against the country?

North Korea, no? They invaded South Korea.

Which side committed mass genocide against the Korean people during the war, killing 1/3rd of the nation's population?

Are we talking about US forces killing North Korean forces? That's not genocide, especially considering that North Koreas tactic for warfare was "Throw as many soldiers as we can at the enemy until they run out of bullets or we overwhelm them."

If I'm reading you wrong there, fill me in.

The United States takes zero initiative to push for peace,

They took the whole thing to the UN decades ago, North Korea refused to co-operate.

North and South have been begging for an end to the American occupation since the 1950s.

That's not strictly true either, that time the US took the whole thing to the UN? Some South Koreans disagreed with it too.

Theyre an oppressed nation, don't blame them for being slightly hostile and nationalistic.

Oppressed by who? They started a war, lost, didn't want to work with the UN after the fact (although not the only ones), and decades later the one power backing them (USSR) is dead.

Between the signing of the armistice and now, NK has reneged on it numerous times. They're kidnapping people, threatening to start nuclear war, testing borders and boundaries, beating foreign prisoners into comas, or putting them through kangaroo courts at best. Not to mention treating their own population terribly. I mentioned the labour camps, and you glossed over it to say "Who started the war?"

And calling the DPRK "warmongering" while they have never engaged in another international conflict besides the one theyre engaged in with the US, is frankly ahistorical.

I didn't say they were warmongering, I said that it's not as clear cut as "NK wants peace, the end." and it's not. You only have to look at their internal politics to see that even if there were high ranking generals, or Kim Jong Un himself wanting to step to the table and talk about real peace, they'd be torn down by those around them.

North Korea did not "invade" South Korea. The American military government had been sending guerrillas into the country prior to the "invasion" for months. Here's a source on that by the way. Even so, the North, as the legitimate democratically elected government of the country, had every right to defend against the American occupation of their nation. They didn't start the war at all.

You want to talk about labour camps but the USA has a penal labour system that absolutely puts the DPRK to shame in terms of size and scope.

And if you don't believe the carpet napalming of the North wasn't a war crime, or the various massacres of communist sympathizers that happened under Syngman Rhee's dictatorship, than I don't know what to tell you.

North Korea did not "invade" South Korea. The American military government had been sending guerrillas into the country prior to the "invasion" for months.

"The story supports the argument of some historians that the North's invasion of the South in June 1950 must be seen in the context of a steady build-up of hostilities from both sides."

Ok great, we're getting somewhere. It's not so cut and dry. Hostility from both sides. It's almost like there's a middle ground here and the truth by and large resides there.

Even so, the North, as the legitimate democratically elected government of the country, had every right to defend against the American occupation of their nation. They didn't start the war at all.

How is it that the Soviet backed North Korean Government was legitimate but the US backed South Korean Government wasn't? After the US went to the UN and the North refused to acknowledge the resolution for free elections, only the South held them, months before the North held their own.

You want to talk about labour camps but the USA has a penal labour system that absolutely puts the DPRK to shame in terms of size and scope.

I do want to talk about labour camps, because putting people in prison for political views, or vague accusations of treason against the people, is not equivalent to incarceration rates in the US. Being paid to stamp license plates is a world away from being unpaid slave labour digging for coal in unsafe and deadly conditions without proper protections or equipment.

Especially when your failure to do the work in a US prison results in you being taken off the list for work detail, and in the NK results in you being tied to a tree and raped, then shot or stabbed to death.

And if you don't believe the carpet napalming of the North wasn't [I'm guessing you mean was] a war crime

I didn't say anything about carpet napalming of the North. Your implication seemed to be that US/SK forces killing soldiers was genocide. Because rather than detail your stance and explain what you're talking about, you're assuming I'm 100% anti NK, when in reality I think there's more complexity to the situation than "good guys vs bad guys".

South Korea NEVER held elections. Syngman Rhee was appointed as leader, ful stop.

Also don't sanitize what the US penal labor system is, which under the 13th Amendment is legal slavery.

I'm not from the US, so my knowledge is limited. I was just under the impression that it was paid work details that can sometimes count toward "good behaviour" and garner other benefits.

As I understand it pay is often the issue? They don't get paid anything close to minimum wage, so I can definitely see where criticisms can be made there. I'd agree with them too.

Work details aren't bad in and of themselves in my opinion. They offer routine and purpose. But if you're not paying a prisoner a decent wage for that work, I do wonder how it could affect their sense of worth. Implemented correctly though, I think providing prisoners with the opportunity to work could be a good tool in rehabilitation both in developing skills and again, that personal value aspect.

Now do you see how I addressed a criticism you're making. It's of a system no one mentioned but you, in an attempted whataboutism. But still, in good faith, I addressed the point as best as I can with the understanding I had. I didn't immediately retort with "BUT WHAT ABOUT NORTH KOREA".

You've yet to do this to a single thing I've said. Every response you've offered has been "BUT WHAT ABOUT..."

I think its important to point these facts out because almost everything North Korea gets accused of has happened in South Korea and the United States. And yet there's no crippling sanctions, there's no outrage from the international community, there's no outcry for the toppling of the puppet regime in the ROK.

It's the balance of power we have to work with. It's far from perfect, and like I've said, I don't necessarily agree with every approach the US takes toward NK.

Does the US have prison labour? Yes. But to say it's equivalent or absolves North Korea of their labour camps is completely dishonest, surely you can admit that much?

You said yourself that NK is not above criticism, but you've yet to criticise it once. You can criticise the US, but it's like the line it drawn at North Korea. That just doesn't make sense to me.

Your implication is that they're as bad as each other in many ways, but you still levy more criticism toward the US than NK. I just don't get it.

If you can't criticise NK, and I mean can't do it. That's fine. I'm not one to beat a dead horse.

You said yourself that rehabilitative labor is useful, and I have no problem with North Korea engaging in it. But what exists in the United States is in no way rehabilitative. It is exploitative and capitalistic. My critiques of North Korea have to do with idealistic tenets of the Juche ideology from a marxist perspective; but what I'm absolutely not going to do is act like myself as an American has any right to criticize North Korea for being overly defensive, nationalistic, or paranoid. We saw what happened to Libya in 2011 when it gave up its nuclear weapons program, we're seeing currently the effects of American imperialism in Syria as the US funds Wahhabist terrorist cells. The North's demands for a Korea free of American influence are not extreme, they are righteous.

You said yourself that rehabilitative labor is useful, and I have no problem with North Korea engaging in it. But what exists in the United States is in no way rehabilitative.

If paying a low wage for work to those in prison isn't rehabilitative, neither is the NK system of not paying a single penny (slavery) and having the work be mandatory, and conditions be infinitely more dangerous, and compounded with violence and death.

That is a wildly obvious and really wacky attempt at reframing my argument.

it is a system that steals labor value from the prisoner.

Again, if paying a pittance is stealing labour, what is not paying a worker at all? What is it if the only result of your labour is death now a the hands and whims of a guard, or later when you're too weak to work and not worth the food it'd take to feed you.

but what I'm absolutely not going to do is act like myself as an American has any right to criticize North Korea for being overly defensive, nationalistic, or paranoid.

So don't. Criticise them on the things they absolutely don't have to do, like imprison people in labour camps and work them to death. You still haven't done that. You've implied that what NK does is "rehabilitation" but what the US does isn't, in some bizarre attempt at dodging the topic.

The most you can muster in finding something bad about North Korea is "Their ideas don't align with my marxist perspective." Seriously?

The North's demands for a Korea free of American influence are not extreme

You're right, they're not. But NK also doesn't get to dictate how South Korea moves forward. Like it or not they're separate and sovereign nations. If North Korea wants US involvement to end that's fine. If South Korea wants it to end, that's fine too. If the US wants it to end, that too is fine.

It ending though wouldn't mean North Korea has any claim to South Korea. That's the vibe you're giving off here.

They're not separate nations, they're separated economically and North Korea wants to respect that. The Korean people are a single nation that was artificially divided by the US. You keep saying that conditions in NK prisons are infinitely worse, but what exactly is your source? And you cannot equivocate the labor systems of North Korea and the United States because of the differences in class characteristics of the two governments. North Korea isn't exploiting its laborers because the full value of their labor is returned to the people. There aren't capitalists hoarding the profits of that labor. That's what socialism is.

They're not separate nations, they're separated economically and North Korea wants to respect that. The Korean people are a single nation that was artificially divided by the US.

They are 100% separate nations, at this point both politically and culturally.

You keep saying that conditions in NK prisons are infinitely worse, but what exactly is your source?

There's so many first hand accounts of the terrible shit going on in those camps. But here's a couple after a quick Google.

North Korea isn't exploiting its laborers because the full value of their labor is returned to the people.

Working someone to death is always exploitative. That their work is "for the people" means absolutely nothing. Exploitation only requires the unfair or egregious treatment of someone for the benefit of others.

The impoverished person who sits at a machine all day making the cheap t-shirts I buy is being exploited. I'm part of that cycle and can admit that. You're not even part of North Koreas exploitation (though I'm seriously starting to have my doubts) and you can't even admit it happens.

And you cannot equivocate the labor systems of North Korea and the United States because of the differences in class characteristics of the two governments.

Is this seriously boiling down to "North Korea can run labour camps and work people to death because they're different." What, it only seems bad because I'm not from North Korea?

That's what socialism is.

If being worked until I'm crippled, only to be shot or dying of malnutrition is socialism, count me out Happy.

You keep using defector testimonies despite the fact that these testimonies are proven unreliable.

You keep using defector testimonies despite the fact that these testimonies are proven unreliable

And we're back to square one. This is what the whole thing started about. I even addressed it by talking about the situation defectors might find themselves in, and why their testimonies can have inconsistencies.

You started out arguing that agendas paint our perceptions of a country, namely NK, but you're completely blind to the idea that the agenda you buy into is just as nefarious as what you believe others buy into.

You literally cannot admit a single thing as a possibility, you can't offer any substantial criticism, nor acknowledge any of the evidence of the atrocities that occur in the labour camps.

You won't even admit that unpaid labour, you know slavery, is exploitative.

You're really far gone Happy. There's no middle ground to you, no concessions or nuance. It's all lies and diversion if they speak ill of NK, but hey look at all this bad stuff the US did.

What evidence? Please point it out. And no, an oppressed nation's agenda is not as "nefarious" as the oppressors. Quit with this false equivalency crap. Both sides are not the fucking same. The United States is a genocidal settler-colonial prisonhouse nightmare that is destroying the world.

The United States is a genocidal settler-colonial prisonhouse nightmare that is destroying the world.

Yes that is certainly the perspective of someone with a nuanced perception of the world. You certainly haven't bought into any agendas.

What evidence? Please point it out.

There's an entire wikipedia page about the most well known NK labour camp, with ample references that detail the things that happen there, from the mundane, to the atrocious.

The problem with you Happy, is that any evidence I present you'll brush of as propaganda. What you're completely blind to though, is that being in that situation, where you immediately hand wave any evidence against your view as propaganda, or fear mongering, makes it abundantly clear that you've bought into one agenda and you're set in it.

I could bring you photographs and you'd tell me they're doctored. Video, and you'd tell me it's faked. Witness testimony, and they've been paid off.

You can't bring me any of that stuff because it doesn't exist. So quit talking in what-if scenarios. And what exactly about my perspective is lacking in nuance? The US objectively and historically murdered its indigenous population, dropped atomic bombs unnecessarily on civilian cities, built countless neocolonies around the world, and continues to engage in imperial activities. This isnt an "agenda", this is a material outlook on a nation building a global empire.

it doesn't exist.

I literally linked you a page where a number of references and sources are available for you to read at your leisure.

I link you a wikipedia page, with references to actual papers, reports, news articles detailing labour camps and NK life. That evidence, to you, "doesn't exist". Not "I'm going to consider this stuff but have a critical eye.", straight up, doesn't exist.

But somehow wordpress blogs are a legit resource? You're going to tell me you don't have an agenda when the best you can do in providing contrary perspective and evidence is "red youth" wordpress blogs?

Excuse me for being so blunt, but who the fuck does any of this convince? What's the age cut off for 9/11 truther tier "Don't believe those reports, or papers, or academics, or experts, or witness testimony, check out this youtube vid, that's the real truth!"

I'm finished having this discussion

This was never a discussion. This was a session of denialism and delusion.

You linked to a wikipedia page, which trust me, I've already read and dissected; and is generally speaking not trustworthy due to an overabundance of unreliable western MSM anti-NK sources. We already know that the western media has a bias against the DPRK, you admit to this. Meanwhile, I'm offering a fresh perspective on this, and you refuse to read any of it. The only person denying anything is you.

western media has a bias against the DPRK, youve admitted to this.

I never said this. I said the US has an agenda against North Korea, in that the US government when talking about North Korea would likely do so in terms that present North Korea less favourably.

I've see western media argue both sides of the fence on North Korea.

Meanwhile, I'm offering a fresh perspective on this topic

Skewed perspective is a better description.

because it's not "good enough" or whatever

No because it's clearly biased. Red Youth? I'm seriously meant to critically engage with something that off the bat I know is more than likely going to be presenting a stunted understanding of the situation.

That's like reading ISIS Newsletters to get a balanced view on the Syria situation.

The only person engaging in denialism is you.

Yes definitely. All the concessions I made, all the acknowledgements of the shittier aspects of the US, that I made zero effort to dodge or deny some of the reasonable points you made. That's some hardcore denialism.

You on the other hand, with your hand waving and "evidence doesn't count if it disagrees with me". That's just good honest discussion.

America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan. America and Europe enslaved black people. America killed and mistreat(ed) their native population. The American judicial system is often really really shit.

I can make a list, and it'd all be true, but none of it means North Korea is somehow not bad, or lacking in faults, or crimes, or a victim of undue criticism.

Two things can be bad at once, and thats where your perspective lacks nuance. To you it's good vs bad. NK are the good guys, US are the big bad baddies. They can't both be bad, because to you that means they're equal, and they're not equal, so they can't both be bad. One has to be good, one has to be bad.

It's just like my comic books.

My perspective isn't lacking nuance, I'm critically supporting a nation that has a right to exist. And I'm highlighting how the normalization of propaganda leads to the current situation where nobody questions the crippling economic blockade, the artificial division of the peninsula, and the potential for a future invasion by American imperial forces. The goal of America's campaign in Korea is to wipe the DPRK's government out, and further its neocolonial project. Meanwhile the DPRK's goal is to reunite the country and kick out the occupying force. So again, how can we come to the conclusion here that one side isnt objectively more righteous here? Your perspective is the one here lacking nuance, not mine. And your condemnation of both only serves to equivocate the agendas of both nations.


America just wants to wipe out North Korea.

Also you:

Don't hate North Korea just because they threaten to wipe out America using nukes.

And I'm highlighting

You've highlighted nothing. Again, all you've done is deny and dodge, and respond to any criticism of North Korea with, "WhataboutdaUS?"

Look at it this way, I wasn't a fan of Saddam Hussein and the shit he did, but I can acknowledge Iraq's right to exist, and condemn the actions of the US, UK, and other western nations in how they've made the situation worse both globally and for people in Iraq and the ME.

It's almost like, multiple facets of a situation can exist at the same time.

how can we come to the conclusion here that one side isnt objectively more righteous here?

By looking at their actions, not their goals. You do it with the US and judge them for it, that's fair enough. Intent and goals only go so far, actions matter too right? So far your criticism of the US has been largely based on their actions. You've listed examples of their actions.

So let's look at the actions of North Korea..oh hold on we can't, because any evidence of their actions "doesn't exist", it's all made up!

You've put yourself in this neat little lazy position where you don't have to actually acknowledge anything, you just get to spout "AMERICAN IMPERIALISTS" over and over.

So lets you and me make a deal. I'll stop being reasonable in my approach, you continue as you are, and we can both just shout each other down for the next few comments.

Who knows, maybe we'll get posted to this very subreddit, and you can post to /r/shitpeoplewhodisagreewithmesay or whatever.

America: invades the country because "muh communism", kills 1/3rd of Korea's population, institutes apartheid, cripples the country for 6 decades with sanctions

NK: chest-beats and develops a security apparatus in order to keep itself and it's revolution intact

"Wow I wonder which side is worse, lets just say theyre both bad."


Reneging on cease fires, firing missiles, threatening nuclear war, then carrying out tests on the same day just to fuck with people is harmless chest beating.

Who knew!

Gee Happy, I gotta say I'm pretty jealous. It must be easy to just pretend the world is a series of good vs bad fights like in my animes.

I'm pretty disappointed that I have the capacity to be critical to a variety of things, through a variety of perspectives but walk away with a wider understanding of a situation. It sure sucks.

The revolution can't come soon enough! Then everyone will have jobs and we can spend our hard earned money in our empty supermarkets. Don't worry though, every saturday we get to queue up for bread and other limited rations to get us through the week. When I'm really hungry though, the loudspeaker playing music of our glorious leader at 5am fills my stomach. I can keep marching forward on nothing but pride.

Who needs decent medical care, food, and to be able to choose their fucking haircut. Malnourishment and being put in front of a firing squad for an imperialist quiff is the life for me.

wow, what a bunch of nonsense. cant choose a haircut? do you actually fall for this crap?

decent medical care? you mean the same healthcare system that the WHO called "the envy of the developing world"? oh man, theyre test firing weapons that they might have to use? what a horror!

oh man, theyre test firing weapons that they might have to use?

Right after calling for war or some other shit. Their whole shtick is to rile people up, then pretend the "imperialist pigs" are coming for them.

North Korea's health system would be the envy of many developing countries because of the abundance of medical staff that it has available

It's easy to have lots of doctors when you neglect huge chunks of your population. As long as the Pyongyang elites are healthy, so suckers like you can go on tours and talk about how great it all is, that's all that counts.

I bet you think those tours they give to journos, of these new and completely empty hospitals, where they happen to visit the one room where the "patient" speaks the exact language of that journo, is all legit.

I mean all the best countries have government issued guides to stop you asking to many questions or seeing anything too ugly. That's just a fact.

Wow, now you're just making shit up off the top of your head and saying the World Health Organization doesn't know what its talking about. Nice.

Look Happy, we've done our bits. We're done here.

I stopped being reasonable, you've gotten to tell me off and maintain your delusion that North Korea is a paradise, in spite of earlier admitting that it has problems, but not ever acknowledging what those problems are, and denying evidence I presented as falsified or non existent.

I think we can both agree this has been productive. I'm sure the Red Youth is proud of you. Plus it's a school night and I don't want you to do poorly on your French test.

Wow this is hilarious. A boogie privileged person from the west apologizing for NK, of all places. Keep this up and you'll be famous for crying wolf, where exactly did the nasty cishet touch you?

Bahahahhah! The DPRK's goal is not to be wiped of the mat for being a incredibly corrupt state not adhering to international athletics standards. Good luck defending that shit.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Hey /u/HappyHandel! If you do get out your basement and visit the Glorious and Totally Democratic Republic of Worst Korea, don't forget to grab yourself some souvenirs while you're there!

will do!

If you were planning on travelling there, I would strongly encourage you to make plans sooner than later.

Dear /r/communism users, please please please travel to North Korea.

I'd love to see some commies get Otto'd.

Of course that's only if mommy lets you exchange GBPs for plane tickets.

They'll never go to the 'paradise' of NK. They claim it's because they're working to spread the revolution here but the truth is that deep down they know it's a shithole and that they have a better quality of life here.

Unless of course they've already seized the means of tendie production (mommy's purse) in which case they can order the tickets themselves.

The anti-Marxism on this board is honestly disgusting. Do you know how much literature there is proving that communism would work if it was only given a chance? You fucking idiots who haven't read a word of it just keep spouting the "muh History" "muh Famines" "muh failed governments" memes. Empirical Imperialists go figure lmao.

Also you assume that everyone that promotes Marxism can't succeed under capitalism but I'll have you know that I'm a doctorate student at an R1 university and have correspondence with national policy wonks and high-level journalists who share my views.

You have successfully combined some horrible forms of 'making minimal effort' and 'trying too hard' to create what may be the shitiest copypasta ever posted on drama, if not reddit entirely.

In order to proceed in your shitposting life you need to work on combining some forms of 'lurking moar', 'completing college', 'reading non-anime', and/or 'firing a bullet through my medulla oblongata'.

It's up to you to decide which is easiest. With a proper noose and string, you can be unconscious before 30 seconds have passed. Lurking, college, and reading take a lot more effort.

no u

You know, I initially posted on drama because I hoped people would really shit on me. Really give me some vicious treatment. I want people to tell me I'm a fucking moron so that I'd cry in a corner and grow some thicker skin.

And now I generously provide you with this treatment and what do I get in response? 'no u'. It's really sad. I give and I give to others, but nobody reciprocates. You grow a tougher skin and I sit here and wallow as my liver gradually scars more and more.

It's really sad how this crypto-hate sub throws such soft blows at rude shitheads like myself.

I'm going to go take a bunch of benedryl and cry myself to sleep, probably cutting my paper-thin skin on the cotton bed sheets in the process.

You're a coward, there's no other way to say it, you're a complete and utter coward. That's the only way to describe someone that posts the way you do.


All you're posts are utter drivel that I can't pay attention to past the first fucking word. The only thing exceptional about them is how unexceptional they are. So yeah, I replied "no u" because that's all you deserve.

And finally I'm a new account you made and this whole thread has been samefagging for karma? NO

This is pure shit-posting something you fags can only dream of, you need a schizophrenic mindset and a high wpm to just keep spewing word after word! If you slow you're going to miss the start of your Dota game the clock is on the team is yelling at you. GOT TO GO BYE

I'm stealing this.

Awesome copypasta.

An individual that travels to other countries should understand their culture and history before going.

/u/KomeradObnobs does that apply to migrants too?

He said other countries, not your mayo country. Obviously.

15 years for a poster? Just a few days ago a black woman in the US was fatally shot in her apartment infront of her children when she called the police to report a burglary. Funny how American's tend to speak on the human rights abuses that go on in every country but their own.

Flair is Mao.

Also, it's not just a matter of "stole a poster = 15 years", it's more like "a citizen of an imperialist nation, that constantly threatens annihilation, deliberately defacing a political display of an isolated and defensive nation that is currently at armistice with it = 15 years". Big big difference.

Sweet Jesus. These people exist.

/u/Lvthnspwn reminder that Mao killed more muslims than the average alt-righter could ever dream of.

Uyghurs are forgotten victims.

The US has already talked about implementing a travel ban to the DPRK

We banned travel to Cuba but not North Korea? Are we retarded?


oh right, i forgot lol

sorry, for liberal news but I think this will end badly. The US has already talked about implementing a travel ban to the DPRK and I won't be surprised if the DPRK gets a full embargo placed on it like Cuba. If you were planning on travelling there, I would strongly encourage you to make plans sooner than later.

Who in god's name wants to travel to North Korea? Also what the fuck do they have that we want anyway? Yaks? Rice Paddies? Crippling depression?

The types that are completely delusional and want to act out against their parents

/u/KomeradObnobs cannot be older than 15

Who in god's name wants to travel to North Korea?


Also what the fuck do they have that we want anyway?

Slave labor.

slaves smaller than 5 feet aren't good slaves.

Willy Wonka begs to differ.

Also dark tourists who like to travel to war zones / favelas / authoritarian regimes to get their rocks off.

I feel bad for the kid and his family but why in the fuck would you go to North Korea. Im sorry you have to realize you are taking some sort of risk there

I don't get the people who want to go to these dangerous places. There was also some mayo who got killed hitchhiking in Syria.

Fuck that shit. If I want a wild adventure I'll take my ass to Six Flags. Beers and 'coasters, yee haw.

this amerikan settler died under USA custody, and therefore its the DPRK's fault?

these imperial propagandists will say anything

Yeah, those commies were alive and well when they exited the helicopter. It was the ocean that killed them.

They know what they're doing.

It's documented the Soviets kicked people about to die out of gulags so that today's communists can say "gulags were not that bad, only 20% of people died".