/r/painal debates whether they should stick to posting videos of boring consensual sex.

23  2017-06-23 by IAintThatGuy


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Pretty bad when you start getting outfoxed by a redpiller.

In my two and a half decades of experience as a Memer that lead to publishing more than twenty essays on Memes, several in magazines you might even give a shit about, most practicing memers are so shitty at being really memey that they have to use bad punctuation and grammar because THEY NEVER LEARNED TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IRONY AND POST-IRONY.

The sort of person who pompously barges into a forum and declares its userbase to be in need of mental health help is precisely the sort of arrogant ass who needs to make sure he can hear his sub screech "REEE!" because he's not in enough control of himself to be able to see where the line is.

Ignore the troll. He'll depart.

I am the troll. I didn't depart. They did delete my post though.

Everyone on Reddit can see the man who CALLS himself a dominant LOSING HIS TEMPER over words on a screen. They can see him inaccurately reading and parsing text written by other people. They can see him resorting to ad hominem attacks rather than attempting to use reason. On the other side they can see the guy who has never lost his temper, spoken respectfully, and kept complete control of himself through the entire conversation. Everyone reading this can tell EXACTLY who the dominant is. If you need a hint: it's not you, and it won't be until you learn to control yourself. When you stop throwing out lines like "red pill reject" and stop calling people names you might begin to approach what an actual dominant IS. But, judging from what I have seen of your childish tantrum here, you have a very long way to go. We both know that in person you would never speak to me like that, so do not let that keyboard make you braver than you actually are. I disregard your submissive because she, like you, has no idea what she is talking about. You have convinced her that your overly emotional brand of abuse is dominance. Congratulations. When she wakes up and leaves you you will remember this conversation. Unfortunately, I am pretty much sick to death of dealing with these charming displays of inbred fuckery, so I am about to block you because frankly I just can't be bothered to deal with you anymore. That means that instead of coming to me to unscrew your life when you finally realize just how foolish you have been, you will no longer have that option and must find someone else. Later, tater.

u/SirKolbath, we both know that in person you wouldn't speak to me like that. You'd be respectful and call me 'Sir', when I allowed you to address me directly. We both know that you'd prefer to earn that right, and that you aren't worthy of addressing me on reddit, let alone in real life, but since you need correction so badly I'll allow it so that you can learn how to be a good girl.

You may speak now.

Can't... Speak... Too busy... Laughing at you...

do you have autism

Do you even have to ask

That and the choking on cock I'd imagine. Mmm, imagining it now. Post bussy.

Even the normies see you for the joke you are. You are totally the copy pasta Dom.

Ooooh this turned out to be a juicy piece of vintage drama. Thanks buddy, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Pompous pseudo doms really do make the best lolcows, glad you stopped by.

Are they arguing that they should be allowed to post literal rape, or videos where the guy slips it in the backdoor during a consensual encounter?

Both are hot tbh

"""""Accidentally""""" in this case

The crux of the issue is that video. The cunt in it apparently didn't agree to anal beforehand, but when the guy rammed a dildo taped to a stick in her asshole, she didn't use her safeword for fear on not getting work after.

So in a later interview she cried about how she felt raped because she chose not to use a pre-defined way to get out the situation.

Then the experts at /r/painal have recurring debates whether that video should be allowed. But the mods don't remove it when posted (because it's from an old movie, legit shoot, the actress complained but did not press charges or push the issue apart from saying she "felt" raped and did not want to tap out...).

Weeks earlier there was what seemed an actual rape that got posted (a white crackwhore looking bitch with two BBC). She cried "no, please stop" the whole time, and kind of ran crying out of the room when the guys let go of her after a few minutes, and it didn't sound like she was acting. So there were heated debates about that one too (but the mods removed it).

>the cunt in it apparently didn't agree to anal beforehand

>didn't agree to anal

>the guy rammed a dildo in her asshole

>didn't agree to anal

and you're mad at the woman lmao? go ram a glass dildo up your asshole, your mother should have swallowed you

She got mad because she didn't feel like using her safe word, because it would mean she might lose the job to another woman who would be willing to do it better.

I'm not just making an ironic r/drama joke. Literally kill yourself, no one will miss you.

The world needs me. I haven't peaked yet.

Unfortunately this is it. This is you.

Jesus, you are a terrible fucking person.

She said it herself! I've gotta find this interview. It was part of a documentary on this porn studio that specialized in BDSM.

I believe that she said that she was afraid of using her safe word because she didn't want to lose out on work; it's your use of the word "better" that's disgusting here. Plus, you know, just your way of talking about her in general.

"Better" means better at this specific job. If you're going to be a garbageman, you need to not be afraid to handle garbage. If you're going to be a BDSM actress who doesn't take it up the pooper, someone else will, and she'll be hired instead of you.

Some actresses never do anal, but you have to have some kind of talent to afford that. If you start your career with extreme fetish stuff, it probably means you couldn't hack it as a legit actress, and then couldn't do it as a "mainstream" porn star, and so on... until you end up duct taped to the floor but suddenly you feel like you're too good to take it up the ass (but don't want to say no because else you'll have to find another career since you're already at rock bottom).

Her mouth was taped shut. She couldn't use a safeword. If you're going to comment at least be accurate. When she flailed and thrashed enough to get his attention he threatened her with a cattle prod. She was a rank amateur that didn't know what she was getting into.

Apparently they have a way for her to tap out even with her mouth shut (she alluded to it in her interview).

Track those two dudes down and castrate them. Also bleach their skin idk

These are all great ideas.

No pornography that contains green sheets

No requests or instructions for videos that contain green sheets.

I have no idea what this is and I'm afraid to google.

The video debated here is from a well known series of legit professional BDSM pornos. Only in this one the actress complained after the fact that she was "scared" to use her safe word (she feared not getting any more gigs if the did), and did not want to do anal, so she "felt" raped. So the mods don't remove this video when posted, but some users feel like it's morally wrong.

This sub had other (amateur) videos posted where it really seemed like legit rape. Including the green sheets one.

And a threesome with a crackwhore looking gal yells to stop the whole time at two black guys DPing her (and holding her from both sides). Once they let go, she runs out crying. Her yells don't sound like acting (and it's a few minutes long), so does her body language.

So these two videos get removed on the spot by mods, and generated debates in their time (but since the mods kill those videos or requests for them on sight, it's not as controversial now).

So green sheets was a video or was it a type of video from a stuido?

I think it was a specific video, but maybe a series from an amateur shooting in the same bed? With amateur stuff you also have people cutting clips from videos and so on, so I'm not sure.

Over 56,000 subscribers. Please someone explain to me why all men do not deserve to be run over by a bus. Women and girls wield precisely zero power in this world; what makes you all so angry with us that you invent this.

Please for the love of gaia stick to bussy and sex dolls and fleshlights and waifus.

>getting upset about bdsm in the year of our lord 2k17


that people just casually call women's widespread torture for male pleasure and profit 'bdsm' (and dudes, i know back in the day you codified it just for one another, but now you've made it everyone else's problem), which as i'm sure you know has never at all in history accompanied the rise of fascist movements, is a sign of how irredeemable men are as a class.

like r/physical_removal shows more compassion than the sexual politics of the year of our lord 2k17.

ohh youre a gc poster now i understand

well you are right that men are worthless and should be genocided/enslaved but it's not because sadism exists lol

eh, I give the gc posters a break, as they'll at least help with the trannys on the day of the rope.

as they'll at least help with the trannys on the day of the rope.

No they won't. They'll let the men do the heavy lifting, and after the fact complain that they would have helped but patriarchy didn't let them.

Is that copypasta? Or do you really care about women?

yes. i do in fact care about women's and children's intestinal tracts not being fucked out of their bodies just because men are in a huff about a few women not having complete chattel status. i'm funny that way.

Total feminazi.

You certainly are interesting, making left-wing and right-wing subs alike hate you with your TERFism.

excuse you, i am banned from both enough_sanders_spam and r/hillaryclinton as well; the centrists hate me as well. pretty sure r/askreddit would ban me, too, based on my controversial 'the sexual torture of women and children is bad' stance.

Males were a mistake

Well. I'm a man and I made the post that told them if they were seeking out real nonconsensual porn they had a problem. Do I too deserve the bus treatment?

a) "consent" is a meaningless concept in a violent patriarchal regime.

b) you post in that sub, and watching the films there that depict the real-life rape and torture of women make you orgasm. mr. hands' death would be too dignified for you; you deserve a rifle shoved so far up your ass it comes out of your throat.

c) there is no god. it's a fucking brief candle. and yet you and your fellow men are determined to make every aspect of a woman's existence so hellish that she wishes the goddamn fruit tasted like ash instead of shit.

a) so the implication here is that all sex is rape. Is that what you're saying?

b) my partner and I both commented on this thread in that sub telling people that seeking this type of material is unhealthy and wrong. It's the only post either of us have ever made there. Does she too deserve the rifle treatment?

c) we're atheist so I agree on the first bit. My partner on the other hand would hopefully disagree. You should ask her.

a) "consent" is a meaningless concept in a violent patriarchal regime.

Thank you, I'm totally trying to get people to accept that idea but it's hard to convince anyone of that.

Sick username reference bro.

Please someone explain to me why all men do not deserve to be run over by a bus

Probably because men are the ones driving the busses

Women and girls wield precisely zero power in this world

Tell that to Hillary Clinton

Nice try. I am neither amused

It amuses me

/u/SirKolbath why do you have to lie? You know lying is a sign of weakness.

Maybe this is a coping mechanism for your ineffectual existence or maybe you're just a pussy.

He's a RedPiller; it's obviously both.

He needs to work on his alpha frame a bit, regardless. Wouldn't want his victims subs to know that he gets his knickers in a knot over internet posts.

Too many exes have asked me to jump out of their closets wearing ski masks to ever really judge anyone for their rape fantasies.

That said, anal is gross, and it makes everything smell like ass-squared for hours.