In a post about false rape accusations, someone relates his story were he makes false rape accusations accusations, leading others to make false rape accusations accusations accusations against him. My head hurts.

15  2017-06-22 by IAintThatGuy


Dude fuck you. I just replied to your serious post arguing about how boo hoo we should give that retarded fuck the benefit of the doubt

Had I known you posted in this cesspool I would have just asked you to post bussy and forgotten all about this obvious faggotry

Dude fuck you. I just replied to your serious post arguing about how boo hoo we should give that retarded fuck the benefit of the doubt

We should throw him a parade.

I was thinking of a party at a strop club but then we pay all the whores to accuse him of rape

What? You can't rape a whore, cops know that.

I just replied to your serious post arguing

That's where you fucked up famalam

/u/ownersinc and /u/IAintThatGuy, you should both be raped as punishment for this faggotry.

And people say romance is dead 😍

I'm not saying yes in advance, but I'm open to hearing what you have in mind.

Basic PIB, maybe lube, some restraints with basic humiliation. Water sports if the moment seems right.

Somehow your username makes me think that once I'm tied up something very different is going to happen.

My cunning plan has been foiled once again

Well, I see you're definitely a cunt.

Welcome aboard, you'll fit in just fine.

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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It's all lies. But if you call someone a liar without good reason, and you're wrong, then what? I mean, most of us would be fine with it, but your average redditor would be crying into his or her pillow for days. These are the kinds of people who put their hands over their ears when the embarrassing parts of movies come on.

My favorite comment is from /u/tsiru12, where they insist that the OP must actually be a rapist, because a guy could absolutely never get falsely accused twice.

But if a woman has a history of accusing all of her boyfriends of rape (always after the breakup), it's totally true that they're all monsters...

Well, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, to be falsely accused of rape once may be regarded as a misfortune; for it to happen multiple times looks like a real Cosby situation.

They think bad people are all bad

This comment chain has some serious headscratcher comments

even if that guy were lying or embellishing there are still lessons to be learnt here.

No! No there's not! Where do people get the idea that making up random shit for victim points 'opens up a discussion'?

The only thing it opens a discussion up on is that such bad thing never happens and nobody should care about it. Jfc.