Cringeanarchy has a civil discussion on the KKK and the Democrat Party

22  2017-06-24 by betazoom78


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Every time someone posts that Demuhcrats is KKK, it's always projection

The funny thing is that the older ones grew up during the time when white southerners made the switch from dem to rep. It's history from their lifetime and they somehow can't even get that right.

It's always intentional

I suppose it has to be

They were called Dixiecrats and they were the dumb, poor farmers who didn't have a pot to piss in but had time in their day to hate their black neighbors.

Yup, and the ones still living never forgave LBJ

They're just jealous of his dick size

It took a mayo president confident in their dick size to sign that bill

I just assume all racists are compensating

Jumbo was the best fucking part of LBJ.

ole tricky johnson



He did kill Kennedy after all.

I was just tying to point that out and I kinda went off the rails.

Do better next time

Most likely won't be a next time. "You can bring a horse....". They are so calcified in their views no amount of evidence would change their minds.

Wow. I just read the link you attached. Makes much more sense now.

dude, just contact your neighbors and ask them to air out the place when they're making curry

Or I can just put up with it for 2 more months and move away to somewhere whiter.

this is the most beta thing i've ever read

To tell you the truth... I don't even really care.

I mean we beat the shit out of liberals like you during the elections. We beat the shit out of liberals like you in every election since as well. We continue beating the shit out of you by destroying obama care, dropping out of that stupid Paris climate bullshit, activating the Dakota Pipeline, making massive cuts to the UN, telling Europe to go fuck itself, and so many other different ways.

We also get endless entertainment as liberals have nervous breakdowns and cry in 1 of 100 different "we hate Trump" subreddits or crying videos on youtube or the MSM getting shit on almost daily...

So I'm rather entertained right now, but you and yours... omg are you ever triggered. Hey do you cry before bed worrying about how we're going to fuck you over next? Cause we are going to continually fuck you over.

u/Hexi_Nova Ty for the fresh pasta.

holy shit i'm getting this made into a poster

but unironically!

Is everyone there 12? Do they not remember what a southern democrat is?

Does no one listen to song of the south anymore? Jesus.

I have to wonder if the guys in Alabama still believe in that stuff, though.

/u/Naptownfellow you are far, far too old to be posting on cringeanarchy, much less be getting in dumb slapfights with its charity cases. christ, man, get it together

Agreed. The "Clinton likes the KKK" crap just pisses me off because it's so fake. Hard not to comment on it.

Mockery works better than anger.

gj on the weight loss tho

Thanks. Never felt better.

Considering most of them don't want to learn I'm gonna stick with normal places to comment. My dog is sick and I had just been up since 2am and was wasting time on Reddit when I came across that. I actually shook my head and moved on and then it just kept eating at me (lack of sleep I guess) and I went back and commented on the pic being fake. Big mistake. Oh well. Live and learn. Have a good night. ✌🏼❤️😃

The KKK likes Clinton though.

cringeanarchy continuing the trend of being more autistic than the people they make fun of

Anarchy tend to end in authoritarian Nazism

Really made me think.

as opposed to liberal Nazism?

That sub got fucking insanely racist really fast