SRD gets pissy when it comes to Gambergrade. Episode 420

54  2017-06-23 by [deleted]


This is why we need mayocide.


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Damn skippy.

What aren't they pissed off about anymore?


Even white woman feminism?

Zoe/Brianna/Anita are running cons, and Anita seems to be the only one actually making a living off of it. Allison Rapp was fired for hooking (right, /u/chewinchawingum?) Gamergate spawned KiA & /r/GamerGhazi, with the two dumbest non-SRD userbases on this site, and seemed to be the turning point that made the progressive subs go fucking batshit. How can one dumb whore abusing and cheating on her boyfriend cause so much damage?

They made the mistake of taking on gamers. Gamers, people who like to play games. Play games and win them. They will grind for hours because their weak psychology has been manipulated. They will stay indoors for days, even weeks on end. They will pay for downloadable content that was in fact included with the initial purchase but needs more money to unlock. They will all act like they are the most arrogant fourteen year old you've ever met. Gamers. Cheeto crumbs. Mountain Dew. This is who they tried to fight.

Just thing, if only we could put all that autism to use doing some good, we could become gods in this universe

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

This is a copypasta, but it does get to the problem for SJWs with that group: The SJWs were going to want to move on and colonize another group, but the gamers were literally NEVER going to let them move on. They were never going to give up. These are idiots who spend all of their time playing games that make no difference in their lives, despite endless deaths and frustration, and the fact that it is destroying both their minds and their bodies. They didn't care if the SJWs shamed them--they shame themselves on a regular basis. They didn't care if the SJWs ridiculed them--everyone does that. Take away that, and what tool do the SJWs have?

inb4 I know it's meant to be satire but the idea of you typing these things out, putting thought into how you can make yourself sound like the most unbelievably autistic 15 year old, is a bit sad really. I mean you probably think it's funny and when you get responses like this you chuckle to yourself and think 'ha, got'em' but I just don't quite understand where that gratification comes from, that seems really weird to me. Like you spend time in public walking around shouting 'BLEG BLEH IM RETARDED BLUGH BLARH' and look at all the weird looks you're getting, and thinking to yourself 'ha, I bet they think I'm retarded'. Like of course they do, why wouldn't they? That's the normal response? I dunno I think maybe you should just stop posting for a few weeks and see if you can forget about it? I think it's kind of detrimental to you on a social level. This isn't how people are meant to interact. Maybe go try hanging out with some of your friends more often or focus on your studies or career or whatever you're doing. I just hope you don't get to the point where you're missing out on spending time with others to post here. You don't know and never will know most of these people buddy. Why does whether or not they think you're funny really matter?


haha, how can autism be used as an insult? Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance) Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism. I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn something I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it. Every ear I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it. I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done in 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done. I used to get paid £30 an hour working online, which is more than the teaching assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them So in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case it makes me highly gifted. One more thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy, etc. haha, the most satisfying thing is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift and that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction. I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.

I bet you're a filthy mayo.

Did I hit a nerve?

Welcome to the permablock, armchair warrior.

I saw someone saying that gamer gate jumpstarted the alt right on the internet as well which would be funny as hell if true

Anita Sarkeesian is the true reason Trump won.

How can one dumb whore abusing and cheating on her boyfriend cause so much damage?

When two conditions are met the perfect storm of autistic rage will be created.

  1. You need be a proto-Incel with all the underlying mommy issues and a deep resentment towards women for not touching your pee-pee.

  2. You must be a sperg who is both incapable of letting anything go and is very easily offended.

Then when any woman shits on something you like, such as that terrible Ghostbusters remake, you can go off and harass them with your full power level.

So you think psychological abuse is okay so long as a rich white feminist woman does it?

If you have a problem with them, do you have a problem with the white feminists who wanted to lynch Tiger Woods for cheating (while not abusing his wife), at the same time they claimed that it was slut-shaming to criticize a woman for cheating on and mind-fucking her boyfriend?

That's what gets me--the same people who screamed slut shaming over this wanted to lynch a black athlete for the same crime entirely because he was male.

Everyone involved in goobergate is fucking retarded, no exemptions. Also, stop pretending it ever was about morals or ethics. AAA titles have been bribing reviewers for good reviews since forever, you just REEEEEE'd because someone suggested you play a free game their female friend made and y'all hate women because none of them like you.

I don't give two shits what that weird tranny and the blue haired chick did, if you spergs just would have ignored them they would have gotten zero fame and would be completely forgotten by now. But spergs can't do that, so once again you're beating some horse from 2014 like it's still relevant.

Keep in mind all of this was over fucking vidya, the literal definition of a waste of time.

lol someone is still butthurt about goobergate

Someone being overly dramatic about something in my drama? It's more likely than you would think.

Call me when you get over your obsession with a half decade old internet culture war

He says while non-ironically defending vidya from dem evil feminists.

One day future generations will build you a statue to celebrate your contribution to unbiased reviews for loli sidescrolling dating sims.

lol the funniest thing about retarded autists like you is that you assume everyone who opposes you is a gamergater

Whoever defends autistics should see to it that in the process he does not become an autistic. And if you gaze long enough into gamergate, the autism will gaze back into you.

Too late for you

What's funny about this is you're saying I'm butthurt but you're the one rushing to the defense of goobergate after I wrote something bad about it. Really activates my almonds🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I'm the one mocking you for being a pathetic shit who actively cares about Gamergate. Don't reproduce and keep yourself safe

Haha alright champ. Keep whiteknighting goobergate and thinking you're not autistic.

We're in /r/Drama, the whole point is to bait each other into getting mad over shit. I wrote crap about goobergate and you got maaaadddd over it.

Nonironically kill your self

Neither of you are autistic, but both of you are incredibly retarded.


lol what a waste of a sperm and egg

Literally no one defended it here. You just have some imagined jerking to do. Maybe find some animal porn? That seems more to your tastes.

Maybe find some animal porn? That seems more to your tastes.

Fucking what? Insults have to be relevant bby

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They scare and think everything is Nazi so easy. "I'm laughing at a human nugget arguing with Briana Wu. Oh no now I'm goose stepping and screaming SEIGE HEIL." Muh literal Nazi diagrams.

Some guy called me gay on the internet, time to find him and give him a captain america anti-nazi special.

I'm embarrased to admit I loosely followed GG for a while, but I think it's time to finally admit my sins and move forward.

Also because this is factually incorrect

They also claimed it was a journalistic ethics issue and proceeded to only attack the dev rather than any of the journalists that supposedly compromised their ethics.

It's basically been a lie from the start.

IIRC a few sites lost some of their advertisers and some sites made it a "rule" to include if they knew/were friends with someone they were mentioning in an article and other "ethical" shit, due to or at least during the whole GG thingymabob.

Soz for cyrs posting

funnily enough most GGers (I am an avid poster of KIA) actually abandoned the Journalistic ethics after awhile realizing they could do so much more and spread their autism far and wide(my words). while ethics is a focus they decided that journalism has roots much darker then just gaming, so they moved on to MSM and other shite because why the hell not which is why its weird that they focus so much on the early GG when for most of it GG really does not care about that stuff except when it's inacurate or when shit posting is involved.

Everytime I see "Note: this writer worked for XYZ back in the day but we swear it has nothing to do with this article" or some such I'm reminded of gamergate... it fucking won didn't it? Makes sense that they'd move on to something else, exactly what happens with every movement with a goal that somehow meets it.

I thought that the main driving force for the growth of Gamergate was less the initial thing with Quinn and more a reaction towards the weird slew of 'Gamers are dead' articles that followed, all released with a few days of each other from multiple gaming news outlets.

That was the thing that made me kind of go 'huh, what's with the gaming press literally attacking their own market?' I also followed the Kotakuinaction subreddit a little in the early days, since it was a place where a lot of the information was centralized. I never really cared about the shit with Quinn, but the hypocrisy of people like Anita Sarkeesian who literally ripped off all her kickstarter backers, barely providing any of the promised videos, and the general hostility of the gaming press towards people who game at the time were things that kinda annoyed me.

After a few months to a year I felt like that trend had basically phased out and (regardless of what gamergate did or did not do) things went mostly back to normal and it seemed the trend of hostility basically evaporated. At that point, gamergate didn't really have a reason to exist any more, but like any movement, I guess they had to clutch to their identity.

lets all refuse to figure out what a thing is and then wonder in earnest about why were entirely ineffective at countering it

The irony of believing that the cabal of shadowy alt right has extended their grubby hands to take over subs is rich coming from a sub that was taken over by SRS and refuses to acknowledge it despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Also, how can the alt right simultaneously be dumb preteen trolls with too much time on their hands AND a highly intelligent social engineering boogeyman threatening the very integrity of reddit and the world itself. Which is it, then?

Propoganda doesn't need to make sense. At-home means ((them)).

You know that phrase donald trump is pretty sure he coined, "priming the pump?" That was what gamergate was for.

/u/jerkstorefranchisee, you know those retards who talk about how this or that is "cultural marxism" designed to help the "(((globalists)))" bring about the "new world order"? that's what you sound like, except even worse, because youre also still whining about gamergate, which is literally the saddest thing a person could be doing in fucking 2017

have you seen kotakuinaction? The venn diagram for the alt-right types and gamergate types is just a big ol circle

/u/aeatherx lol Imagine taking vidya this seriously, and also fearing the alt right "le kekistan" types

GG won, can we please stop talking about it now? Gawker's dead, the FCC introduced new rules, and people care about gaming journalists even less than they did before now.

Most of that SRD thread, ans SRD in general now, are comments from heavy posters of ShitRedditSays or retarded anti-trump subs like MarchAgainstTrump.

Why did you allow that to happen, r/srd.

There are also posters from a very broke subreddit that appears to be circle of 2.

That's what happens when you have rules meant to protect feelings in a drama sub.

SRD's always had that kind of bias. I was banned there years ago for saying something they didn't like.

Srd shoud be renamed into conspiracy2.......

Sorry but it pisses me the fuck off how freely they call people Nazis. So incredibly short sighted and disrespectful. It's like they're personally trying to make the word have less power and meaning. The Holocaust was a horrible tragedy beyond imagination yet no one gives a shit, they're just happy to get a new word to throw at each other. They all need to go visit a concentration camp museum to instill some humanity in them, maybe after they've seen the ovens they'll stop calling gamergators Nazis.

Honestly disgusting to be honest, they've made the word devoid of all meaning. I'll never forget the 6 million victims + countless others but they definitely have

Nice copypasta, m8

Concheria 60 points 1 day ago

Almost every sub that used to be even mildly critical of the left four years ago has been radicalized by the alt-right. r/tumblrinaction, r/kotakuinaction, etc... They've all been infested by alt-righters for a while, and the only sane people left a while ago

Last I checked /r/TumblrlnAction it was crawling with trannies, not "alt-right".