Fatpeoplehaters seem happy that "fat sack of shit Clinton" isn't president. People get triggered when someone points out Trump is even fatter, and Obama is fit.

29  2017-06-23 by IAintThatGuy


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Wasn't voat running out money?

Not yet apparently.

I guess they got a lot of donations when TD took the day off.

I think I need to find a way to cash in on outraged right wingers. They always seem so ready to throw money around so long as it pisses off liberals

Clinton looks fatter in those photos than she does now. At her current weight Clinton is probably somewhere between healthy and overweight.

Trump is clearly obese.

These people are morons.

> tfw your hate of fat people conflicts with worshiping your god king.

These people are morons.

Did anyone ever doubt that?

Fuck I miss fph

They're still on voat but it seems they caught retardation during the migration.

The didn't catch it, it just condensed. Voat is simply the refinery for autism.

It's basic math.

One pound of fat on a man is like three pounds of fat on a woman.

So a man would need to be at least three times fatter to be fatter than a woman to be fatter than her, since the only purpose women serve to society is to look pretty.