Can deformed babies be laughed at? Can gay men be incels? r/awfuleyebrows has the answers!

17  2017-06-22 by Ravensthrowit


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Allowing posts like this is akin to bullying by proxy. The only difference is that you're all cowards doing it anonymously—a bunch of adults mocking an infant for their physical appearance with 0 accountability. Why do you think that's OK?

Because /u/baitnik is really, really, funny.

Thanks for tagging me? Is this your alt Aryada?

/u/baitnik just lacks a sense of humor

The only difference is that you're all cowards doing it anonymously

I'll mock a baby to their face. I don't give a fuck.

The complete shit shows that start over absolutely nothing are always my favourite. Bonus points for completely irrelevant incel discussion, I love how that sub ends up being the centre of of an argument that couldn't have had less to do with it.

I love how that sub ends up being the centre of of an argument that couldn't have been further removed from the original subject.

That sub has been shitty for awhile now.

Strong opinions on a sub about eyebrows

Yeah I wouldn't have wasted so much time replying and getting so derailed by the OP if I hadn't been drunk sitting next to my pool in 96 degree heat.

My only point was that the sub is supposedly about mocking bad MUAs and over-tweezed Avon moms and the occasional under-groomed hairy creature, and that we should probably avoid bullying a less than year-old baby, even if it is anonymously by proxy and the kid may never see it.

It's supposedly even in their rules. It was funnier back when it was about Tumblr queens and overconfident instagram influencers. I don't really feel good and tingly about mocking kids.

Mention your pool one more time.

my pool, my pool, my pool, my pool. There's one mention for every pool I own. enjoy the multi-reddit circlejerk big boobs 6' atl beast.

You're unhinged and I suggest therapy.

"I strongly suggest therapy" aka, "I am currently in therapy and deflecting."

I might be unhinged, but I'm rich so it's irrelevant.

Was is the handicap placard that clued you in?

might be unhinged, but I'm rich so it's irrelevant.

Post bussy stuffed full of $100's to prove it.

babies are fucking ugly sacks of potatoes and I would give anything for them to have a brief miracle of language comprehension so I could call them ugly to their face and they'd understand me and not just drool and grin like the retards they are

Do you hate fuck children?

Wait, so she whines when people make fun of her appearance then goes on to make fun of an infant? What a hypocritical bitch.

If you are gay and not backing your bussy to a glory hole to provide relief for married men then you are not involuntary choose not to serve your purpose.