Nepotism Drama

12  2017-06-22 by HodorTheDoorHolder


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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This fits perfectly.

A drama queen is next in line to be king. This can only be bad for the world and good for people like us who just want entertainment.

It's the same as with Miley Cyrus.

She only got a recording contract because her sister is Hannah Montana.

Why are they all named Mohammed.

It's considered honorable to the Prophet to name your first son Muhammad (or a variant of it), and these Saudi's just don't know when to knock it off.

Christians are even this crazy about Jesus, and he was supposed to be god in human form.

Muhammad really has it made.

Christians don't do that because Jesus is God, and calling your child God would be blasphemous. Muslims don't call their kids Allah either (only Abdullah, which means Slave of Allah). They do name their kids after prophets, though.

Spanish/Portuguese do though, I don't know why its just them.

They're pretty much crypto-muslims anyway though.

yeah, filthy Moorish Iberians

Whoa, nepotism in a monarchy?

Well they're crypto Jews right? Maybe his nephew wasn't low key enough.