It's an illness that affects dozens of young people online and of which there exists no cure. All you can do is palliative care with pepes and YouTube videos from Anti-SJW channels until they meet their natural end choking on a Cheeto while watching a "Lets play" FNAF YouTube video.
The only cure is having one or more responsible parent or guardians who limit and/or removes internet access and perhaps in conjunction with professional therapist(s) and exercise, teaches the child how to behave.
The world is facing a major future crisis with a few of these stupid kids who grew up on the chans and reddit and without proper parental discipline and supervision. I know it would cut down on the amount of drama, but the world would be a better place if this were happening in general.
Seriously though, while your suggestions would reduce the number of cases it would never completely eliminate it. Legitimately mentally handicapped people will still cling to shit like kekistan as long as they have access to a computer.
I oftentimes think that incels are totally in the wrong and they could obviously find someone compatible if they were kind and understanding. And then I see this fucking abomination. No matter how beautiful a personality he might've had, he's always been doomed. And that is what drove him to this place.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-06-21
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a 30blues 2017-06-21
n/a TheJum 2017-06-21
I m pretty sure Snappy achieved sentience a while back, probably around the same time Trump was elected.
n/a Thhueros 2017-06-21
Trump is Snapshillbot.
Smh at all these "progressives" who denigrate our first AI president.
n/a JakeArrietaGrande 2017-06-21
n/a Fat_Dumb_Americans 2017-06-21
Never heard of her
n/a aonome 2017-06-21
(Seriouspost) Why would someone do this?
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-06-21
It's an illness that affects dozens of young people online and of which there exists no cure. All you can do is palliative care with pepes and YouTube videos from Anti-SJW channels until they meet their natural end choking on a Cheeto while watching a "Lets play" FNAF YouTube video.
n/a shaneoffline 2017-06-21
You've never heard of mayocide?
n/a TheJum 2017-06-21
Hey, I resemble that!
Cheetos suck tho. Why would anyone fucking even? It's like eating packing peanuts covered with cheese-flavored corn dust.
n/a WorseThanHipster 2017-06-21
prescription strength mayocide
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-06-21
That just eliminates the symptoms but never actually cures the disease unfortunately.
n/a CrushedBlackPepper 2017-06-21
The only cure is having one or more responsible parent or guardians who limit and/or removes internet access and perhaps in conjunction with professional therapist(s) and exercise, teaches the child how to behave.
The world is facing a major future crisis with a few of these stupid kids who grew up on the chans and reddit and without proper parental discipline and supervision. I know it would cut down on the amount of drama, but the world would be a better place if this were happening in general.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-06-21
SuperAutism uh, finds a way.
Seriously though, while your suggestions would reduce the number of cases it would never completely eliminate it. Legitimately mentally handicapped people will still cling to shit like kekistan as long as they have access to a computer.
n/a CrushedBlackPepper 2017-06-21
So, they should have no internet access. Simple.
n/a blacknblue12 2017-06-21
get caught up in the moment and think its funny
n/a happyorangejuce 2017-06-21
I oftentimes think that incels are totally in the wrong and they could obviously find someone compatible if they were kind and understanding. And then I see this fucking abomination. No matter how beautiful a personality he might've had, he's always been doomed. And that is what drove him to this place.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-06-21
With a better haircut and minus the cringelord pose he'd be kind of cute in a nerdy way.
n/a Knaveofjacks 2017-06-21
The fuck is happening in this picture?
n/a SpotNL 2017-06-21
A generation growing up on the internet.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-06-21
This is what happens when parents are drunks and don't pay enough attention to their kid
n/a grafton29 2017-06-21
Someone choose the red pill
n/a snallygaster 2017-06-21
grow up on internet
be complete loser
find /pol/
/pol/ answers fears and insecurities, blames them on external factors that aren't your fault
develop belief system through memes, disembodied statistics, youth-oriented propaganda, and thought-terminating cliches
completely disconnect from reality
fail to understand that /pol/ memes are absolutely embarrassing to regular people and use them in real life
take a picture with memes
proudly share it with fellow losers online
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-06-21
You look a lot hotter than i pictured you
n/a Wordshark 2017-06-21
n/a FrostBittenSalsa 2017-06-21
r/beholdthemasterrace is leaking, someone plug it before t_d gets a whiff and comes running
n/a ProphetRith 2017-06-21
A literal milk drinker lmfao