
7  2017-06-22 by glmox


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Hey /u/PhysicsIsMyMistress pepper ur bussy for my kikey cock



this but unironically

I don't hate jews, I just dislike israel

Is one of those things that goes down like

I don't hate blacks, I just dislike black culture.

Either way I don't imagine you'll be inviting many of them to your BBQ.

But palestine

Doesn't even blip the radar with all the horrible shit going on in the world. Every year the Us kills more Afghanis then Israel kills palestinians, yet hell would freeze over before any of the BDS movement would consider boycotting or leaving the united states. The anti-israel movement is at best hypocrisy and at worse cover for bigotry.

criticising Israel isn't antisemitism

fuck Jews btw

PIMM fulfils the left-wing stereotype of claiming that they're only criticising Israel right before saying something antisemitic and somehow has no self-awareness. You can't make this shit up

/u/PhysicsIsMyMistress how can you be that retarded?

Where did I say fuck jews?