Vegans hatch a 1,000+ comment battle royale over chickens.

34  2017-06-22 by HuckleberryFN2187

Or should I say (((chickens)))?

Are you comparing Jews to chicken? Wtf

If you want to have a serious discussion then please stop masturbating.

Or maybe we wuz chickenz.

shoutouts to all of these responses comparing chickens to black people. Malcolm X would be so proud

Eating meat is literally "a kind of cruelty that only humans are capable of."

^ Rebuttal

Stolen from SRD:


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. (((chickens))) -,*,,

  3. we wuz chickenz -,*,,

  4. "a kind of cruelty that only humans... -,*,,

  5. -,*,,

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u/fnovd who are you to say I can't spend my good boy points on delicious chicken tendies with dipping sauce. Why would I waste gbp's on God damn chick peas. I don't even know the conversion rate for that.

Here's one reason.

Is it worth the risk?


this post brought to you by a paid vegan shill

😍😍😍Maybe if i can eat enough chicken I won't have to keep saving for plastic surgery to become a trap 😍😍😍 😘😘😘😘

Then you should try the Grade F "grungy backalley hooker" basket at KFC, now only $1.99 for two mangled thighs and two lopsided breasts, chock full of hormones.

I love how superior you act over brotein and yet I'd wager putting on a sweater is considered leg day for you.

as if I ever take of my carl sagan onesie... what am i, a fucking normie?


Yeah fam if you eat at KFC everyday then you gonna get pretty big breasts real soon from all that fat. Mirror is a really good source btw, real high quality. This article especially says literally nothing. Wow, I love veganism now, damn

Why shouldn't you treat animals like humans?

What is this mayo nonsense?

Link for that comment plz?

"You fucking lazy-ass cat! Fuck off, go get a job goddamn parasite."

"God DAMMIT Fido, why the fuck are you licking your own balls??!? Get out of my house, you goddamn pervert!"

"Hey ms elephant, your trunk is hella sex-ay, how about we go to my place and you can wrap those gorgeous gray ears around me."

"Fucking lazy beaner fucking iguana motherfucker, I told you, SPEAK ENGLISH or get the fuck out of my fields!"

I tried to answer, probably the outcome will be permaban.

That's really an interesting question. The long answer is: Why do we treat humans like humans? Why don't we kill them at will or do whatever we want? This is simple: because this way those who stay alive would have to spend immerse amount of efforts to self defense, those efforts could be spent on making the world better (working, producing things, etc). This is why societies where only physical strenght and ability to kill those who weaker is valued cannot compete with societies where law and order is enforced. In other words, if you treat humans like humans, you'll get a thriving society. Animals do not even closely benefit society the way average human does. Chickens don't work and don't increase GDP, nor they can create anything valuable besides their flesh. Society that will treat them as humans will not get any benefits from doing so, therefore, we may not treat them as humans and don't loose much.

not related but do you sometimes look at your nickname and cringe a bit (or a lot)?

Not untill you asked me.

making world a better place, one reddit comment at a time

But it's technically accurate, like Rain Man counting matches.

They're passing laws and stuff to have chimps considered humans in France but are those same chimps going to be charge with assault when they grab someone or indecency when they go outside with no pants on?

I mean, who wouldn't watch a 90-minute documentary about French chimpanzee prisons?

French chimpanzee prisons and French prisons are functionally the same.

idk, the chimps seem to take their cigarette drags with a bit more ennui...


even worse, what if they convert to islam?

/u/Homozygote If you think only humans are capable of large scale cruelty then you need to get your sheltered ass over to the Serengeti and look how fucking cruel nature is.

Also, why haven't you switched over to the best source of protein in the world?

Name me one animal that keeps other animals locked up in tiny boxes for their whole lives after having mutilated them. Notice I said "cruelty that only humans are capable of."

Name me one animal that keeps other animals locked up in tiny boxes for their whole lives after having mutilated them.

Parasitic wasps you incredible fucktard - they paralyze their prey, throw it in a tiny tunnel then lay eggs inside it, so the wasp's young can eat the prey alive from the inside out.

The same but applied to human women by mind-controlling parasites that ooze aphrodisiac slime is also my fetish, pls no kinkshaming.

Lol, buncha losers here huh! Didn't even realise I was commenting in another sub. I'll be leaving soon, but just in case you honestly think your mention of an insect negates my point, do you really think the behaviour of a wasp excuses the behaviour of human beings? (Don't answer. This reply wasn't for you, and I won't even be notified.)

Lol, buncha losers here huh!

/u/Ultrashitpost, I think he's got you figured out lol

Awww no response so hides like a little whinge.


what did he mean by this?

A species of fungi that want to Make Mushrooms Great Again.

You do know that baboons are known to keep prey alive for extended periods of time and slowly tear it bit-by-bit using their opposable thumbs, right?Witness it ya fucking anemic, vitamin-deficient nu male.

If anything, humans offer to pray animals some of the most quick & painless deaths in nature by far.

Where in my comment did I mention death? The death doesn't matter. That's just the cherry on top of a life of horrible suffering for factory farmed animals.

As the person who brought them the drama: mid-twenties, medical student.

Can the mods flair him as vegan Faggot?

I reported this comment for making me cry!

Cool. Have fun not enjoying the best foods in life.

I reported this comment cause I was bored and I assume the /r/drama mods have nothing better to do than listen to me bitch.

Name me one animal that keeps other animals locked up in tiny boxes for their whole lives after having mutilated them. Notice I said "cruelty that only humans are capable of."

I would say that a lion slowly tearing a zebras body apart is a bit less humane than a human putting a spike through a cows brain.

As for the efficiency of it, I am sorry humans are the smartest animals and know how to farm effectively for a largw populations demands?

You will be dead in some decades, make vetter use of your time, we arent going to enter a vegan renaissance. Lol

Gombe Chimpanzee War

The Gombe Chimpanzee War (also known as the "Four-Year War" of Gombe), lasting from 1974 to 1978, was a violent conflict between two communities of chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, in Tanzania. The belligerent groups were the Kasakela and the Kahama, which occupied territories in the northern and southern areas of the park, respectively. The two had previously been a single, unified community, but by 1974 researcher Jane Goodall, who was observing the community, first noticed the chimps dividing themselves into northern and southern sub-groups. Later computer-aided analysis of Goodall's notes would reveal that the social rift between the two groups had been present as early as 1971.

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That's not brotein, you fucking liar

No it is, if you can keep it down.

Humans are the the only thing on the earth that can cause something to go extinct

Nah, certainly not. Killer whales caused the extinction of Megalodon, cyanobacteria caused the extinction of 90% of all life etc.

> caring about male chickens

I see the egg industry is making good progress towards manocide

Cluckicide is the first step towards a gynocentric utopia tbqhwyf

HOW did you not start that first thread off with the death threat and repetitions of "omniscum" a few parents up

Can't I make a (((joke))) in peace?

/u/fnovd You're in front of a burning house and you only have time to save one individual. You can either save a random guy who is stuck in there, or you can save a family of rats who are trying to escape.

Which one is worth more to you?

Is the guy a minority or white? Because it's important to my answer.

Considering mayos people

thanks, u/phedre. You did this.

Obviously, I would save the person. Rats are fucking nasty. But I don't think we should breed them by the billions just to watch them burn alive.

Who cares? Is the rat president going to file a grievance through the UN?

You don't fuck with the Rat King.

Rat king

A rat king is a term for a number of rats whose tails are intertwined and bound together by one of several possible mechanisms, such as entangling material like hair or sticky substances like sap or gum. The number of rats joined together varies from a few to as many as 30. Historically, the phenomenon is particularly associated with Germany, which produced many reported instances. Rat kings occur so rarely that they have sometimes been thought to be cryptids, but there are several well-attested modern occurrences.

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/r/vegan is probably the only subreddit that I would gas before /r/islam.

Only redditors I'd gas b4 u 2bh


What have they done to you? All there movement stands for won't effect you at all. Just sticking up for something they care about.

They both literally feel superior to those who are not in thir cult, claming high moral grounds and considering everyone else wrong. They are by all means a problem in long term, we have already seen similar things before.

So the conclusion is that we should start eating other people, right?

Only PK.

Save the chickens, eat Jews

/u/fnovd is my hero.

Compares eating meat to the fucking holocaust, then tries to justify it by saying holocaust survivors are vegans because of their experience. He provides a vegan link that actually says most survivors are carnivores. So when someone asks where the fuck he's getting his facts from he answers with:

God spoke to me in a vision.

Not eating meat must really fuck with your brain.

You're a fucking moron. I compared factory farming practices to the Holocaust, not eating meat.

Eating meat must really fuck with your brain.

First I'll say I know cows are actually somewhat smart creatures and have emotions and best friends and stuff, I do feel somewhat bad about eating them I've taken care of pigs, sheep, goats, and ducks, I feel somewhat bad about eating all of them as they all were pretty cool. I have also taken care of chickens, I do not feel the slightest bit bad about eating them

Well, I've heard chickens are seriously mean to each other.